
shāo shāng
  • burn;fire burn;empyrosis
烧伤 [shāo shāng]
  • [burn] 因火灼、电、腐蚀剂或放射线的作用而造成的身体损伤,其特征为不同程度的皮肤破坏与充血,常起水泡;在严重病例中可有组织烧焦,根据烧伤的范围与程度而分为一度、二度或三度烧伤

烧伤[shāo shāng]
  1. 地震灾害后成批烧伤病人的救治

    Remedy of Batches of Fire Burn Patients Suffering from Earthquake

  2. 在烧伤处包上无菌敷料。

    Cover the burn with an antiseptic dressing .

  3. 你的手似乎烧伤很重。

    Your hand looks badly burnt .

  4. 如果是严重烧伤,就得去看医生。

    If you are badly burnt , seek medical attention .

  5. 他身上三度烧伤的面积达98%。

    He suffered third-degree burns over 98 per cent of his body .

  6. 他从脖子到臀部均被烧伤。

    He had burns that stretched from his neck to his hips .

  7. 詹姆斯·贝尔在一次爆炸中被二度烧伤。

    James Bell suffered second-degree burns in an explosion .

  8. 女孩的父母试图扑灭大火的时候也被烧伤了。

    The girl 's parents were also burned as they tried to smother the flames .

  9. 昨晚,一场大火吞噬了一座高层建筑,两位消防员被烧伤。

    Two firemen were hurt in a blaze which swept through a tower block last night .

  10. 他全身烧伤。

    He received burns all over his body .

  11. 那孩子被人从大火中救出,但不久就死于严重烧伤。

    The child was rescued from the fire , but died soon after of terrible burns .

  12. 外科医生在我烧伤的指头上敷了一些药膏。

    The surgeon applied some ointment to my burnt fingers .

  13. 他的面部受二度烧伤。

    He suffered a second-degree burn on the face .

  14. 她的严重烧伤用植皮方法进行治疗。

    Her severe burns were treated with skin grafts .

  15. 三度烧伤常表现干燥,而且呈死白色或焦黑色。

    The third-degree burn is usually dry and dead white or charred in appearance .

  16. 她脸上有几处化妆性烧伤。

    There were cosmetic burns on her face .

  17. 我烧伤了手指。

    I burnt my finger .

  18. 我说,斯基,这是一个烧伤营。

    I said , Skey , it 's a burn camp .

  19. "还有其他烧伤的人。"

    Other people are there who have burns . "

  20. 烧伤者露营活动始于1988年。

    The burn camp started in 1988 .

  21. 他们说,她应该去一个专为烧伤孩子开放的营地。

    They said she should go to a camp for kids who had been burned .

  22. 从那以后,它一直在为那些有烧伤疤痕的孩子们提供一个星期的时间放松一下,让他们看起来和别人没什么两样。

    Since then , it has been offering children with bum scars a week of relief from looking different .

  23. 大火在她身体上18%的部位留下了烧伤疤痕,包括脸上、脖子上和手臂上。

    The fire left burn scars over 18 percent of her body , including on her face , neck and arms .

  24. 那孩子玩火柴时把手指烧伤了。

    The child scathe its fingers while playing with a match .

  25. 她的烧伤是用植皮方法进行治疗的。

    Her burns were treated with skin grafts .

  26. 烧伤患者血清对单核细胞核因子κB核移位的影响

    Effect of burn serum on the nuclear translocation of monocytic NF - κ B p50 / p65

  27. 烧伤、创伤后维生素A、E、C代谢变化及补给适宜剂量的研究

    The metaboli changes of vitamin a , e , c and adequate supplementation after burn

  28. 重症烧伤病人休克期监测胃粘膜pH值与预后关系的临床研究

    Early detection of morbidity and mortality after severe burn : predictive value of gastric intramucosal pH monitoring

  29. 烧伤后大鼠库普弗细胞的细胞因子mRNA表达变化;

    The postburn change in the expression of cytokine mRNA from rat Kupffer cells was monitored .

  30. 烧伤后红细胞损伤的机制&过氧化脂质、维生素E与溶血的关系

    Mechanism of Erythrocyte Damage after Burn Injury in Rats ; Relationship between Lipid Peroxides , Vitamin E and Hemolysis