
  • 网络Natsuo Yamaguchi;Yamaguchi Natsuo
  1. 日本第三大政党新公明党党代表山口那津男1月28日在国会发表了讲话。

    Natsuo Yamaguchi , the leader of New Komeito , the third-largest political party , spoke in parliament Friday .

  2. 自去年12月安倍新内阁成立后,山口那津男是第一位访华的执政党成员。

    He became the first member of a ruling party to visit China since Abe unveiled his new cabinet in late December .

  3. 村山富市是继日本前首相鸠山由纪夫、日本公明党党首山口那津男之后,一个月内第三位访问中国的日本高层政要。

    Tomiichi Murayama is the third high-rank Japanese politicians to visit China in less than one month , following former Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama , and Natsuo Yamaguchi , leader of Japan 's New Komeito Party .