
gōng jiàn
  • workpiece;work;job
工件 [gōng jiàn]
  • [workpiece] 制造过程中的一个产品部件

工件[gōng jiàn]
  1. Jobshop的工件序摄动分析算法

    Job sequence perturbation analysis algorithm for Job Shop scheduling problem

  2. 连铸是一个工件成组问题(jobgrouping),因此连续性是首要的评价指标。

    The continuous casting scheduling is a job grouping problem . Therefore the continuity is the most important evaluating indicator .

  3. 台钳上有刻痕的虎钳牙帮助它紧咬住工件。

    The scored jaws of a vise help it bite the work .

  4. 工件已经上了车床。

    The workpiece is already on the lathe .

  5. RationalAssetManager使用文件系统来存储工件。

    Rational Asset Manager uses the file system to store the artifacts .

  6. 部署组(DeploymentGroup)是可以从工作空间中的项目部署的工件的有序列表。

    A Deployment Group is an ordered list of supported deployable artifacts from projects in your workspace .

  7. 使用ProjectExplorer或者Search视图来拖拉工件以创建链接。

    Use the Project Explorer or the Search view to drag artifacts to create links .

  8. 创建一个新Java项目来容纳Java编程工件,操作如下

    Create a new Java project to hold the Java programming artifacts by doing the following

  9. RationalRequirementsComposer包含了一些编辑器和工具,来提供需求及支持的工件。

    Rational Requirements Composer includes several editors and tools to produce requirements and supporting artifacts .

  10. XML或WSDL工件:实际可部署的工件,包括XML模式和WSDL文档

    XML or WSDL artifacts : Actual deployable artifacts , including XML Schema and WSDL documents

  11. 使用Ant,您可能需要定义专有任务来组装每个工件。

    Using Ant , you would need to define specific tasks to assemble each artifact .

  12. 通过进行基于Web的仿真试验表明:采用多分支广义表表达的工件模型,与静态精度建模方法相比,有较好的实时仿真效果。

    The experiment of Web-based simulation demonstrates that a model constructed by the multi-branch general lists structure has a better effect of simulation compared to static details modeling .

  13. 在您点击Finish之后,新工件将会随着您所选择模板的内容一同得到初始化。

    After you click Finish , the new artifact will be initialized with the content of the template that you selected .

  14. 要使用JavaBean工件自下而上生成JAX-WSweb服务,完成以下步骤

    To generate JAX-WS web services from bottom up using the Java Bean artifacts , complete the following steps

  15. 提出了一种利用CCD图像传感器来检测工件表面质量的方法。

    A new method which is used to measure the workpiece surface quality by CCD image sensor is introduced .

  16. 通常的起始点是一组标准的RUP工件和角色。

    The usual starting point is a set of standard RUP artifacts and roles .

  17. RUP拥有许多详细的角色和工件。

    RUP has many detailed roles and artifacts .

  18. 现在所有工件都已经准备好,让我们构建portlet!

    Now that all the artifacts are ready , let 's build this thing !

  19. 该工具可以方便地将Web服务运行时工件打包到一个可部署的WebApplicationArchive(war)中,而后者可以直接部署到应用服务器实例上。

    The tool conveniently packages the Web service runtime artifacts into a deployable Web Application Archive ( war ), which can directly be deployed onto an application server instance .

  20. 当您拥有一系列想要用于制作模板的完整工件时,就从Project主页或者ProjectExplorer中创建模板。

    Create templates from the Project home page or the Project Explorer when you have a group of completed artifacts that you want to use to make templates .

  21. 过滤Links工具条上的链接,以快速找到对特定类型工件的引用(例如,一个MicrosoftWord文件)。

    Filter links in the Links sidebar to quickly find references to artifacts of a particular type ( for example , a Microsoft Word document ) .

  22. 在此之后,我们将比较几种不同的针对测试工件而创建的CM开发环境策略,并且我们将为您介绍一些案例。

    After that , we will compare different strategies for setting up a CM environment for test artifacts , and we will provide implementation examples .

  23. 作为前提,我们假设您已了解如何运行迁移工具,并且知道在参考资料部分文章中提到的ProcessServer之前版本中生成的工件的用途。

    As a premise , we assume you already know how to run the migration tools and understand the purpose of the artifacts generated in previous Process Server versions covered by the articles in the Resources section .

  24. ESD完成之后,解决方案所需的服务定义和工件就生成和准备好了。

    After ESD completes , service definitions , and artifacts are generated and ready for your solution .

  25. 电气控制采用了PLC,对工件的运行、摆动、上升、下降等动作及间隔时间实现了自动控制。

    PLC is used in electric system for automatic control of moving , swinging , lifting , lowering operations of the works as well as time intervals between operations .

  26. 在第三个步骤中,将开发业务分析模型,在其中,每个业务用例实现根据两个主要的UML工件进行形式化

    During the third step , a Business Analysis Model is developed wherein each business use case realization is formalized in terms of two major UML artifacts

  27. 利用从机器人控制柜获取实际工件上的3个特殊点位置,通过VB编程完成了工件坐标系标定。

    By getting position data of three special points on the real work-piece and VB programming , the calibration of work-piece coordinate system is completed .

  28. 一个具有直观表示的定制Wicket组件通常包含如下工件

    A custom Wicket component that has a visual representation typically consists of the following artifacts

  29. PGP签名的工件,带有公共密钥。

    PGP-signed artifacts with public keys .

  30. PCD刀具金刚石砂轮刃磨表面质量及其对加工工件表面质量的影响

    Surface Quality of PCD Cutting Tool Grinded with Diamond Wheel and Its Effect on Machining Surface Quality of Workpiece