
  • 网络energy security;energy safety
  1. 常规煤层气生产量的获取不仅对国家经济可持续发展及能源安全具有重要作用,而且也是CO2注入煤层提高煤层气采收率和CO2埋藏量估算的关键。

    Primary CBM production plays an important role in sustainable growth of national economy and energy security and also the key in estimation of CBM recovery rate by CO_2 injection and CO_2 buried quantity .

  2. 因此,尽管寻求能源安全目前是美国外交政策的核心,对欧盟(eu)和亚洲主要强国来说均是如此,但从长期来看,对于该问题没有真正的外交政策“解药”。

    So although the search for energy security is now central to American foreign policy , as it is for both the European Union and the main Asian powers , in the long run there is no real foreign policy fix for the problem .

  3. 在全局发展上,结合中国经济发展的实J际情况,要实施能源安全战略。

    For the whole development , it is important to stand on safe energy strategy , according to the Chinese economic development .

  4. 高油价、能源安全性、气候变化等因素使得Fischer-Tropsch合成反应得到了很大的关注。

    Recently , high oil price , energy supply security , global climate change have made Fischer-Tropsch reaction attractive .

  5. 布鲁金斯学会(BrookingsInstitution)驻华盛顿的中国石油问题专家埃里卡•道恩斯(EricaDowns)称,一些中国石油企业高管质疑收购海外资产有助能源安全的说法。

    According to Erica Downs , a China energy expert at the Brookings Institution in Washington , some Chinese oil executives doubt that acquiring overseas assets enhances energy security .

  6. 这是总部设在巴黎的该能源安全机构首次研究大气污染。在署长法提赫·比罗尔(FatihBirol)的带领下,国际能源署正在扩大自己的任务范围。

    The air pollution study is the first for the agency , an energy security group based in Paris , which is expanding its mission under its executive director , Fatih Birol .

  7. 费-托(F-T)合成技术是以合成气(H2+CO)经催化反应转化为洁净的液体燃料的重要途径,该技术对于保障能源安全和缓解环境污染等问题具有重大的经济和现实意义。

    Fischer-Tropsch ( F-T ) synthesis is an important way of transferring syngas into pure liquid fuel via a catalytical reaction . This process could be of great significance both practically and economically , especially when it comes to the maintenance of energy security and alleviate of environmental pollution .

  8. 对气候变化、空气污染与能源安全采取行动

    Taking Action on Climate Change , Air Pollution and Energy Security

  9. 特别在当前,国际油价持续攀升,能源安全再度引起世界各国的普遍关注。

    Especially at present , the international oil price soars continuously .

  10. 能源安全:中印面临的共同难题

    Energy Security : A Shared Problem facing both China and India

  11. 中国能源安全对策及建议

    Countermeasure and Suggest on the Security of Energy Sources in China

  12. 建立战略石油储备保障国家能源安全

    Establishing a Strategic Oil Reserve for China 's Energy Security

  13. 南中国海与中国能源安全研究

    The Study of the South China Sea in China 's Energy Security

  14. 中国能源安全现状及其可持续发展

    The Status Quo of China Energy Security and Sustainable Development

  15. 中国能源安全预警指标框架体系设计

    Design of China 's Energy Security Early-Warning System Indicator Framework

  16. 新亚欧大陆桥对中国能源安全的战略分析

    Strategic Analysis of New Eurasian Continental Bridge to Energy Security in China

  17. 中国能源安全及其资源开发与利用的策略研究

    Strategy Study of China Energy Security in Its Resources Exploration and Utilization

  18. 能源安全与中美关系的政治经济学分析

    Energy Security and Sino-US Relations : an Analysis from Political Economic Perspectives

  19. 能源安全则是国家经济安全的基本支撑。

    Energy safety has become the guarantee of the national economical safety .

  20. 气候变化是真正的能源安全挑战。

    Climate change is the real energy security challenge .

  21. 石油供应安全是我国能源安全的主要矛盾;

    Ensuring oil supply is the key problem in our energy supply security ;

  22. 为此,中国要制定适合中国国情的能源安全政策。

    Therefore , China should formulate an energy security strategy with Chinese characteristics .

  23. 能源安全包括三个方面:供应充足、运输通畅、价格稳定。

    Energy security includes adequate oil supply , smooth transportation and stable price .

  24. 论中国的能源安全战略

    Discussion about the Strategy of China 's Energy Safety

  25. 东亚能源安全困境与出路

    Dilemma and Way Out of East Asian Energy Security

  26. 能源安全要重视内部因素强调政策体制保障

    The Importance of Domestic Factors and Energy Policies to the Energy Security Issue

  27. 相应地,这将会增加、而非降低能源安全方面的风险。

    This in turn would increase energy security risk rather than improve it .

  28. 因此,能源安全迅速成为一项紧迫的国家重点。

    Accordingly , energy security has rapidly emerged as an urgent national priority .

  29. 能源安全是今年圣彼得堡八国峰会的主题。

    Energy security is the theme of this year 's G-8 summit in St.

  30. 印度的能源安全:挑战与应战

    India 's Energy Security : Challenges and Options