
liú zhì sònɡ dá
  • service by leaving rejected legal processes at the place of abode
  1. 尤其对于留置送达、电子送达在实践中的适用,本文作了详尽的阐述,希望能有一定的现实意义。

    This article especially gives a detailed exposition on the retention service and the e-service application in practice , hoping to have some practical significance .

  2. 从留置送达的概念、特征出发,通过当前的立法现状分析留置送达的条件,然后阐述了留置送达的主要价值及法律地位。

    Retained served form the concept , characteristics and through the current legislative regulations analysis of lien delivered the applicable conditions , then expounds the main value and retained served legal position .

  3. 本部分内容在前三章的基础上,结合我国的实际情况,从留置送达的主体、场所、签收人及法律责任等方面提出了一些建议。

    In the first three chapters of this part , based on the actual situation in our country , delivered from the lien procedures , places , people and legal responsibility to sign a number of recommendations for the future provision of the civil point of modest changes .