
  • 【地】disperation of industry
  1. 杭州城市工业的空间扩散与郊区化研究

    On the Industrial Decentralization of Hangzhou City

  2. 第二,工业和城市扩散以适应农民兼业和促进农村发展;

    Secondly , industry and city diffusion support second-occupation to farms and prompt countries to develop ;

  3. 本文介绍了在工业变送器用扩散硅压力传感器的工程化研究中,为提高其质量而采取的几项技术措施。

    This paper introduces a few key technological measures for increasing the quality of the diffused-silicon sensors applied in the industrial transducer in its industrializing research .

  4. 工业集聚-扩散的波浪式运动是经济在空间上扩散的一个基本模式。技术扩散与山东区域经济增长&基于技术扩散模型的一个实证分析

    The traffic trunk line is a basic premise of the development of TEB . Technology Diffusion and Regional Economic Growth in Shandong & An Empirical Analysis Based on Model of Technology Diffusion

  5. 利用氢在工业纯铁箔片中扩散系数较大的特性,采用工业纯铁箔片做基体,获得了氢在Zn-Ni-Cd三元合金材料中的扩散系数及表观溶解度。

    By means of pure iron foil were used as substrate , the hydrogen diffusion coefficient and the apparent solubility of Zn-Ni-Cd ternary alloy were obtained .

  6. 本文研究了稀土金属及其合金、硅铁合金在工业铁水中的扩散过程。

    The diffusive process of rare earth metals and alloys as well as of ferrosilicon alloys in commercial molten iron is investigated .

  7. 行业内正向和负向外溢效应影响城市工业布局中技术扩散的有效性。

    The positive and negative spillover inside the industry will affect the validity of the technique diffusion within the urban industrial layout .

  8. 工业化又是一个过程,是工业生产方式的扩散、渗透、演进,最终代替手工生产方式的过程。

    Industrialization is also a process , in which industrial mode of production spreads , pervades , evolves , and replaces the handicraft mode of production at last .

  9. 以珠三角为核心圈的工业经济北向扩散的态势逐渐清晰;各空间单元工业发展的实力对比发生了较大改变,工业发展的空间类群及其特征也发生了明显变化。

    The diffusion of industry to the north is clear , and the industrial developmental strength of each spatial unit , the spatial clusters as well as their characteristics have changed in evidence .

  10. 本课题采用真空热压扩散焊接(VacuumHotPressingDiffusionWelding),简称VHP来实现工业纯钛和工业纯铜的扩散连接。

    In this thesis , using the vacuum hot pressing diffusion welding ( Vacuum Hot Pressing Diffusion Welding ), which is called VHP for short , can achieve the bonding of industrially pure titanium and pure copper .