
  • 网络telecom;telecommunication;Telecom Industry
  1. 中国加入WTO后电信业的经济学思考

    Economic study after China telecom entering WTO

  2. 中国加入WTO,使中国电信业更面临着国际竞争对手的强烈挑战。

    China joined WTO , which caused the China telecom industry to face the intense challenge from international competitors .

  3. 当时电信业的泡沫正处于极度膨胀时期。

    At the time the telecoms bubble was at its height .

  4. 这项非凡成就的取得并没有借助于现代电信业这个有利条件。

    This remarkable achievement took place without the benefit of our modern telecommunication industry .

  5. 电信业是一个服务型的行业。

    Telecommunication is an industry of service .

  6. 将天然气工业,电信业和部分采矿业收归国有的举措吓跑了投资者们。

    That boosted government revenues in the short term , but is now jeopardizing them . Morales

  7. 电信业CRM中客户挽留流程分析与实践

    Analysis and Practice of Customer Detainment Process for CRM in Telecommunication Industry

  8. 3G业务扩散对于电信业具有重要意义。

    3G diffusion in telecom industry is of great significance .

  9. 基于CORBA的电信业基站运维管理系统

    An o & m management system for Telecom BS based on CORBA

  10. 我国电信业发展水平已相当于人均GDP为我国2.5倍的国家。

    We are already enjoying the same telecommunication development level as a country with a GDP of 2.5 times ours .

  11. 网络电视(IPTV)是全新的电信业与传媒业的融合业务。

    IPTV is a newly emerged mixture of telecommunication industry and media industry .

  12. 对价格上限规制公式的生产效率因素X值进行计算,并与国外的情况进行比较分析,判断我国电信业的X值水平。

    It has calculated the productive efficiency factor X value of formula and compared with foreign countries , and then makes a judgment on the level of X value .

  13. 目前,ERP应用的范围已相当广泛,包括工业、金融业、电信业、公共机构等,其中,推广到流程制造业后就被称为流程工业ERP。

    At present , ERP application has been already quite widespread , including industry , financial industry , telecommunications industry , public entity and so on .

  14. 一是利用产业组织分析中的赫芬达尔指数(HI)说明管制改革后我国电信业市场结构的变化情况;

    First , it illuminates the market structure changes of Chinese telecom industry after regulation reforms by H index used in industrial organization analysis ;

  15. 伴随着中国加入WTO,电信业开放的步伐不断加快,中国电信运营商如何沉稳、成功应对“狼来了”?

    Along with the process of China entering the WTO , the telecommunication sector varying frequently , how can Chinese telecommunication operators successfully and soberly face the entering of multinational telecommunications ?

  16. 我国加入WTO后,电信业必然要建立破除行政垄断,建立有效良性竞争的市场。

    After our country enter into the WTO , the telecommunication industry must get rid of the administration monopoly by all means , establish effective the market of the positive competition .

  17. 在电信业重组和中国加入WTO后,中国移动当前处于什么样的营销环境,存在哪些优势和劣势,这都是文章所研究的。

    What marketing environment it is in after reconstruction of telecommunication corporation and China entering WTO , how many advantage and inferiority it has , these are the article will stay .

  18. 在三大智能手机制造商中,只有中国电信业高科技集团华为(Huawei)显示了增长。

    Of the three biggest smartphone makers , only Huawei , the Chinese telecoms technology group , showed any growth .

  19. 即便不出现电信业重组的复杂情况,官方的沉默也表明,他们仍难以决定以什么方式、在什么时间颁发3G牌照。

    Even without the complexities of an industry restructuring , official reticence suggests they are still struggling to decide how and when to issue licences .

  20. 中国固网电信业在迎来宏观经济飞速发展和政策环境不断改善以及加入WTO的历史机遇的同时,也面临着传统语音业务被移动通信和VOIP等新技术的异质代替的挑战。

    With macro economy developing , policy environment improving , the fixed network telecom industry is facing the challenge of cellphone and VOIP replacing traditional telephone business .

  21. 上述言论突显出(电信业)对于中国监管部门越来越感到失望,尤其是在国内推出3G服务的步伐方面更是如此。中国是全球最大的移动市场。

    The comments highlight growing frustration with China 's regulators , particularly over the pace of introducing 3G services to the world 's biggest mobile market .

  22. 目前,全球电信业正在处于从现有网络向下一代网络(NGN)演进的巨大变革之中。

    Global telecom industry is undergoing the innovation from the traditional network to the next generation network ( NGN ) nowadays .

  23. 但随着中国入世及电信业改革重组使得电信市场的竞争格局发生了重大改变,近年来DG公司的客户流失严重,效益逐年下滑。

    Along with China entering WTO and reform of China telecommunication industry , competition structure of China telecommunication market changed largely .

  24. BIT还能帮助美国企业在全球的扩张,让美国企业投资于如今在中国基本不对外开放的一些行业,比如金融业、运输业和电信业。

    The BIT also would increase the global reach of American businesses , allowing them to invest in Chinese markets in industries that are largely restricted today , such as financial services , transportation and telecommunications .

  25. 2009年1月7日随着3G牌照的发放,中国电信业正式进入了3G时代,3G移动终端也随之进入了快速发展期。

    January 7th 2009 , with the issue of 3G licences , Chinese telecom has formally entered the 3G time . The 3G mobile terminal enter a rapid development stage .

  26. 此外,OMG也增强了这些规范来支持特定行业,比如卫生保健业、制造业、电信业和其他的行业。

    In addition , OMG has enhanced these specifications to support specific industries such as healthcare , manufacturing , telecommunications , and others .

  27. WTO入世文件中涉及到电信业的文件对我国电信法制建设、电信管制机构的监管能力提出了新要求,对我国电信市场的竞争格局也将产生深远影响。

    The WTO rules concerning telecom industry put forward new requirement to our telecom legal construction and the regulation ability of telecom regulation institutions , meanwhile they will bring significant influence on the competition pattern of our telecom market .

  28. 服务水平协议(SLA)和企业应用集成(EAI)分别是当前电信业和计算机软件业的热点话题。

    Service Level Agreement ( SLA ) and Enterprise Application Integration ( EAI ) are the hot topics in the current telecom industry and computer software industry .

  29. 随着3G技术的日益成熟并即将大规模产业化,各电信业运营商之间的竞争日趋激烈,客户便成了企业的宝贵资源。

    With the increasing maturity and large-scale industrialization of 3G technology , the competition among the telecom companies become more critical , and customers will become the precious business resource in telecom market .

  30. 随着电信业的发展,以3G为依托的一个巨大产业链已经开始形成,并将推动、促进新的电信市场格局的构建。

    With the development of telecommunication industry , a huge industry chain has been established on the base of the 3G technology , which will also promote the reconstruction of a new telecom market .