
  • 网络classification;group code
  1. 新的数据没有分类别(这里是指还没有做过心脏病检查),评价过程根据挖掘模型将一个预测赋给每个新的记录。

    The new data has no classification ( in this case , no checks on heart disease have been made ) and the scoring process assigns a prediction to each new record according to the mining model .

  2. 同时,为解决电信网络设备的差异性,文中按照TMN标准提出了分类别、分层次的故障管理策略;

    In order to resolve the differentia among telecom equipments , the management strategy are presented by classes and levels .

  3. 目前,我国逐步形成了政府统一领导、分类别、分部门应对危机的管理体系,但是现行的危机管理体系仍然存在很多的不足之处。

    At present , China has gradually formed a unified leadership of the government , but the current crisis management system , there are still many deficiencies .

  4. 这种算法主要体现了两大原则,一是基于待分类别的光谱特征优化与参量化原则,二是类别判定中的模糊定义与专家决策原则。

    It is designed out in accord with two principles : one is the spectral feature optimization and parameterization , another is fuzzy and expert decision in pixel identification .

  5. 服务器端子系统主要负责后台事务管理,管理员可以添加、删除、合并主分类和分类别,轻松地查看和修改商品的信息,还可以查看用户账号和账号的业务情况。

    Terminal server system is mainly responsible for the background transaction management , the administrator can add , delete , merge the main categories and sub-categories , easily view and modify product information , and also can view the user account and its business conditions .

  6. 然后通过把它分等级类别把提交信息的人分不同等级类别

    And by rating it and by rating the different people who submit information ,

  7. 每个类别表示一个位置,分到此类别中的产品表示该产品可在这一销售区域销售。

    Each category represents a location , and a given product grouped in a category indicates the product is available for sale in that location .

  8. 目的:老年人眩晕辨证分型类别较多,缺少统一的标准,临床治疗也多以经验为依据辨证施治,没有公认的诊疗规范可循。

    Old vertigo disease complicated syndrome differentiation type more , the lack of uniform standards , clinical treatment has been mostly empirical syndrome differentiation , no recognized diagnostic and treatment practices to follow .

  9. 归纳推理心理效应指的是归纳论断中各种因素对个体做出归纳结论时把握性(力度)大小的影响,根据影响因素的不同,主要可分为类别效应、属性效应和交互效应三种。

    Inductive inference psychological effects point out the extent that various factors in the inductive arguments affect the inductive judgment power , according to the factors and their effective ways , which mainly includes category effect , property effect , and mutual effect .

  10. 通过聚类将这些序列分为若干类别;

    With clustering , these sequences are divided into several clusters ;

  11. 根据有无反馈,可以将类别学习分为监控类别学习和非监控类别学习。

    We can divide category learning into supervised category learning and unsupervised category learning .

  12. 分类识别是依据信号特征的观测值将其分到不同类别中去。

    Classification is to classify signal into its category according to the observed value of feature extracted .

  13. 样本的各类别置信度反映了分类器把样本分为不同类别的可信度。

    A sample 's each-class confidence reflects the reliability that one classifier recognizes it as each class .

  14. 语气副词语义上主要分两大类别:判断语气和评价语气。

    The modal adverbs can be divided into two kinds on semantic : judging mood and appraise mood .

  15. 黄颌蛇你应该也学习过,虽然通常被分到毒蛇类别中,但事实上它们大致是无毒的。

    Colubrids , and you probably learned this too , although they are often classified as venomous snakes , they are actually generally non-venomous .

  16. 为了实现文本的自动分类,故需将文本分类规则数字化成分类器,也就是由分类器来决定待分文本的类别。

    In order to achieve automatic text classification , it takes into digital text classification rule classifier , which is to be determined by the classification of the text category .

  17. 决策分析框架可以分为几种类别:规范性决策分析框架,比如更多直接涉及价值和通约的决策分析和成本效益分析;

    Decision analytical frameworks can be divided into several types : normative DAFs , such as decision analysis and cost-benefit analysis , that deal more directly with valuation and commensuration ;

  18. 在所分林业信息类别的基础上,对信息采集来源网站进行搜集分类;(3)设计了平台的主体框架,确定了系统的服务方式。

    In the basis of the forestry information category , collected the sources of information website and classified them . ( 3 ) Design of the platform subject framework , ascertain the system service mode .

  19. 音乐赋按照不同的标准可以分为多种类别,本为主要以描写题材为对象进行分类为:乐器赋、乐舞赋、歌啸赋、乐曲赋。

    According to different standard music assignment can be divided into many categories , this as the main theme object by describing classified as : instrument fu , primeval fu , song squealing fu , music ode .

  20. 基金资助的计划主要分为下列类别:有效学习、均衡教育、校本管理、教育研究、利用资讯科技教学,以及表扬杰出学校的计划。

    The projects funded by the QEF fall mainly in the following categories : effective learning , all-round education , school-based management , education research , application of information technology in education and schemes that recognise excellence in the performance of schools .

  21. 找出总样品数中占比例大、岩性相同的原始分析数据作为标准,将全区的样品岩性按颜色、粒度分为若干类别(参见表1);

    Through finding out the original analysis data which occupy a great percentage in total samples and have a same lithology as a criterion and dividing the lithology of the samples from whole region into several categories according to the colour and granularity ( See table 1 );

  22. 在该方法中将Web服务发现过程分为Web服务类别匹配、Web服务匹配两个阶段,首先根据需求服务描述确定可能的Web服务簇进行Web服务过滤,然后再基于语义相似度进行Web服务匹配。

    In this method , Web service discovery process are divided into two stages , that are Web services categories matching and Web services matching . First filter Web services using the needed service description , then match the Web service based on semantic similarity .

  23. 认为传统的将Cavendish亚群分为五个类别的分类依据与基因型之间并无严格的对应关系。

    The traditional classification of Cavendish subgroup based on caudex height is not strict corresponded with gene type similarity .

  24. pylori感染率及菌株分型与民族类别无关,年龄、父亲受教育年限、家庭人口数、居住地公厕设施、养狗及吃肉可能是该地区儿童H.pylori感染的相关因素。

    Age , years of father 's education , number of member in family , public lavatory service , dog-keeping and eating meat might have played some role in infection with H.pylori in children .

  25. 该研究主要利用MODIS高分辨率数据,运用植被指数原理和及其植被指数的长时间序列变化,将研究区内植被覆盖分为15个类别,总体精度为73.71%。

    The study use MODIS data and VI principle and VI long time serial variation to distinguish the investigation area ' vegetation cover . Finally , making off 15 kinds and the overall accuracy is 73.71 % .

  26. 终端用户需求可以分为4个类别

    End-user requirements can be classified into four categories

  27. 根据不同的标准和根据,课程资源可以分为不同的类别。

    Curriculum resource may be classified into different categories according to different standards and grounds .

  28. 开发人员可以将此资产分为适当的类别,并添加任何所需的标签。

    The developer classifies this Asset into appropriate categories , and adds any desired tags .

  29. 为了使内容更有条理,我们将模式的类型分为不同的类别

    To organize the material , we break the types of patterns into a few different categories

  30. 然后我们将会把这些双音节异文根据不同的特点给分入不同的类别中进行研究。

    And then the dual-syllable variations depending on the characteristics are divided into different categories and studied .