
  • 网络Engineering Plastic Application;Application of Engineering Plastics
  1. 纳米PET树脂及其工程塑料应用

    Preparation of Nano-PET Resin and Its Application in Engineering Plastics

  2. 电子电气用工程塑料应用发展趋势

    The application and developing trend of the engineering plastics in the electrical and electronic fields

  3. 是集新型工程塑料应用研究、生产、销售为一体的高科技企业。

    This hi-tech enterprise is mainly engaged in utilization research , production and sale of newly projects engineering plastics .

  4. 近年来由于锦纶(尼龙)6纤维、锦纶树脂、聚酰胺、薄膜和人造革在工程塑料应用领域的扩大和发展,对己内酰胺的需求量也在不断增长。

    Recently , with the development of nylon , colophony , membrane and leatheroid in the area of engineering plastic , the demand for CPL is increasing .

  5. 实际上,聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(PET),由于存在结晶速率慢、制品收缩率大、制品尺寸稳定性差等缺点,在作为注塑工程塑料的应用上也受到很大的限制。

    As a matter of fact , virgin poly ( ethylene terephthalate )( PET ) is also limited to apply as an engineering plastic for injection moulding due to its low crystallization rate , long crystallization period and inferior dimensional stability .

  6. 浅谈工程塑料的应用前景与发展趋势

    Discussion on the Application Foreground and Development Tendency of Engineering Plastic

  7. 煤矿工程塑料的应用现状与发展前景

    Application status guo and development prospect of coal mine engineering plastics

  8. 高性能热塑性工程塑料的应用与发展

    Application and development of the high performance engineering thermoplastics

  9. 随着工程塑料管道应用的不断深入,管道的焊接质量检测及其性能评定成了一个重要的问题。

    The welding quality test and performance assessment for pipes become more and more important with the application of engineering plastics pipe .

  10. 通过对工程塑料的应用领域、通用塑料工程化、工程塑料高性能化、工程塑料的发展方向等方面进行综述,指出发展工程塑料的重要性。

    Through the summarization of the application field , performance promotion and development heading of engineering plastic , this paper points out the significance of engineering plastic itself .

  11. 更多种人造合成橡胶和工程塑料的应用,以及更广泛地选择阀体衬里材料,使隔膜阀在现代工业的各个领域都得到广泛的应用。

    More kinds of synthetic rubber and engineering plastics applications , and a wider selection of body lining material to diaphragm valves in the various fields of modern industry have been widely used .

  12. 丙稀腈丁二烯苯乙烯共聚物(ABS)是一种性能优良的热塑性工程塑料,其应用也十分广泛。

    Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene ( ABS ) is a kind of thermoplastic engineering plastic . Nevertheless , both of them are flammable .

  13. 我国PET产量居世界首位,但PET在工程塑料中的应用却很少。介绍了PET工程塑料的发展过程、改性及应用。我国山羊绒产量、质量居世界首位。

    In this paper , the development , properties improvement and application of PET engineering plastics are stated . Both the quality and quantity of Chinese cashmere are on the top in the world .

  14. 红磷阻燃剂在尼龙-66工程塑料中的应用

    Application of Flame Retardant of Amorphous Phosphorus in Nylon 66

  15. 聚苯硫醚是一种具有许多优良特性的工程塑料,其应用十分广泛。

    Polyphenylene sulfide is a kind of engineering plastic with many excellent characters , and it 's used widely .

  16. MC尼龙,是一种新型的热塑性工程塑料,现已广泛应用于很多行业中。

    MC Nylon is a new thermoplastic engineering plastic , used abundantly in many fields .

  17. 超高分子量聚乙烯(UHMWPE)是一种综合性能十分优异的新型工程塑料,被广泛应用于许多领域,但其加工性能不尽如人意。

    Ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene ( UHMWPE ), a new engineering plastic with excellent comprehensive performance , which used widely in many fields , but its processing properties not satisfactory .

  18. 目前,PBT工程塑料已经被广泛应用于电子电器、汽车部件、机械设备以及精密零部件的制造,以取代金属材料,热固性塑料以及一些热塑性塑料。

    At present , PBT has been used in the manufacture of electronic appliances , auto parts , machinery equipment and precision parts , to replace metal materials , thermosetting plastics and some thermoplastics .

  19. 经过流变性能、力学性能、形态结构和DSC的分析,取得了大量的数据,对扩大工程塑料尼龙1010的应用有一定指导作用。

    Large amount of date are obtained through examination of rheological behaviours , mechanical properties , morphological structure and DSC graghs of various blends . The work will be useful for extending the field of application of the engineering plastic nylon 1010 .

  20. 特种工程塑料聚醚醚酮的生产应用及发展前景

    Production , Application and Development Prospects of Special Engineering Plastics Polyether Ether Ketone

  21. 反应型相容剂在工程塑料合金中的应用

    The Application of Reactive Compatibilizers in Engineering Plastic Alloys

  22. 新型尼龙46工程塑料的性能及应用

    Property and application of new engineering plastics nylon 46

  23. 工程塑料的加工与应用技术进展

    Technical Progress in Processing and Application of Engineering Plastics

  24. 环氧树脂在工程塑料模具上的应用

    Applications of the Epoxide Resin to Plastics Zipper

  25. 工程塑料保持架的应用

    Application of engineering plastic cages

  26. 以柱靴为研究对象,探讨了工程塑料在煤矿井下应用的问题。

    Application of the engineering plastics under the well of coal mine was explored with column base as the study object .

  27. 随着新牌号树脂的开发以及吹塑成型技术和装备的日趋完善,热塑性工程塑料吹塑制品的应用范围不断扩展。

    With the advent of new resins , the blow-molding technology and equipment are ever improving and the field of application of blow-molded products is expanding rapidly .

  28. 介绍了国外通用工程塑料和高级工程塑料及其加工应用技术的最新进展。

    Recent progress of general engineering plastics and super engineering plastics is introduced and its processing application technology at abroad is presented .

  29. 焊接技术是工程塑料管道的主要连接方法,直接影响高密度工程塑料管道的安全应用。

    Welding technique is the main method used for joining engineering plastic pipe and directly influences the application of enginee-ring plastic pipe .