
  1. 江西崇义地区上泥盆统节甲类(Arthrodira)的新材料

    New material of arthrodira from Upper Devonian of Jiangxi province , China

  2. 以崇义义安桥为工程实例,把低预应力混凝土与全预应力混凝土、钢筋混凝土在20m跨径、一定荷载的作用下作了全方位的对比。

    According to Yi ' an bridge in Chongyi , on the twenty-meter long beam , certain load , the low prestressing concrete takes a all-around contrast with the full prestressing concrete and steel-reinforced concrete .

  3. 崇义县农村社区卫生服务能力的现状及对策的研究

    Present Condition and Improvement of Rural Community Health Service Capability in Underdeveloped Areas

  4. 崇义县乡村生态旅游的发展模式与途径探讨

    Discussion on the Development Model and Path of Rural Eco-tourism in Chongyi County

  5. 江西崇义早奥陶世笔石地层

    Early Ordovician graptolite beds of chongyi , jiangxi

  6. 崇义章源钨制品有限公司。

    Chongyi Zhangyuan Tungsten Industry Co. , Ltd.

  7. 江西省崇义县农村社区卫生服务现状研究

    The Current Situation Research of Rural Community Health Services in Chongyi County of Jiangxi Province

  8. 江西永新&崇义地区奥陶系内火山碎屑岩的发现及其意义

    A discovery of pyroclastic rock in Ordovician system in yongxin-chongyi area , jiangxi province and its significance

  9. 钨多金属矿产资源开发浅析&以崇义县为例

    Analysis on the development of tungsten and polymetal ore resources & take Chongyi County as an example

  10. 崇义县新型农村合作医疗补偿方案运行状况的比较研究

    Comparative study on operational status of the compensatory schemes of new rural cooperative medical care system in Chongyi County

  11. 目的了解经济欠发达的崇义县农村社区卫生服务能力现状,并对其采取相应的对策。

    Objective To investigate the present condition of rural community health service capability in underdeveloped areas and take corresponding countermeasures to improve it .

  12. 调适和融通:国家权力与客家宗族系统之间的二重变奏&以明代中叶崇义为例

    From Compromise to Mixing Together : Interaction between the State Power and the Hakkas ' Clan A Case Study on Chongyi in Ming Era

  13. 笔者借助江西省崇义县旅游规划调查案例,对上述问题进行初步探讨。

    The author uses cases from the survey of the tourism program planning of ChongYi county , JiangXi province , to discuss the issues mentioned above .

  14. 江西省崇义县林业产权制度改革推动了林业体制机制创新,给林业发展注入了新的生机和活力。

    Forestry tenture reform of Chongyi county has promoted the innovation of mechanism of forestry system , have injected new life and vigor into forestry development .