
  1. 基于物质流分析的公共工程项目评价

    Public project evaluation based on material flow analysis

  2. 农网改造工程项目评价分析及对策研究

    The Evaluation Analysis and Countermeasures Research of the Transformation Project on the Rural Power Grid

  3. 上述五个部分有机组合,成为相互补充的整体,为高校工程项目评价提供了科学、客观的十九个指标。

    The organic combination of these five parts becomes a mutually complimentary whole which supply nineteen scientific and objective indicators for the evaluation of engineering project in university .

  4. 对于工程项目评价的认识高度还停留在项目评价的层面上,没有一个全新的理论与方法体系。

    The height of the awareness to the construction project evaluation has still remained on the level of construction project evaluation , without a new system of the theory and methods .

  5. 形成了静态评价与动态评价结合、同一般工程项目评价程序接轨,并反映造纸项目特色、具有标准评价参数的评价指标体系,注重社会效益,坚持环境保护和可持续发展的原则。

    As a result , forming an evaluation index system with standard evaluation parameters and reflecting the characteristics of paper projects , which combines static evaluation with dynamic evaluation , joins with the evaluation procedures for common engineering projects .

  6. 环境风险评价在ABS工程项目环境评价中的应用

    The ERA Application for EIA of ABS Project

  7. 基于BOT模式的污水处理工程项目后评价

    The Post-project Evaluation of Sewage Treatment Works Based on the BOT Model

  8. 基于模糊物元的CNG汽车工程项目后评价体系研究

    Study on the CNG Vehicle Engineering Project Post-evaluation Based on Fuzzy Matter-element Analysis

  9. 基于HHM的工程项目风险评价与控制

    Risk Assessment and Control of Engineering Project Based on HHM

  10. 文中探讨应用电子表格软件EXCEL建立工程项目经济评价指标的数学模型,并进行蒙特卡洛模拟试验,达到求解经济评价指标的概率分布或其它特征值的目的。

    This paper discusses the mathematical model and Monte Carlo simulation of a engineering project 's economic evaluation by Excel software to find the probability distribution of the project 's economic evaluation index and other characteristic values .

  11. 要不断改善风险评价管理工作的整体环境,不断提高风险评价管理工作的基础水平,进一步推动我国高校BOT工程项目风险评价工作的开展。

    We should constantly improve the overall environment of the risk assessment management and improve basic level of the risk assessment management to promote further the development of the risk assessment of the BOT projects in China University .

  12. 全面的总结了建设工程项目后评价指标体系的构建方法、评价标准和常用的建设工程项目后评价方法,提出了建设项目后评价指标筛选的进一步改进的Delphi法。

    The paper makes a comprehensive summary of the construction method of the post project evaluation index system , the evaluation criterion and the common post project evaluation approaches , and puts forward to the improved Delphi method for screening index . 3 .

  13. 渭、洛河下游近期治理工程项目后评价研究

    The post evaluation of Wei and Luo River downstream regulation project

  14. 热电联产工程项目财务评价方法与参数的意见

    Opinion of finance appraising method and parameter in heat-electricity unite production

  15. 重大工程建设项目评价与决策的理论方法初探

    Approaches to the Evaluation and Policy Decision for Major Engineering Projects

  16. 基于反演方法的工程项目风险评价及控制研究

    Risk evaluation and control of construction projects based on inversion method

  17. 天然气乙炔工程项目后评价研究

    Study on the Project Post-Evaluation of Natural Gas Based Acetylene Project

  18. 大型排灌工程项目后评价理论及方法

    Theory and Application of Post-evaluation for Large-scale Irrigation and Drainage Project

  19. 农村公路工程项目绩效评价基础数据调查方法

    Basic data collecting method of rural highway project in efficiency evaluation

  20. 大连长海微波传输网工程项目后评价研究

    The Project After-assessment Studies on Dalian Changhai Microwave Transmission Network Engineering

  21. 国电蚌埠发电厂二期扩建工程项目前评价研究

    The Study on Pre-evaluation of Construction Project of Bengbu No.2 Power Plant

  22. 水资源开发工程项目环境评价与战略环境评价我国战略环境影响评价立法现状评析

    Project and Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment of Water Resources Development

  23. 建筑工程项目综合评价的新方法及其应用

    A New Technique for Assessing Building Project and Its Application

  24. 林业工程项目经济评价方法的改革

    Reformation of economic evaluation method of project in forestry program

  25. 工程项目经济评价风险元传递模型及其应用

    Project Economic Evaluation Risk Element Transmission Model and Its Application

  26. 基于多级模糊综合法的工程项目风险评价

    Engineering Project Risk Evaluation Based on Grades Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation

  27. 浅议工程项目后评价

    On the Function and Meaningfulness of the Construction Project Post-evaluation

  28. 运城500千伏输变电工程项目后评价研究

    Study on Yuncheng 's 500 kV Power Transmission & Transformation Project Post Evaluation

  29. 工程项目后评价关键技术的研究

    Research on Critical Technology of Engineering Project Post Evaluation

  30. 建设工程项目择优评价的指标选择

    Selecting Targets for the Construct Project Evaluation Options