
  • 网络the yangtze river delta
  1. 但长江三角洲地区仍有大量以出口为主的中小企业由于忽略了与外部合作伙伴间的关系,导致抵御市场冲击的能力不强而破产。

    However , there are still a lot of the Yangtze River Delta to the export-oriented SMEs , due to neglect and the relationship between external partners , resulting in the ability to withstand market shocks is not strong and bankruptcy .

  2. 基于GIS的城市势力圈测度研究&以长江三角洲地区为例

    Measurement of Urban Hinterland Area Based on GIS & A Case Study of the Yangtze River Delta

  3. 长江三角洲地区近实时GPS气象网

    Near-real Time GPS Meteorological Network in Yangtze River Delta Area

  4. NOx在长江三角洲地区冬小麦农田与大气间的交换

    Surface-exchange of NO_x above a typical wheat land in the yangtze delta , China

  5. 中国加入WTO后长江三角洲地区产业协同调整战略研究(摘编)

    Strategies for coordinated adjustment of the regional industries in the Yangtze Delta area after China joins wto ;

  6. 遥感与GIS在长江三角洲地区资源与环境动态监测中的应用

    The application of remote sensing and GIS dynamic survey on resources and environment in the Changjiang River Delta Area

  7. 长江三角洲地区PVC情况分析

    PVC analysis of Yangtze river delta

  8. 该文以长江三角洲地区为例,运用多种模型,探讨基于GIS技术的城市势力圈的测度。

    This paper describes how to measure the urban hinterland area in the Yangtze River Delta by three models based on GIS .

  9. 采用XRD研究了长江三角洲地区15个表层样品和5个剖面样品中的粘土矿物。

    Clay minerals in 15 surficial samples and 5 profile samples from the Yangtze Delta plain were analyzed by X-ray diffraction .

  10. J长江三角洲地区。包括上海、苏南地区(包括南通和扬州)、浙江北部。

    Yangzi Delta Shanghai , the south of Jiangsu ( including Nantong and Yangzhou ), the north of Zhejiang .

  11. 本文以长江三角洲地区为案例实证检验了FDI促进我国二元就业结构转型的力度。

    This paper takes the Yangzi River delta as a case to verify the strength of FDI 's acceleration for the transformation of Chinese two-oriental employment .

  12. 基于SOFM人工神经网络的长江三角洲地区城市职能分类

    Function classification of several cities in the Yangtze Delta Based on SOFM neural network

  13. 第三章首先介绍了长江三角洲地区利用FDI的现况,然后定量分析了长江三角洲各城市利用外资的业绩与潜力;

    Chapter three firstly introduces the actuality of attracting FDI in the Yangtze Delta Region , and then makes quantitative analysis of outstanding achievement and potentiality of the Region 's making use of FDI ;

  14. 本章采用PANELDATA模型分析方法对1992年以后长江三角洲地区产业同构的演化趋势及在这一过程中各种市场化因素所发挥的作用给予了翔实的分析。

    In this case , we analyze fully and accurately the evolvement trend of ' industrial isomorphism ' and the effect of all marketing factor on Yangtse Rive Delta Region since 1992 . and the method that we use is named Panel Data Model .

  15. 本文就1990-2005年16年间,长江三角洲地区16个城市利用FDI的情况进行了定性和定量,时间和空间,多维度、全方位的分析。

    In accordance with the FDI of the 16 regions in the Yangtze River Delta from 1990 to 2005 , this paper makes positive and normative analysis from multiple perspectives of both time and space .

  16. 长江三角洲地区典型湖泊表层沉积物中有机氯农药DDT、HCH的残留特征与风险评估

    Residues of Organochlorine Pesticide DDT and HCH in Surface Sediments from Two Typical Lakes in the Yangtze River Delta and Their Risk Evaluation

  17. 网络运行结果表明:2001年长江三角洲地区的15个主要城市可以自动分为5类,SOFM分类结果与实际情况基本一致;

    The run results of SOFM show that 15 main cities can be classified into 5 groups , which are in accord with the local situation .

  18. 本文介绍上海地区GPS综合应用网SCGAN在长江三角洲地区地形变的监测和研究中所取得的成果。

    Results from land deformation monitoring in the Yangtze Delta by Shanghai Comprehensive GPS Application Network ( SCGAN ) and the related research are involved in this paper .

  19. 第六章呼应第四章部分规律的理论分析,通过对长江三角洲地区47家跨国公司RD机构调研数据的统计分析,验证了在华RD机构的投资动机、职能与外溢途径等一般规律。

    Chapter 6 is parallel with Chapter 4 . By Statistical Analyzing the date of 47 TNCs ' RD centers in Yangtze River Delta , validate the general rule , such as its motive , function and spillover channel .

  20. 对长江三角洲地区两省一市的技术存量进行了测算,并运用广义的C-D生产函数对长三角地区两省一市的技术外溢进行了实证研究。

    Then , we estimate technology stock of two provinces and one city in Changjiang delta area , and we do the demonstration research on the technology spillover of two provinces and one city in Changjiang delta area , by utilizing the C-D production function .

  21. 长江三角洲地区地下水环境质量评价

    Groundwater quality evaluation in the delta area of the Yangtze River

  22. 长江三角洲地区城市用地增长的时空特征分析

    Spatio-temporal Characteristics of Urbanization Area Growth in the Yangtze River Delta

  23. 长江三角洲地区经济社会一体化初步研究

    A Preliminary Study of Socioeconomic Integration in the Yangtze River Delta

  24. 长江三角洲地区旅游圈的构建

    A Research on Building the Tourism Circle of The Changjiang Delta

  25. 长江三角洲地区城市空间演化趋势

    The trend of urban spatial evolution in the Changjiang River Delta

  26. 长江三角洲地区经济可持续发展问题初探

    Problems in the economic sustainable development in the Yangtze River Delta

  27. 长江三角洲地区不同种植类型对土壤质量的影响

    Soil Quality with Various Planting Patterns in Yangtze River Delta Area

  28. 长江三角洲地区大气气溶胶光学厚度研究

    Optical Depth Study on Atmospheric Aerosol in Yangtze River Delta Region

  29. 开放经济条件下发展中地区的区域创新系统&基于长江三角洲地区的比较研究

    Regional Innovative Systems in the Open Economy : Formation and Comparison

  30. 长江三角洲地区制造业结构趋同与竞争绩效

    Similar Industrial Structure of Manufacturing in Changjiang Delta and Competitive Performance