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shān dǐng
  • peak;top of a mountain;the summit;hilltop;mountaintop;crest;the summit of a mountain
山顶 [shān dǐng]
  • [peak] 通指山的最高部位。按形态可分为平顶、圆顶、尖顶(又称山峰),在地形图上一般比较主要的山顶注有高程和表示凸起或凹入的示坡线

山顶[shān dǐng]
  1. 登上山顶要攀爬很久。

    It 's a long pull up to the summit .

  2. 他们距山顶还有100米远。

    They were still 100 metres off the summit .

  3. 山顶笼罩在薄雾中。

    The mountain tops were hidden beneath a veil of mist .

  4. 费了好大劲才爬到山顶。

    It was a stiff climb to the top of the hill .

  5. 教堂建在一座小山顶上。

    The church was built at the top of a small rise .

  6. 到山顶的路漫长而艰难。

    It was a long slog to the top of the mountain .

  7. 只有从南面才能到达山顶。

    The summit was approachable only from the south .

  8. 上到山顶他发现她上气不接下气。

    He found her panting for breath at the top of the hill .

  9. 山顶上正在下雪。

    Snow was falling on the mountain tops .

  10. 我们快到山顶了。

    We neared the top of the hill .

  11. 他们在山顶上插了一面旗子。

    They planted a flag on the summit .

  12. 有一条小路通往山顶。

    A path led up the hill .

  13. 这条路通往山顶。

    This path leads to the summit .

  14. 云雾笼罩着山顶。

    Clouds enveloped the mountain tops .

  15. 山谷的那边是直达山顶的陡坡。

    At the other side of the valley was a steep ascent to the top of the hill .

  16. 快到山顶时,我们有幸看到了难得一见的景象。

    As we approached the summit we were vouchsafed a rare vision

  17. 在北卡罗来纳州一处山顶测得的风速为每小时170英里。

    170-mile-an-hour winds were clocked on a mountaintop in North Carolina .

  18. 莫里森家坐落在林阴环绕的小山顶上。

    The Morrisons ' home stood on a wooded hilltop .

  19. 山顶寒风呼啸。

    A chill wind blew at the top of the hill

  20. 他体质太差,爬不到山顶。

    He was too out of condition to clamber over the top .

  21. 房子孤零零地坐落在一座小山顶上。

    The house stands alone on top of a small hill

  22. 第一批游行示威者登上了山顶。

    The first wave of marchers crested the hill .

  23. 西蒙山山顶白雪皑皑。

    Snow gleamed on the summit of Mount Simon .

  24. 那名男子就在10码之内,稍近山顶。

    The man was no more than ten yards away and slightly uphill .

  25. 雨停了,山顶上有一两颗星星在闪烁。

    The rain had stopped and a star or two was visible over the mountains

  26. 摩根家族的住宅在格洛斯特路接近山顶的地方。

    The home of the Morgan family was up Gloucester Road , towards the top of the hill

  27. 那座山的山顶覆盖着白雪。

    The top of that mountain is covered with snow .

  28. 从山顶看到的景色非常壮观。

    The view from the hilltop is magnificent .

  29. 多数城堡建在山顶上。

    Most castles were built on hilltops .

  30. 山顶上有一座约7层楼高的宝塔。

    On the top of the hill there is a pagoda about seven stories high .