
  • 网络performance security;Performance Guarantee;Performance Bond;guaranty of performance
  1. 为收购方提供收购履约担保,打消被收购方的收款疑虑。

    Provide performance guarantee for purchasers and dispel the doubts about the receiver 's receipt of payment .

  2. 为维护项目建设期的政府所有权利益,项目采用制定履约担保、采用合理合同价格、加强第三方检测三种措施保障项目所有权的有效实施。

    This paper suggests to safeguard the ownership interest in the means of the performance guarantee , adopting rational contract price and strengthening the third examination .

  3. 包括投标担保、履约担保、预付款担保等。

    It includes bidding guaranty , performance guaranty , advance payment guaranty and so on .

  4. 港口工程招标投标的担保一般包括投标担保、履约担保和预付款担保。

    Guarantees in tender and bidding process of port engineering generally include bid guarantee , fulfillment guarantee and advance payment guarantee .

  5. 指定的金融机构受客户委托代办即期和远期外汇买卖时,客户应当提供履约担保。

    When the designated financial agency is entrusted by a client to buy and sell spot or forward foreign exchange , the client shall provide performance guarantee .

  6. 经本公司审核同意,权证发行人可将履约担保标的证券或现金委托本公司保管。

    Upon the consent of the company , the warrant-issuer may entrust the company to keep the subject-matter securities or cashes which are adopted for guaranteeing the performance .

  7. 工程履约担保制度在公共工程中的试行效果及发展前景分析&基于对深圳、厦门工程担保制度的试点调查

    Pilot Results and Developmental Prospects Analysis of Performance Bond and Guarantee System in Public Projects & Based on the Survey of the Bond and Guarantee System Pilot in Shenzhen and Xiamen

  8. 如权证发行人同时委托我公司保管履约担保标的证券的,行权专用证券账户同时用于履约担保标的证券的保管。

    In case the warrant-issuer entrusts our company to deposit the subject-matter Securities for performance guarantee , the exclusive exercise securities account shall be appliedy to the depository of subject-matter Securities for the guaranteed performance .

  9. 在发行人资格的确定、标的资产的选择、备兑权证产品的创新、履约担保方式的改善、上市程序和做市商制度的完善等若干问题上提出了相应的补充和修改性建议。

    We put forward correspond suggestion about the following problems : publisher qualifications , the choice of object property , innovation of Covered warrant product , improving the guarantee way of fulfilling contract , procedure of entering market system etc.

  10. 通过对深圳、厦门推行工程担保制度试点情况的调查,本文着重对两地实施的强制性工程履约担保制度在公共工程中的试行效果进行了分析研究。

    Based on the survey for the pilot system of construction bonding in Shenzhen City & Xiamen City , the features and effects of construction performance bonding practices for public works in these two cities are concluded and analyzed .

  11. 须通过建立公司内部有关管理制度、争取银行履约担保、要求业主提供工程款支付担保等方式来降低保函风险。

    The risk of the bid guarantee can be reduced through establishing company 's internal relevant management systems , striving for the guarantee of the banks , requiring the owners to provide the guarantee for the payment of the construction .

  12. 权证存续期间,用于履约担保的标的证券或者现金出现权利瑕疵的,乙方应当及时披露,并采取措施使履约担保重新符合规定。

    In case the subject-matter securities or cashes adopted for guaranteeing the performance suffer deficient rights in the duration of the warrants , Party B shall make a timely disclosure and take measures so as to make the guaranteed performance meet the regulations once again .

  13. 本文指出建立工程保证担保制度,应该针对我国建设市场的现状重点强调承包商提供投标保证担保、履约保证担保、维修保证担保以及业主提供支付保证担保。

    This paper points out that our government should especially emphasize that contractor should offer bid guarantee , performance guarantee , maintenance guarantee and employer should offer payment guarantee aiming at current situation of the construction market in China in the course of establishing construction contract guarantee system .

  14. 如果主要承担债务责任的人不履约,作担保的人就是次要债务责任承担人。

    The person making a guarantee is secondarily liable if the person who is primarily liable defaults .

  15. 2考察行为人客观上有无实际履约能力或担保;

    To Inspect if or not the behavior party has real ability or the guaranty in keeping a promise ;

  16. 取得履约保证的承包商:指承包商已经取得履约保证以避免承担任何索赔。业主支付担保的担保金额应当与承包商履约担保的担保金额相等。

    Bonded contractor : Contractor who has taken out a surety Bond to cover any claims against him . The guaranteed amount for a security paid by the owner shall be equivalent to that for a performance guarantee undertaken by the contractor .