
  • 网络Nagano Prefecture;nagano-ken
  1. 日本长野县的地震泥石流

    Earthquake soil rook flow in Nagano in Japan

  2. 1984年9月14日日本长野县西部地震产生了大规模的泥石流。

    The earthquake of 14 Sep. 1984 in west Nagano caused massive soil rock flow .

  3. 1998年,日本在长野县的北部第二次主办了冬奥会,那里正是降雪充沛区的一部分。

    Japan hosted its second Olympic Winter Games in1998 , in the northern part of Nagano Prefecture , part of this heavy snowfall region .

  4. 除此之外,与之前冬奥会举办地长野县、盐湖城相比,河北省的山都有点太小了。

    Besides which , the ' mountains ' of Hebei are pimple-sized when compared with those in previous host locations like Nagano and Salt Lake City .

  5. 根据2013年公布的人口统计数据,长野县的男性平均寿命80.88,女性平均寿命87.18,是日本平均寿命最高的县。

    A demographic statistics published in 2013 showed that the residents of the Nagano prefecture had the highest life expectancy in Japan : 80.88 years for men and 87.18 for women .

  6. 然而,如果将邻近的长野县,茨城县,新泻县这些受灾较轻的地方计算在内,这一数字则会上升至10.8%,这是一个不小的数字。

    Adding in neighbouring Nagano , Ibaraki and Niigata prefectures , which were much less damaged , brings the affected area 's contribution to GDP to 10.8 % . That is a big chunk .