
  • 网络gifu;Gifu Prefecture;Gifu, Japan
  1. 以日本岐阜县境内的长良川及其支流为对象,研究了河流浮游微生物对17β雌二醇(E2)的分解特性。

    Study was made on the degradation performance of 17 β estradiol ( E2 ) by planktonic microbe in the main and tributary streams of Nagara River in Gifu Prefecture , Japan .

  2. 泽田家在岐阜县经营养鸡场,家里有三个姐妹花。

    Three sisters grow up on a chicken farm in a small town of Gifu .

  3. 同时,日本中部的爱知县和岐阜县也寻求加入到紧急状态范围。

    Meanwhile , the central Japan prefectures of Aichi and Gifu are also seeking to be added to areas covered by the emergency virus measure .

  4. 我注意到另一个计划是到日本中部的岐阜县参观世界级的玫瑰花园,这也绝对是一座不可错过的顶级花园。

    I noticed in the programme a visit to the world-class rose garden at Gifu , central Japan , is also planned-yet another totally distinctive garden not to be missed .

  5. 日本的其他世界遗产,比如岩手县的平泉,岐阜县的白川乡,日本南部的屋久岛,近年来申遗成功后,都出现了游客增加的现象。

    Other heritage sites in Japan including Hiraizumi in Iwate Prefecture , Shirakawa-go in Gifu Prefecture and Yakushima Island in southern Japan all saw an increase in visitors after they joined the list in recent years .

  6. 富士山将迎来人数骤增的游客。日本的其他世界遗产,比如岩手县的平泉,岐阜县的白川乡,日本南部的屋久岛,近年来申遗成功后,都出现了游客增加的现象。

    Mount Fuji is bracing for a big jump . Other heritage sites in Japan including Hiraizumi in Iwate Prefecture , Shirakawa-go in Gifu Prefecture and Yakushima Island in southern Japan all saw an increase in visitors after they joined the list in recent years .

  7. Foop设计典雅的木制框架是由来自日本岐阜县飞驒市的工匠制作的,该市也是日本最著名的木材加工区之一。除此之外,该设备也有一个透明的亚克力罩,可以让你检查作物的成长情况。

    The elegantly-designed wooden frame of the Foop is is produced by craftsmen from Hida , in Gifu Prefecture , one of Japan 's most famous woodworking regions , but the device also comes with a clear acrylic cover that lets you check the progress of your crops .