
  • 网络Distributive justice
  1. 马克思劳动价值论视阈下的分配公正问题

    The Issue of Distributive Justice In View of Marx 's Labor Theory of Value

  2. 德行领导完全通过程序公正、领导公正、领导解释的中介,最终作用于分配公正;权威领导通过领导公正的中介,最终作用于分配公正。

    Moral leadership and authoritarian leadership influence distributive justice by mediation of procedural justice , leader justice and leader interpretation completely .

  3. 缩小居民收入差距促进收入分配公正

    Narrowing the Residents'income Gap and Promoting the Income Distribution Justly

  4. 互动的场景分配公正、程序公正、互动公正影响效果的差异

    The Different Outcome of Distributive Justice , Procedural Justice and Interactional Justice

  5. 分配公正的三种基本尺度

    Three Basic Criteria of Distribution Justice

  6. 本文通过对中西收入分配公正理论得失的探讨,阐述社会主义市场经济体制下分配公正的基本内容。

    This paper discusses the basic content of fair income distribution under the socialist market economy .

  7. 在他看来,公正既是总体德性,又是部分(个别)德性,而分配公正就是作为部分德性的公正之一种。

    Justice as a moral virtue is not only perfect virtues , but also a part of virtue .

  8. 关于分配公正的道德思考

    Distributive justice moral reflection

  9. 为分配公正建立社会主义公有的制度基础,必须通过社会革命方式。

    Justice in distribution needs a basis of socialist public-ownership system , which should be realized only through social revolution .

  10. 而在社会公正的诸多因素中,分配公正是社会公正的基本形式。

    While the distribution justice is the basic form of social justice among a good many of factors of social justice .

  11. 社会公正包括政治公正、法律公正、分配公正、发展机会的公正等。

    The so - called axial justice includes several parts such as political justice , legal justice , fair distributing and equal opportunities .

  12. 寻找经济增长和收入分配公正的有效途径成为我国各级政府的重要任务之一。

    It has become an important task of China 's various level governments to search for economic growth points and the efficient way of fair distributing income .

  13. 梳理马克思恩格斯分配公正的本真思想,对当前我国分配制度改革具有重大现实意义。

    A survey on the ultimate principle of Marx and Engel 's thought of justice in distribution is fundamentally significant to the current reform of distribution system in China .

  14. 建构与社会主义和谐社会市场经济相适应的分配公正观,既要尊重市场经济的一般规律,又要坚持社会主义的基本制度和原则,并达到二者之间的有机结合。

    The construction of fair income distribution of socialism harmonious society must conform to the laws of market economics and the basic socialist principles to achieve organic combination of the two .

  15. 只有利益分配公正,多元利益得以协调共存,才能为实现和谐社会奠定基础。

    Only when the distribution of interest is justice , can the different interests become harmonious and coexist in the society , which will provide a solid base for the harmonious society .

  16. 地权分配公正是实现社会公正的重要领域,直接影响着和谐社会公正目标的实现。在解决城镇土地投机和地价暴涨、实现居者有其屋等问题中更显土地公正的迫切。

    Equitable land ownership is an important field for achieving social justice , especially imperial in solving land venture , and land price rising suddenly and sharply , and actualizing Home Ownership Scheme .

  17. 分配公正、程序公正、互动公正影响效果的差异结果:联合组与施他宁组疗效差异不显著,而两者较垂体后叶素组差异显著。

    The Different Outcome of Distributive Justice , Procedural Justice and Interactional Justice ; Results : Difference between combined treatment group and pituitrin group was not significant , but that between combined treatment group and pituitrin significant .

  18. 第一章首先阐述了环境公正的内涵,指出了环境公正是追求代内公正和代际公正的,是为了实现代内的环境分配公正和政治公正。

    In chapter one , at first the author focus on the meaning of the environmental justice and points out that the environmental justice includes intragenerational justice and intergenerational justice which is pursue environmental distributive justice and political justice .

  19. 研究证实了提出的三个假设,获得的主要结论如下:第一,高校教师组织公正感包括四个维度:领导公正、分配公正、程序公正和领导解释。

    These analyses substantiate the hypotheses posed in this study , and reach conclusions as follows : First , concerned the faculty in universities , organizational justice has four dimensions : leader-justice , distributive justice , procedural justice and leader-interpretation .

  20. 论当前收入分配的公正性&以社会公正观为基础

    Justice of Present Income Distribution

  21. 认知权威结构以及参与程序都应体现分配的公正、矫正的公正,以及话语公正。

    Both the structure and process must conform to distributive justice , corrective justice and justice of discourse .

  22. 如果在张伯伦出现之前的分配是公正的,你又有什么理由质疑张伯伦出现之后的分配的公正性呢?

    If the distribution before Chamberlain was just , how can you dispute the justice of the distribution after Chamberlain ?

  23. 政府应以分配的公正、经济增长与稳定为目标,对经济进行总量和结构调节。

    The government should adjust the total amount and structure of economy , aiming at fair distribution , economic growth and stability .

  24. 而寻求权利义务分配的公正或合理在于建构以自由平等为价值诉求的制度。

    To seek the just or reasonable distribution of rights and obligations lies in the establishment of values of freedom and equality and an appeal system .

  25. 制度正义是对这种稀缺性资源安排、运作和分配的公正性、公平性和合理性的评价。

    Institution justice is the appraisement for this kind of rare justice , fairness and reasonability that is short of resource arrangement , running and distribution .

  26. 有利于提高公共政策执行对目标群体的需求偏好的有效回应,并确保政策执行主体重视公民政策权益的权威分配和公正落实;

    And it can also insure that the policy executors attach importance to the authoritative distribution and just fulfilment of the citizen 's rights and interests .

  27. 在物质财富还没有达到非常充足的情况下,现有物质资源的分配是否公正合理是影响教师职业幸福的重要因素。

    If the material fortune is not sufficient , whether the current material resources are distributed fairly is the crucial factor affecting the teacher professional well-being .

  28. 首先是对家室的公正的论述,其次是对具体的公正,包括分配的公正、矫正的公正、回报的公正的详细论述。

    First of all , is married and just discussed , followed by the specific justice , including distributive justice , corrective justice , a fair return in detail .

  29. 课堂教学作为学校教育最基本、最主要的活动形式,其资源分配的公正与否将直接影响到每位学生能否获得充分的发展。

    As the most basic , the main type of activity about school education , the fairness of the allocation of classroom teaching resources directly related to the students involved to obtain growth through teaching .

  30. 随着市场经济的发展和完善,垄断、外部性和社会分配不公正等经济和社会问题阻碍了市场经济的运行。

    With the development of market economy and its improvement , injustice problem of economy and society , such as monopoly , external economies and unjustice social distribution , have held up the operation of market economy .