
lǚ xínɡ dì diǎn
  • see also 履行地
  1. 如果合同涉及商户,则双方的合同履行地点应为我方公司总部。

    The place of performance for both parties in the case of contracts involving merchants shall be the headquarters of our company .

  2. 合同履行地点应当为买方的注册办公所在地。可以另行约定交付地点。

    The place of performance shall be the Buyer 's registered office . A different place of performance may be agreed for delivery .

  3. 履行地点不明确的,给付货币的,在接受货币的一方所在地履行;

    Where the place of performance was not clearly provided , if the obligation is payment of money , performance shall be at the place where the payee is located ;

  4. 一般包括权利和义务、数量和质量、价款和酬金、有效期、履行地点和方式、违约责任等。

    The content usually includes : right and duty , quality and quantity , price and remuneration , period of validity , place , fashion of fulfillment , and responsibility of breach of faith , etc.

  5. 文章通过对一起典型案例的研究,具体分析了在签订合同的过程中如何订立履行地点与方式条款,并提出在实践中应该注意的几个方面的问题。

    This text focuses on analyzing concretely how to agree on performance place and performance way of contract during making agreement , and puts forward issues which should be paid attention to in the practice by way of studying a typical case .

  6. 所有货物交付和履行的完成地点应为我们指定的地点。

    Place of fulfillment for all deliveries and performances is the place of destination specified by us .

  7. 履行的期限、地点和方式。

    Time limit , place and method of performance .