
  • 网络noh;No play
  1. 能乐是日本独特的古典戏剧艺术。

    Noh play is a unique classical dramatic art in Japan .

  2. 浅论日本能乐中的传统美学趣味

    Shallowly Discuss Esthetic Interest of Noh Play in Japan

  3. 能乐是日本文化中一个重要的组成部分。

    Can enjoy is one important part of traditional Japanese culture .

  4. 总之,《哥斯拉》是一部每个人都能乐享其中的电影。

    Overall , this is a Godzilla movie that everyone can enjoy .

  5. 祝福大家,希望大家都能乐在练习!

    Good luck to all , and happy practicing !

  6. 祝你可以玩得好,每天都能乐不够!

    Wish you a wonderful trip and happy everyday !

  7. 同时让学生能乐在学习中。

    Makes learning English enjoyable and gets students to " smile in English " .

  8. 日本能乐与能乐面具裂作

    Japanese Noh drama and its masks

  9. 如果你想找一部让全家都能乐翻天的片子,就去看袋鼠杰克吧。

    Go and watch Kangaroo Jack if you are looking for hip-hop fun for the whole family .

  10. 而对两国戏剧中杨贵妃形象进行对比分析,元杂剧《梧桐雨》和能乐《杨贵妃》可以作为最典型的两大实例。

    For the two countries in the drama " Princess-Yang " this image contrast analysis , yuan zaju " wutong rain " and " Yang " can happy as the most typical two examples .

  11. 本文以中日具有代表性的古典戏剧(元杂剧、明传奇、京剧、能乐、狂言、歌舞伎),比较检讨其登场人物的自我介绍程式。

    The article provides a comparative study of the forms of character 's self_introduction in classical dramatic genres between China and Japan ( Yuan Drama , Ming Drama , Peking Opera , ' No ' play , ' No ' farce , Kabuki ) .