
  • 网络working accuracy
  1. 铣刀螺旋角对检验铣床工作精度的影响

    Influence of Milling Cutter 's Helix Angle on the Working Accuracy Test of Milling Machine

  2. 利用刀架重量卸荷梁提高机床工作精度

    Using the Unloading Beam of the Carriage Weight Improving the Working accuracy for the Machine Tool

  3. SY-10电脑输液泵工作精度的探讨单片机控制直流调速器

    Discussion of the Infusion Accuracy of the SY-10 Model Computer Controlled Infusion Pump

  4. 该文就CINCINNATI立式加工中心改造中的几何精度、定位精度、工作精度的校验进行了分析、探讨和研究,并对位置精度进行了线性系统的误差补偿。

    This paper studies the determination of geometry accuracy , positioning accuracy , and work accuracy in reconstruction of the CINCINNATI vertical machine center . The method of compensating for linear positioning errors is presented .

  5. 并联机床工作精度检验样件设计

    Explore of Test Piece Design for Accuracy of Parallel Machine Tools

  6. 转速对磁吸滚筒式精密排种器工作精度的影响滚筒式,波轮式洗衣机

    Study of the Influence of Drum Velocity on the Performance of Magnetic Precision Cylinder-seeder

  7. 这里是一个测试再次看到如果你的工作精度高。

    Here is a test again to see if you work with high accuracy .

  8. 通过误差补偿可以保证寻北系统长时期的工作精度。

    North finding system will work normally for long time when the error is compensated .

  9. 刀具安装在主轴上,电机运转精度不影响刀具工作精度;

    Tool main shaft is connected by transition axis , thus the motor main shaft rotating .

  10. 磨床工作精度与磨削加工精度的试验研究与分析计算方法

    A Method of Experimental Research and Calculation on Grinding Machine Working Accuracy and Grinding Process Accuracy

  11. GB/T4018.2-1997圆柱立式钻床精度检验第2部分:工作精度检验

    Pillar type vertical drilling machines Testing of the accuracy Part 2 : Testing of the working accuracy

  12. 概述了影响经济型数控系统工作精度的因素。

    The effective factors on working accuracy of economical NC machine tool have been summarized in this paper .

  13. 该系统已经在实际应用中取得良好的效果,工作精度提高到±4%。

    The perfect performances have been availed in application . Working precision is improved to ± 4 % .

  14. 柱塞泵单向阀球与活塞直径比值对工作精度的影响

    The Influence of Proportionate Value on Piston Pump Working Precision between the Diameter of Piston and Valve Ball

  15. 车载光学系统对于振动相当敏感,为了保证车载光学系统的工作精度,需要对光学系统进行减振设计。

    Vehicle optical system is sensitive to vibration , so vibration suppression is very important to the working accuracy .

  16. 设备的可靠性、工作精度、寿命、性能等,均与轴承质量的好坏关系密切。

    The quality of bearing is closely related to reliability , work precision , life , and capability of the equipment .

  17. 因此,如何提高铜合金的使用寿命和工作精度就成为一个重要的研究课题。

    So , how to improve the using life and the working precision of the copper alloy is an important research project .

  18. 监控系统的引入,增强了无钻杆旋挖钻机的工作精度和工作效率、减轻了操作人员工作量,对旋挖钻机性能的提高有着重要的意义。

    The introduction of monitoring system enhanced the working accuracy and efficiency of rodless rotary drilling rig , reduced workload of operator .

  19. 用于野外机动作战的雷达车,风载是影响其工作精度的重要因素之一。

    Wind load is one of the key factors which influence the precision of the Radar vehicle , which was designed to work outside .

  20. 主轴是机床或仪器等精密机械的核心构件,它也是影响精度的主要因素,主轴系统的热变形对机械的工作精度影响也很大。

    The principal axis is one of the key parts in machines , so its thermal deformation influences the working accuracy of machines deeply .

  21. 用工作精度(四倍精度)算术运算及适中的表存储使三角函数精确到2.0ulp。

    With a table of moderate size , the implementation needs only working-precision ( quad-precision ) arithmetics and are provably accurate to within 2.0 ulp .

  22. 各类主机的工作精度、性能、寿命、可靠性等各项指标,都与齿轮性能密切相关。

    Each index of all kinds of mechanism , such as operating precision , performance , life and reliability , are closely related to gear performance .

  23. 惯性导航系统具有完全自对准的特点,其初始对准精度和对准时间直接影响惯性导航系统的工作精度和反应时间。

    Inertial navigation system has the characteristic of self-alignment , the alignment precision directly influences the navigation accuracy and the alignment time affects the response rapidity .

  24. 危险度等级的阈值确定是确定滑坡危险度区划工作精度的关键。

    How to decide the threshold value of hazard zonation is the keys , which can be , divide the precision of landslide hazard zonation research .

  25. 分析结果表明组合系统具有良好的长期工作精度,能够满足车辆导航和定位的要求。

    From numerical results , it can be concluded that the integrated system can provide more accurate navigation solution than the MIMU and the GPS alone .

  26. 利用工艺规则,通过起始关键点的获取,最少工步数的确定,到排样的优化,来保证级进模的工作精度。

    It uses process rules to realize step layout optimization for guaranteeing working precision of progressive punch die after obtaining keypoint and minimum number of working steps .

  27. 伺服系统的要求:工作精度高、调速性能好、带负载能力强、响应速度快、稳定性和可靠性高。

    This system require more , such as high precision , good regulation-speed performance , strong ability with load , quick response speed , high stability and reliability .

  28. 与国外生产的轴承相比,国产轴承的振动幅值高,噪音大,严重影响机械设备的工作精度与使用寿命。

    The vibration and noise of domestic bearing is higher than those of abroad one , which seriously influences the working accuracy and fatigue life of a mechanical equipment .

  29. 然而机械设备运转时所产生的振动,不仅影响本身的工作精度、结构强度和使用寿命,而且会对周围的仪器、设备和建筑物带来危害。

    However , the vibration of mechanical equipments not only affects the accuracy , structural strength and service life , but also brings mischief of the surrounding equipments and buildings .

  30. 初始对准是捷联式惯导系统关键技术之一。初始对准精度直接影响捷联式惯导系统的工作精度,初始对准时间也是反映武器系统快速反应能力的重要战术指标。

    One of the key technologies of SINS is the initial alignment , whose accuracy affects the precision of SINS and whose speed effects the response rapidity of the weapon .