
  • 网络E-mail;electronic mail;Email Service;mail service
  1. outlook可查阅常用电子邮件服务的帐户设置。

    Outlook can lookup the account settings for most popular e-mail services .

  2. Notes首先是一个邮件系统,能提供基于C/S结构、支持Internet标准的电子邮件服务,这也是用户最为熟悉、使用最多的群件功能;

    Notes is firstly a mail system , so it has the function of e-mail based on C / S structure and Internet .

  3. 我们需要改进为客户提供的电子邮件服务,以此加强沟通和联系。

    We needed to beef up the email service we provide to our customers to improve communication .

  4. 电子邮件服务作为Internet的一项关键服务,也逐渐显露出了一些不足之处。

    As a key service on Internet , mail service begins to show its shortages gradually .

  5. 电子邮件服务订阅所有具有“sendemail”主题的通知。

    The email service is subscribed to all notifications with a " send email " topic .

  6. 微软(Microsoft)正对其拥有16年历史的网页电子邮件服务进行彻底改头换面,并给它起了个新名字。

    Microsoft is giving its 16-year-old Web-email service a total overhaul and a new name .

  7. 电子邮件服务是Internet上最重要的一项服务,给人们的通信联系提供了极大的便利。

    Mail service is one of the most important services on the Internet . It provides a lot of convenience for people 's communication .

  8. 基于LDAP技术的大规模电子邮件服务解决方案

    A Solution to Large Scale Email Service Based on LDAP Technology

  9. 完全基于自由软件的面向Web的IMAP电子邮件服务

    Web Based IMAP Email Service Powered by Free Software

  10. 示例应用程序是一个叫做developerWorksEmail的虚构的电子邮件服务的登录屏幕。

    The example application is the login screen for a fictional e-mail service , called developerWorks Email .

  11. 介绍了一种自行设计并实现的应用层防火墙,它能有效地预防针对Web服务和电子邮件服务的攻击,体现了其专用性;

    This paper introduces a kind of application-level firewall which is self-designed and also has already realized its primitives . It can effectively detect attacks against WWW service and E-mail and desert them .

  12. 我们举一个简单的例子,让我们来看看Google的GMail电子邮件服务的登录页面。

    As a quick case study , let 's consider the login page from Google 's GMail email service .

  13. 例如,Google最近出现传闻,在履行协议、为某些州和当地政府提供基于云的电子邮件服务时遇到了麻烦。

    For example , Google has been in the news lately because of difficulties in completing contracts to bring cloud-based e-mail services to some state and local governments .

  14. Web-Mail则结合了两者的优点,能够以美观友好的Web用户界面为人们提供便捷的电子邮件服务。

    Web-Mail integrates both advantages . It can provide convenient Email services with beautiful and friendly Web user interface .

  15. 该系统通过设置针对不同对象的代理监测技术实现了对系统的数据库服务、Web服务、电子邮件服务、文件共享服务等服务程序以及硬件资源的故障监测。

    By using the different agents , HA implements the functions as follows : monitoring the status of the data base services , Web services , Email services and file sharing services , detecting the hardware failures .

  16. 讨论J2MEMIDlet将如何使用安全电子邮件服务。

    Discussion of how a J2ME MIDlet will use the secure email service .

  17. 他还补充,谷歌的电子邮件服务Gmail目前已有10亿用户。

    He added that Gmail , Google 's email service , now had one billion users .

  18. 这款新的网页电子邮件服务还整合了推特(Twitter)、Facebook和LinkedIn等社交网站,可以在用户打开邮件时显示发件人在这些网站的头像和状态更新。

    The new Web-email service also incorporates social networks like Twitter , Facebook and LinkedIn , displaying profile photos and status updates alongside email messages .

  19. 最简单的是使用网页电子邮件服务,如Gmail或YahooMail,或是你通常使用的网页服务邮箱。

    The simplest is to use a Web-based email service , like Gmail or Yahoo Mail , or the Web-based version of your usual service .

  20. 指定希望使用的文件路径或电子邮件服务的url,或单击“浏览”以在硬盘驱动器上定位电子邮件服务。

    Specify the file path or URL of the e-mail service you want to use , or click Browse to locate the e-mail service on your hard disk drive .

  21. 您还将遇到安全电子邮件服务中的一些Helper类,这些Helper类处理XML和各种安全问题,如创建XML的规范格式和计算摘要值。

    You will also come across a few helper classes in the secure email service that handles XML and security issues like authoring canonical form of XML and calculating digest values .

  22. 本文主要就PKI在以下两个方面的应用进行了介绍,一个是个人证书在安全电子邮件服务认证方面的应用;

    This text has mainly made an introduction on the application in two following respects of PKI , One is application in safe E-mail service authentication of personal certificate ;

  23. 实用工具服务:通过这些可构建可重用IT服务库,提供电子邮件服务、信用卡服务等等,其通过SOA成为企业资产的一部分。

    Utility services : These let you build libraries of reusable IT services providing , for example , an e-mail service , credit card service , and so on , which become enterprise assets with the SOA .

  24. 最令人不安的是,正式版Playbook竟然没有电子邮件服务,而这恰恰是黑莓智能手机的杀手锏。

    Most worrisome , the playbook launched without the email service that makes its smartphones so attractive to many users .

  25. 第一个主要案例是Hotmail电子邮件服务,和前文提到的那些邮件服务。

    The first major examples are thee-mail services from Hotmail and the like mentioned above .

  26. Hotmail于1996年上线,是第一批靠广告支撑的免费网页电子邮件服务之一。

    Hotmail launched in 1996 as one of the first free , advertising-supported Web email services .

  27. STYLESIGHT会对本网站新内容提供新的电子邮件服务或其他快讯服务。

    STYLESIGHT may provide news email service or other prompts to new Content .

  28. 而两年前,谷歌(Google)宣布它旗下的电子邮件服务Gmail有4.25亿(相当于全世界人口的6%以上)活跃账户。

    Or two years ago , when Google announced that there were 425 million active Gmail accounts ( or , put another way , more than 6 % of the world population ) .

  29. 在中国,包括电子邮件服务Gmail和谷歌地图(GoogleMaps)在内的许多谷歌服务无法在安卓设备上使用。由于无法登陆GooglePlay应用程序商店,中国用户只能从其它本地应用程序商店下载应用程序。

    In China , many Google services such as Gmail and Google Maps aren 't available on Android-based devices , and Chinese users , without access to the Google Play app store , get apps from other local stores .

  30. 从网上在线服务、电子邮件服务和本地运行三个方面介绍BLAST的使用方法,目的是使大家尽快掌握它,使其成为理论生物学研究的有力工具。

    The usage of Blast is introduced by on-line service , E-mail service and local running respectively , in order to make everybody master it as soon as possible , and to make it become a valuable tool in studying theoretical biology .