
gōng nóng lián méng
  • worker-peasant alliance;alliance of the workers and peasants;alliance of the working class with the peasantry
工农联盟 [gōng nóng lián méng]
  • [worker-peasant alliance] 工人阶级和劳动农民在工人阶级政党领导下的革命联合。在我国,工农联盟是无产阶级革命胜利的重要保证,也是无产阶级专政的基础

工农联盟[gōng nóng lián méng]
  1. 工农联盟赢得了革命的胜利。

    The alliance of the workers and peasants won the success of the revolution .

  2. 工农联盟是统一战线的基础。

    Worker-peasant alliance is the basic of the united front .

  3. 马克思列宁主义就是讲工农联盟,工农合作。

    Marxism-Leninism stands precisely for alliance and co-operation between workers and peasants .

  4. 我们党讲了三十几年工农联盟。

    Our Party has stood for the worker-peasant alliance for more than three decades .

  5. 第四章从不同的角度分析影响工农联盟的因素。

    Chapter Four analyses the factors that affect the alliance from the different angles .

  6. 以商品经济为中介,巩固工农联盟;

    Regard commodity economy as the intermediary , consolidate the worker - peasant alliance ;

  7. 论工农联盟思想在列宁新经济政策中的作用

    On the Role of the Thought of Worker-Peasant Alliance in Lenin 's New Economic Policies

  8. 这不是要影响到工农联盟这一个基本路线吗?

    And does it not affect our basic line & the alliance of workers and peasants ?

  9. 工农联盟将在社会主义现代化建设的新的基础上更加巩固和发展。

    The worker-peasant alliance will be further consolidated and developed on the new basis of socialist modernization .

  10. 梁漱溟说,工农联盟破坏了,国家建设没有希望了。

    Liang Shu-ming asserts that the worker-peasant alliance is in ruins and there is no hope for national construction .

  11. 第五章提出在新的历史条件下巩固和发展工农联盟的对策。

    Chapter Five puts forward the countermeasures of consolidating and developing the alliance of the workers and the farmers .

  12. 新经济政策的阶级基础是工农联盟,工农联盟是建设社会主义的基本力量,但长期实行新经济政策会破坏工农联盟。

    The class base of the new economic policy was worker-peasant alliance , which was the basic force for socialist construction .

  13. 前两章为分析新的历史条件下的工农联盟做理论上的铺垫。

    The first two chapters make preparations for the analysis of the alliance of the workers and the farmers under the new historic conditions .

  14. 积极稳妥地推进经济体制改革,初步形成了工农联盟新的有效形式。

    With positive and smooth advancement of the reform of economic system , the new effective forms of the alliance of take shape initially .

  15. 农业也是一样,增加农民收入,反过来也会刺激农业发展,巩固工农联盟。

    The same is true with agriculture ; an increase in peasants ' income stimulates agricultural growth and consolidates the alliance of workers and peasants .

  16. 工业支援农业,农业反过来又支援工业,这是个加强工农联盟的问题。

    Industry should support agriculture which , in its turn , should support industry . This is a matter of reinforcing the alliance between the workers and peasants .

  17. 如不赶快上马,就要破坏工农联盟,的确是要破坏的。

    " If you don 't get on the horse quickly , there will be the danger of breaking up the worker-peasant alliance ", and danger there certainly will be .

  18. 在面临帝国主义武装干涉的时候,要巩固国内工人阶级和农民阶级的政治军事联盟,通过后方巩固的工农联盟不断往前线输送人力和物资,这样才能使前线的胜利获得保障。

    In face of intervention , the working class and farmers should consolidate domestic political and military alliance . The worker-peasant alliance can transport personnel and supplies to the frontier .

  19. 摘要工农联盟是指工人阶级和农民群众在工人阶级政党的领导下,为实现一定的战略目标,在一定共同利益的基础上结成的政治联盟。

    The worker-peasant alliance refers to the political alliance formed between workers and peasants under the leadership of worker 's party based on certain common benefits and for certain strategic goals .

  20. 结果两下都不相信,穷的不相信,富的也不相信,那末工农联盟就很不巩固了。

    AS a result , neither the one nor the other , neither the poor nor the rich , will trust us , and the worker-peASant alliance will become quite shaky .

  21. 就是说,如果不采纳梁漱溟的意见,就没有希望搞好工农联盟,就办不好国家建设,社会主义也就没有希望了!

    In other words , unless his ideas are adopted , the worker-peasant alliance has no hope of success , national construction cannot make headway , and there will be no hope for socialism !

  22. 加强对农民的教育,以精神的武器激发农民革命的积极性和自觉性,是建立和巩固工农联盟的必要前提。

    Enhance the education of peasants , to stimulate the enthusiasm of the peasant revolution and self-consciousness with the " spiritual weapons ", which is necessary precondition for the establishment and consolidation the worker-peasant alliance .

  23. 列宁继承和赋予马克思恩格斯统战思想以时代特征,提出俄国革命必须由无产阶级领导,依靠工农联盟的思想。

    Inheriting Marx and Engels ' concept on the united front and placing times features on it , Lenin made it clear that Russian revolution should be led by the working class and rely on worker-peasant alliance .

  24. 后三章是论文的重点内容,第三章论述改革开放以来工农联盟的状况。

    The last three chapters are the key part of the thesis . The third chapter discusses the state of the alliance of the workers and the farmers from the start of the Reform an Opening to the Outside World on .

  25. 有些同志,从资产阶级、富农或者具有资本主义自发倾向的富裕中农的立场出发,错误地观察了工农联盟这样一个极端重要的问题。

    Some comrades take a wrong approach to the vital question of the worker-peasant alliance , proceeding as they do from the stand of the bourgeoisie , the rich peasants , or the well-to-do middle peasants with their spontaneous tendencies towards capitalism .

  26. 工农联盟是科学社会主义的一个基本原理,在改革开放和发展社会主义市场经济新的历史条件下,工农联盟表现出新的特点和新的内涵。

    The alliance of the workers and the farmers is a fundamental principle of scientific socialism . Under the new historical conditions of reforming , being open to the world and developing the socialist market economy , it shows new characteristics and content .

  27. 随着经济体改革的深入,社会阶级阶层结构发生了新的变化,新的社会阶层产生,农村富余劳动力开始向非农领域转移,农民工成为新时期工农联盟的一条重要纽带。

    With the reform of economic system deepened , social classes and strata experience new change . The rural surplus labor force transfer to the fields beyond the agriculture , so the farmer workers become the link of the alliance of the workers and the farmers .