
  • 网络Work Roll;CVC;workroll
  1. 绘图模块由智能CAD的图形处理部分组成,包括工作辊、支撑辊、机架和精轧机的几何建模和三维参数化设计。

    Drawing module , which is graphic system of 1C AD , consists of geometric and three-dimensional parameterization model design of work roll , backup roll , mill framework and finishing mill .

  2. 参数化设计以程序驱动为基础,设计了VISUALBASIC6.0和SolidWorks2000之间的接口,完成工作辊、支撑辊、机架和精轧机三维模型的输出。

    Parametric design makes interface between Visual Basic 6.0 and SolidWorks 2000 on the basis of program driving , and outputs three-dimensional parameterization model of work roll , backup roll , mill framework and finishing mill .

  3. PC精轧机工作辊的制造工艺

    The Manufacturing Technology of the Work Roll of Pair Cross

  4. PC轧机铸铁工作辊的研制

    Developing of Cast Iron Working Roll in PC Roll Mill

  5. 基于ANSYS的热轧工作辊温度场的有限元分析

    Finite element analysis of temperature fields of work roll in hot rolling mill based on ANSYS

  6. 介绍一重为马鞍山钢铁公司制造的H型钢轧机工作辊轴承的设计计算。

    The article explains the design and calculation of work roll bearings in H-section steel mill supplied by CFHI for Maanshan Steel .

  7. 介绍TOTAL复合磺酸钙基脂在2050热轧工作辊轴承上应用的成功事例,详细地叙述了应用的全过程、使用的工具及应用后的经济效益。

    The successful case for using TOTAL Calcium Sulfonate Complex grease in 2050 hot rolling working bearings and the process , using tools and economic benefit are introduced .

  8. HC轧机工作辊损坏机理分析

    Cause of damage of work roll on HC Mill

  9. DC轧机是一种通过工作辊的偏移和交叉来实现板厚板形综合调节的新型四辊轧机。

    DC mill is a new kind of Four-High mill in which gauge and shape can be adjusted simultaneously by deviating and crossing the work roils .

  10. HC四机架冷连轧机1工作辊裂纹初步分析

    Analysis about the cracks on the 1 # working roll of HC four-stand cold-rolling tandem mill

  11. 热轧带钢工作辊在线研磨装置(ORG)的研究

    Study on On-line Grinding Device of Working Roll for Hot Rolled Strip Steel

  12. CVC轧机工作辊磨损分析与磨损模型

    Analysis and Prediction of Work Roll Wear in CVC Mill

  13. 冷轧带钢工作辊弯辊和CVC位置的联合控制

    Joint control of working roll bending and CVC position for tandem cold strip mill

  14. WRS轧机工作辊横移方案及辊系变形研究

    Investigation of Roll Shift Schedule for WRS Mill and Rolls Deflections

  15. WRS轧机工作辊磨损计算及板形调控分析

    WRS mill work roll wear calculation and analyses for shape control

  16. 利用独自开发的CVC辊型设计软件,磨削出CVC工作辊辊型。

    The work roll contour of CVC mill were designed with the software developed by the authors .

  17. CVC工作辊磨损和热凸度对轧机板形控制性能的影响

    Influence of Wear and Hot Crown of CVC Work Roll on the Behaviors of Strip Shape Control

  18. 基于CAE技术的梳理机工作辊设计应用低硬度胶辊、胶圈纺普梳细号纱的质量分析

    Finite Element Simulation and Analysis of Working-roll of Carder Based on CAE Application of Spinning Conventional Combed Yarn of Fine Count with Cots plus Aprons with Less Rigidity

  19. FFC轧机驱动轧辊的力矩和工作辊稳定条件分析

    Analysis of Driving Roller Moment and Working Roller Steady Condition of FFC Mill

  20. 作为工作辊磨损均匀化技术中的主体-在线轧辊修磨装置(On-LineRollGrinder-简称ORG)由轧辊辊型轮廓在线测定仪(On-LineProfileMeasure-简称OPM)和修磨装置组成。

    On-Line Roll Grinder ( ORG ), as the principal part of the techniques of working roller abrading uniformity , consists of On-Line Profile Measure ( OPM ) and Grinder .

  21. 涟钢CSP工作辊发生剥落的主要原因是板坯温度不均、轧辊冷却温度不均和轧制事故。

    The main reasons of CSP work roll flaking in Lianyuan Steel are the uneven slab temperature , uneven roll cooling temperature and the rolling accident .

  22. LVC工作辊辊型窜辊优化策略研究及应用

    Research on shifting optimum strategy of LVC work roll contour

  23. 采用三维有限元法(ANSYS)建立PC轧机辊系的模型,并分析了PC轧机在不同工况下辊系弹性变形与工作辊/支撑辊的接触压力。

    The PC mill rolls were modeled with 3 dimensional FEM software ( ANSYS ), and rolls deflection and the contact pressure between work / backup rolls of the rolling mill under different rolling conditions were analyzed .

  24. LVC工作辊辊型的板形控制性能研究

    Profile Control Capability of LVC Work Roll Contour

  25. 在对分段冷却控制研究的基础上,应用ANSYS有限元软件首次系统地模拟分析了铝带轧机轧制时,影响工作辊与冷却液之间换热特性的因素。

    On the base of analysis of cooling in stage , the influence on convective heat transfer between working rolls and coolant fluid of aluminum strip mill was systematically simulated with software ANSYS for the first time .

  26. 对F4来说为避免振纹形成,在一定轧速下需谨慎选择工作辊直径。

    For F4 , to avoid chatter mark growing , it is necessary to select work roll diameter cautiously at preset rolling speed .

  27. 非对称的CVC工作辊与对称支持辊辊形配置易导致下游机架支持辊辊形自保持性差。

    The configuration of dissymmetrical CVC work roll contour and symmetrical conventional backup roll contour results in bad self-maintenance of backup rolls in downstream stands .

  28. 工作辊在线磨辊(ORG)技术,就是基于实现自由规程轧制和提高轧机板形控制能力要求发展起来的一项新技术。

    The on-line grinding technology of work roll is a new technology developed for realizing the rolling of free standing order and improving the shape control capability of mill .

  29. 为了深入探讨WRS轧机的板形控制能力,采用正交设计的方法在WRS模拟机上进行了弯辊力与工作辊移动量对板凸度与边部减薄控制效果的双因素实验。

    Quadrature-design method is used in this experiment to further study the ability of controling plate shape in the WRS mill .

  30. 因此,当轧辊表面硬度波动及ORG砂轮硬度波动时常发生轧辊修磨过大或修磨不足等问题,还不能实现工作辊均匀精度修磨。

    Thus , working roller to perform uniform accurate grinding has not become true for roller surface rigidity and ORG grinding wheel rigidity fluctuating result in excessive or deficient roller grinding .