
  • 网络Industrial cooperatives;ICOLP
  1. 保护臭氧层工业合作社

    Industry Cooperative for Ozone Layer Protection

  2. 机械化的速度越快,你们手工业合作社的寿命就越短。

    The greater the speed of mechanization , the shorter the life of your handicraft co-operatives .

  3. (十一)你们要在六万多个手工业合作社组织中,选择突出的例子,编写典型材料。

    11 . You should select outstanding examples from among the sixty-thousand-odd handicraft co-operatives and compile material on their typical experience .

  4. 1940年至1947年,他担任中国东南部7省和4个战区的中国工业合作社的社长。

    Subsequently , he served as the Director of the Chinese Industrial Cooperative ( INDUSCO ) covering seven southeast provinces and four war zones for6 years ( 1940-1947 ) .

  5. 手工业合作社的规模,一般的一百人左右为宜,有的也可以几百人,有的也可以几十人。

    As for the size of handicraft co-operatives , generally speaking , about one hundred people per co-operative would be appropriate , although some may have several hundred and others only a few dozen .

  6. 发展部分集体所有制的农业合作社和手工业生产合作社。每年农业和副业总产值平均增长4.3%。

    The average total value of Out-put in agriculture and sideline per year will be increased by4.3 % .