
liú zhì dān bǎo
  • security of lien
  1. 论抵押与留置担保权的竞合条件及其效力

    Competition and cooperation conditions of mortgage and detain right and it 's validity

  2. 海上货物留置权所担保的债权

    On the Debt Secured by Cargo Lien by Sea

  3. 其有抵押权、质权或留置权为担保者,为有担保重整债权;无此项担保者,为无担保重整债权;

    All rights secured by mortgages , pledges or rights of retention shall be secured rights of creditors in reorganizers ; and all right without such security shall be rights of creditors without security .

  4. 船舶留置权在船舶担保物权中的优先顺序

    Priority order of possessory lien on vessel in the ships security interests

  5. 我国法律将留置权视为担保物权,因此只要符合留置权的生效要件,就可以构成别除权。

    Chinese law considers the lien as a kind of real rights , so when the lien meets the elements of enforcement , it can constitute an Exemption Right .

  6. 第四章论述了留置权的效力范围、留置权与其他担保物权竞合的效力及留置权的排除;

    The effect shut and factor influencing lien effect that scope of validity , lien and other real right of pledge of lien compete that chapter four will expound the fact ;

  7. 第五章,归纳和分析了留置权的优先性问题,特别分析了留置权与其它担保物权竞存时的情况,从而得出留置权优于其它担保物权的一般原则。

    Chapter V sum up and analyze question of the priorty of lien , specially analyze the situation where lien and other read right for security coexist , then obtain the general principle that lien is prior to other real right for security .