
  • 网络distribution principle;the principle of allocation;allocation rules
  1. 分配原则是按要素贡献分配,就是要在要素的贡献与报酬之间建立因果关系。

    The principle of allocation is according to the factors ' contribution , in other words , we should establish causal relationship between contribution and rewards .

  2. 我国现行分配原则与社会公平问题

    Present Distribution Principle in Our Country and Problem of Social Justice

  3. 共产主义社会的分配原则是“各尽所能”,“按需分配”。

    The principle of distribution in communist society is “ from each according to his ability ” and “ to each according to his needs ” .

  4. 社会主义的分配原则是“各尽所能”,“按劳分配”。

    The principle of distribution in socialist society is “ from each according to his ability ” and “ to each according to his work ” .

  5. 论文分析了虚拟层次化无线mesh网络架构,包括网络拓扑结构、组网优势和挑战性,针对该网络的特点,探讨了信道分配原则和模型。

    The architecture of virtual hierarchical wireless mesh networks is analyzed , involving network topology , networking strength and challenge .

  6. 解决FMS负荷平衡的工序分配原则

    Process distributing principle for load equilibrium in FMS

  7. FCC指出问题的根源不是频谱的真正缺乏,而是目前采用的频带分配原则使得频带利用率较低。

    FCC pointed out that the root is not short of frequency spectrum , but the actual frequency distributing manner made low utilization rate of frequency .

  8. 实行ESOP的原则通常有三点:参与原则、有限原则、按贡献分配原则。

    The fundamental principals of ESOP have three points : participation , limitation and distribution according to contribution .

  9. 分析了RD团队控制权与剩余索取权的均衡机制,研究表明,必须给予RD团队及其成员一定的控制权与剩余索取权,提出了与其他利益相关之间均衡的分配原则。

    The research also points out it 's necessary to allocate partial controls and surplus claims to R D team and team members , moreover an allocation principle balancing R D team members and other stakeholders is proposed .

  10. 提出了一种在DVB系统传输多媒体数据的方法,并给出了PID分配原则、多媒体数据组织结构及实现算法。

    In this paper , a method of transmission multimedia data in DVB system is presented , giving the distributing principle of PID , the organizational structure of multimedia data and algorithmic .

  11. 时多Agent系统的群体组织结构进行深入研究,给出Agent的组织原则,权力分配原则,权力实施原则和在领导Agent的权力作用下进行协作工作的机制。

    This papers focal point is research structure of groups organizations of multi-agent , agent the principle of organizations of intelligence agent , principle of distribute , principle of power implement and coordinate work mechanism of agent of under the leadership of leading agent are proposed .

  12. 运用Lanchester方程,将决定攻击优势的火力指数与火力分配原则有机地联系起来。

    By the use of Lanchester Equations , an organic relationship is established between fire indexes that determine the attack superiority and weapon assignment principle .

  13. 提出了利益分配原则;运用纳什讨价还价解和夏普利值(shapely-value)两种方法探讨了联盟利益的分配方式。

    This article put forward distributing principle of alliance profit .. Use the Nash solution to two players bargaining and Shapley-value to research alliance profit . 6 .

  14. 系统框架结构设计完成之后对各个功能模块的设计与实现,使用WCF的通讯机制,实现模块之间的低耦合,方便模块的开发、维护和系统扩展。3.货物存储策略和货位分配原则的设计。

    System framework design of each module after the completion of the design and implementation , make use of WCF communication mechanism to achieve low coupling between modules to facilitate module development , maintenance and system expansion . ( 3 ) Cargo storage strategy and location assignment principles design .

  15. 厅堂扩声功率计算方法与分配原则

    Calculative Method and Distributive Principle for Audio Power Amplification in Hall

  16. 动态合作对策的单调核心分配原则

    A Note on Monotonic Core Allocation Principles about Dynamic Cooperative Games

  17. 多传感器数据融合时权的最优分配原则

    Optimal Weight Distribution Principle Used in the Fusion of Multi-sensor Data

  18. 改革开放以来我国收入分配原则的演变及启示

    Evolution and Enlightenment about Income Allocation Principles since Reform and Opening-Up

  19. 分配原则是经济政治学上长久以来一个颇受争议的话题。

    Distribution principle is a long controversial topic in political economy .

  20. 论效率优先兼顾公平的分配原则

    On the Distribution Principle of Efficiency First and Consideration to Fairness

  21. 初始水权分配原则及其量化方法

    The Principle of the Initial Water Right and the Practice Method

  22. 分配原则及其调整的风险与对策

    Toward Income Distribution Principle and the Risks and Strategy of Adjustment

  23. 市场化分配原则与共同富裕

    The Market - oriented Distribution Policy and the Shared Prosperity

  24. 产权制度与按要素贡献分配原则

    Property Rights System and the Distribution Principle According to the Factors Contribution

  25. 分配原则是:“先申请、先付款、先分配”,协办单位可优先安排。

    The co-organizer may have the priority to be arranged .

  26. 提出了利益分配原则;

    This article put forward distributing principle of alliance profit .

  27. 第二章探讨了保险合同解除权的性质和立法分配原则。

    Chapter Two discusses the character and distribution of the rescinding right .

  28. 我国保险法已经建立了比较完善的缔约信息义务制度,但是还需要在保险交易注意合理分配原则的指导下,通过修改一些旧规则、引进一些新规则来加以完善。

    We shall reconstruct the information supplying institution by introducing some new rules .

  29. 理论上,这两个职责分配原则似乎很容易理解。

    In theory , these two responsibility assignment principles seem easy to understand .

  30. 从社会产品分配原则看高等教育的公平与效率

    Fairness and Efficiency of Higher Education under the Distribution Principle of Social Product