
  • 网络Electromagnetic Weapons
  1. 这些电磁武器高密度射难以置信的速度。

    These electromagnetic weapons fire high-density projectiles at incredible velocities .

  2. 动能武器是电磁武器和非常强大的。

    The kinetic energy weapons are electromagnetic weapons and are extremely powerful .

  3. 高能电磁武器的性能与威胁

    Analysis of technical performance and combat-effectiveness of high power electromagnetic weapon

  4. 随着电磁武器的发展,电磁脉冲及其防护技术再次成为关注的焦点。

    With the development of electromagnetic weapon , electromagnetism pulse and its protection technology become a focus problem interested by every big country .

  5. 超级电容器具有超大容量和高储能密度,作为一种新型储能元件,在电动车、电磁武器和不间断电源等方面的应用具有很大的潜力。

    Super-capacitor has large capacitance and high energy density as a new-type of energy storage element , which has great potential for applications on electric vehicles , UPS and electromagnetism arms .

  6. 针对电磁脉冲武器对导弹控制系统的严重威胁,重点阐述控制系统抗核电磁脉冲(HEMP)的主要途径。

    With the severe threat of electromagnetic pulse weapon to ballistic missile control systems , the primary ways how control system counteract HEMP are discussed .

  7. 历史性的推进防御武器的新发展&电磁推进武器评介

    New development of defensive weapon & electromagnetically propelled weapons in prospect

  8. 电磁脉冲武器对雷达的损伤效应及防护措施

    Destructive effects of radar by electromagnetic pulse weapon and its protective measures

  9. 用光导开关产生高功率微波高能微波电磁脉冲武器


  10. 电磁脉冲武器对电子对抗装备损伤模式分析

    Analysis the Damage Mode of Electromagnetism Pulse Weapon to Electronic Countermeasure Equipment

  11. 高能电磁脉冲武器对计算机系统的毁伤及防护措施

    Injury and Protection Measures of High-Power Electromagnetic Pulse Weapons for Computer Systems

  12. 他们的电磁脉冲武器会扫除掉每个乌贼。

    Their EMP could take out every sentinel .

  13. 电磁脉冲武器对抗空袭飞机研究

    Research on EMP weapon countering attacking aircraft

  14. 以光速运行的大功率微波被用在了电磁脉冲武器上,这是大家都知道的。

    Heating effect of tissues with the speed of light is a known effect of high power microwave and electromagnetic pulse weapons .

  15. 短毫米波高功率微波辐射源将会在成像雷达,精确制导,成像透视,生物武器的探测以及电磁波武器等方面有着重要的应用前景。

    It can be used in imaging radar , precision-guided munitions , fluoroscopy images , detection of biological weapon and EM sphere in electronic warfare .

  16. 电磁脉冲武器爆炸时所产生的强电磁脉冲,以极高的幅值瞬间辐射目标,造成目标电子系统的失效。

    The strong electromagnetic pulse generated by the high power electromagnetic can radiate target with high amplitude , resulting in the target electronic system failure .

  17. 在分析电磁脉冲武器特点和国内外电磁脉冲武器研究进展的基础上,论述了电磁脉冲武器抗击来袭飞机(包括隐身飞机)的可行性和方法。

    On the base of analyzing the characters of the electrom magnetic pulse weapon and its evolution , the feasibility and methods of electrom magnetic pulse weapons countering aircrafts are discussed .

  18. 美国在电磁波武器上的投资与冷战时期相比已经不可同日而语;依靠每年保留的大约4700万美元经费,其进展乏善可陈。

    In the United States , where spending on electromagnetic weapons is down from cold-war levels , but remains at some US $ 47 million per year , progress is elusive .

  19. 除外核武器及电磁脉冲武器,激光武器是另一种定向高能武器,可通过发射激光束来摧毁导弹、飞机、卫星等目标。

    Except for nuclear weapons and electromagnetic pulse weapons , laser weapons are another group of directed energy weapons which can destroy the missiles , aircraft , satellites and other targets with a laser beam .

  20. 主要根据强电磁脉冲武器的危害机理、危害途径和可能的危害结果从地面雷达系统的前门耦合防护、后门耦合防护等方面进行深入研究。

    Thoroughly research the front door coupling protection and back door coupling protection of ground radar system according to the harm mechanism , the harm way and the possible harm result of the strong electromagnetic pulse weapon .

  21. 随着超宽带成像、超宽带雷达、超宽带电磁脉冲武器等领域的快速发展,需要对超宽带天线技术作进一步研究,并提出对超宽带天线小型化和共形化的要求。

    With the rapid development of ultra-broadband imaging , ultra-wideband radar , ultra-wideband electromagnetic pulse weapons , the need for ultra-wideband antenna technology for further study and put forward the requirements of ultra-wideband antenna miniaturization and conformal .

  22. 超宽带雷达、超宽带通信、超宽带成像和超宽带电磁脉冲武器等领域的飞速发展,成为推动超宽带天线研究的巨大动力,并对超宽带天线提出了越来越高的要求。

    The rapid development in the fields of ultra wide band ( UWB ) radar , UWB communications , UWB imaging and UWB electromagnetic pulse weapon and so on becomes a tremendous impetus for studying UWB antenna while ever-increasing requirements are proposed for UWB antenna design .

  23. 信息化战争条件下,为了对抗电磁脉冲武器及雷达侦察监视技术对指挥防护工程生存造成的严重威胁,克服当前防护工程电磁防护方面存在的问题,开展了此项新型电磁防护材料研究。

    Under the informationization warfare condition , for antagonizing serious threaten caused by electromagnetic pulse weapon and radar scouting technique to the survival of the protective engineering , overcoming the existing problems in the field of EMP protection , the new electromagnetic protective material technique is studied .

  24. 文章分析了电磁炮用作武器特别是防御武器的优点及发展成新一代防御武器的可能性。

    The advantages of the electromagnetic gun and the possibility to form a new type of defensive weapon system based upon the electromagnetic gun are analyzed .

  25. 近年来,开关电源大量用于军用产品中,其电磁干扰对武器系统的正常运行构成了较严重的挑战。

    In recent years , the SMPS is used extensively for military electronic equipments and systems , which pose a more serious challenge to the normal operation of weapons systems .

  26. 分析了连续波半主动雷达制导导弹导引头工作电磁环境和对武器系统攻击区的影响。

    The magnetic environment in which the CW semi active radar guided missile 's homer works is analyzed and its influence on the attacking envelope of the weapon system is given .

  27. 微波吸收材料可有效地减弱电磁辐射强度,消除电磁干扰,实现武器装备的隐身,因此受到广泛重视。

    Microwave absorbing materials can effectively reduce the intensities of electromagnetic ( EM ) radiation , eliminate the EM interference , and achieve the stealth of weapons and equipment ; therefore it attracts widely attention .