
  • 网络industrial accounting
  1. 到当地财政局购买最新版的《基础会计》、《商业会计》、《工业会计》。

    Buy latest edition to local Bureau of Finance " fundamental accountant " , " commercial accountant " , " industrial accounting " .

  2. 我修过会计学原理、商业会计、成本会计、工业会计、电子数据处理会计以及涉外会计。

    I took such courses as accounting principles , commercial accounting , cost accounting , industrial accounting , electronic data processing accounting , and accounting involved in foreign capital enterprises .

  3. 受雇与单个企业的会计叫私人或工业会计。

    Private accounting Accountants employed by a single business are called private or industrial accountants .

  4. 介绍了工业会计计算机模拟教学系统与学习系统的设计原理和方法,对系统的组成、系统功能的实现方法作了详细的描述。

    This paper introduces a design principle and method of educational system for industrial accountant modeling with computer . The implementation and the functions of the system are described in detail .

  5. 国有工业企业会计信息失真问题探源及对策

    Causes and Countermeasures of Accounting Information Distortion of State Industrial Enterprises

  6. 军工科研单位推行工业企业会计制度的探讨

    Introducing Enterprise Accounting System to R & D Institutes of Military Industry

  7. 但笔者调查结果表明,中小工业企业会计信息化水平总体较低,会计信息化形势不容乐观。

    But the author through investigation shows the accounting informatization level of small and middle sized industrial enterprises is generally low , the situation of accounting informatization is not optimistic .

  8. 本文介绍了工业企业财务会计电算化系统的具体实现。

    System implementation is introduced to computerize accountancy and finance in industry and business .

  9. 工业企业新旧会计制度转换的步骤和方法

    Transforming Bridge The Procedures and Methods of old and New Accounting Systems Exchange in Industrial Enterprises

  10. 现行会计基本假设是与工业时代的会计环境基本适应的。

    The author holds that the current accounting basic assumption is only suited to the accounting setting of industry era .

  11. 现行会计收益模式是以历史成本原则、实现原则和配比原则为基础的收益确定模式,与工业时代的会计目标相适应。

    The current accounting income , which is accommodating with the accounting goal of the industrial age , is set as a mode confirming income based on historical cost principle , realizations principle and matching principle .

  12. 所以要从黑龙江省老工业基地企业的会计基础工作开始,相应地加强各企业的内部、外部监督,并且要进行会计创新,这样,才能为黑龙江省老工业基地的改造开辟出一条捷径。

    This paper analyses the fundamental accounting work in Heilongjiang Province old , and suggests the relevant planning to strengthen the internal and external supervision and conduct the accounting innovation .

  13. 知识经济时代,会计必然受到经济与技术两方面的制约与推动,其适应工业经济时代的会计理论和实务都将发生重大变革。

    The accounting under the knowledge economy must be restricted and promoted by both economy and technology . Thus , its theory and practice which fitted to industrial economy will be changed greatly .

  14. 本文从会计等式演变的理论基础&生产力的发展、生产关系的变革入手,分析了石器经济时代、农业经济时代、工业经济时代的会计等式,探析了知识经济时代的会计等式及其体现的经济关系。

    This article analyzes accounting equation in the stone economic age - the agricultural economic age and the industrial economic age from productive forces and relation of production - and probes into accounting equation in the knowledge economic age and its embodying economic relation .

  15. 第一章简要介绍石油资源的特点和石油工业的特殊性,认为石油工业会计核算问题产生于油气企业生产过程的复杂性。

    The first chapter introduces the characteristic of oil resource and the specific of oil industry . It also points out that the complexity of oil produce is the root of the accounting treatment problems for oil industry .