
ɡōnɡ zuò huán jìnɡ
  • work environment;working condition;operating ambient;working atmosphere
  1. 工作环境必须改善,以适应新的要求。

    The working condition must be altered to meet the new requirements .

  2. 方法对9例12次接触H2S而出现眼化学伤的污水处理工人工作环境中H2S浓度进行监测,观察H2S损伤的眼部症状和体征。

    Methods The H 2S concentrations in the working condition that induced 9 cases and 12 times of ocular injury were inspected and the ocular symptoms and signs were observed .

  3. 十年来,工作环境有了明显的改变。

    Working conditions have changed measurably in the last ten years .

  4. 只要条件许可,雇主就须提供安全的工作环境。

    Employers should provide a safe working environment , as far as is reasonably practicable .

  5. 员工对改变工资和工作环境的建议普遍不满。

    There is widespread discontent among the staff at the proposed changes to pay and conditions .

  6. 罢工者要求加薪并改善工作环境。

    The strikers are demanding higher pay and better working conditions .

  7. 非人的工作环境不久就导致了身体状况的恶化。

    The subhuman conditions of work soon caused physical deterioration .

  8. 他们在不安全的工作环境下长时间辛苦劳作,却只有微薄的工资。

    They suffered long hours , unsafe working conditions and skimpy pay .

  9. 首要的事是改善他们的工作环境。

    The first thing to do is to improve their working conditions .

  10. 他们提出改善工作环境的要求。

    They bargained for an improved working environment .

  11. 在竟争激烈的工作环境中,雇主利用高科技手段要求员工提供更多的服务,而不是使用技术为员工提供福利,让员工更加灵活地工作,以此来激励他们。

    In a competitive work environment , employers are able to use technology to demand more from their employees rather than motivating workers with flexibility that benefits them .

  12. 在2011年的一项研究中,她调查了实施“以成果为宗旨的工作环境”(ROWE)计划对百思买公司总部员工的生产力和福利的影响。

    In a 2011 study , she investigated the effects of implementing a Results Only Work Environment ( ROWE ) on the productivity and well-being of employees at Best Buy 's corporate headquarters .

  13. 新人基因(newguygene)指新入职的员工自带的一种本能反应,让其在新的工作环境表现得更加有礼貌,直到他们能完全了解所在办公室的形势。

    New guy gene that triggers extra politeness in new employees until they 're up-to-speed on office politics . Example :

  14. “合伙办公”是一种以共享工作环境,而各自独立活动为特色的办公形式,通常是共享一间办公室。

    Coworking is a style of work that involves a shared working environment , often an office , and independent activity .

  15. 人们常说,改变工作环境就如同休假一样,所以我今天下午要做些和以往不同的事。

    Well , they say that a change is as good as a rest , so I 'll do something different this afternoon .

  16. 但刺鼻的盒饭中经常有油性鱼类食物、奶酪和鸡蛋三明治,对工作环境和办公文化造成了不好的影响。

    But pungent2 packed lunches including oily fish , cheese and egg sandwiches are having an adverse3 effect on working conditions and office culture .

  17. 我知道转换工作环境和休假一样对身心有益,所以我考虑在现公司申请一份新的工作。

    I know that a change is as good as a rest , so I 'm thinking of applying for a new role in my company .

  18. 十九世纪晚期,美国工会受够了——受够过度劳累、身处危险工作环境但只领到微薄薪水。

    In the late 19th century , American labor unions were fed up — fed up with being overworked , in dangerous conditions and with little pay .

  19. 比较分析了防止细菌污染PDA平板的不同方法和创造无菌工作环境的不同方法。

    Different methods of preventing bacteria contamination and creating aseptic working environments were studied .

  20. Twitter在声明中称,公司致力于创造多元且为员工提供支持的工作环境。

    Twitter said in a statement that it was committed to a diverse and supportive workplace .

  21. 利用六个简单输出的颜色传感器配合模糊控制器实现了移动机械手的路径跟踪,GPS以及条形码传感器的混合使用实现了移动机械手在不同工作环境下的定位。

    Six simple color sensors and a fuzzy controller realize the road following . And GPS and barcode made the robot local its position clearly .

  22. 本文对协同设计、工程数据库等相关理论作了深入的研究,并对发动机工程CAD的工作环境,后台数据库管理系统ORACLE作了详细的阐述。

    The paper discusses the research on collaborative design , engineering database theories and collaborative environments of engine CAD , introduces the backstage DBMS & ORACLE particularly .

  23. 通过该GPRS终端,利用GPRS网和Internet,实现在控制范围较广、工作环境较为恶劣的条件下的远程数据采集与控制。

    With the GPRS terminal , the remote data acquisition and control is realized using GPRS and Internet in a large control area and under execrable working conditions .

  24. 传统的模拟伺服回路其电阻、电容等器件受工作环境影响,易老化、漂移,且无法实现复杂控制,DSP以及控制算法的发展为伺服回路的数字化设计提供了可能;

    For traditional analog servo loop , aging and temperature can cause component variations , especially in complex environment , and it 's hard to implement complex algorithm with analog system .

  25. 为了防止封闭型工作环境空气中CO2的含量超标,应用低温液化的方法来分离空气中CO2。

    The cryogenic liquefaction is applied to separate CO_2 from the air , for the sake of preventing the transnormal CO_2 composition of airproof air in the airtight working environment .

  26. 网络会议是计算机支持协同工作环境(CSCW)的一个重要应用,是能够克服时空限制的一种会议召开方式。

    Net-meeting is an efficient working paradigm for CSCW , and is one of the modes which can get over the limiting of space-time .

  27. 系统为多用户并行设计同一幅地毯图案提供了良好的工作环境,并与Internet联接,为远程用户提供图案数据浏览与查询功能。

    It has created a working environment to users , in which many people may design a same carpet pattern at the same time . It can also connect with Internet and provide browsing and querying of pattern data for remote users .

  28. Baumüller电动机可根据主要的工作环境进行调节,因此能充分利用。

    Baum ü ller motors can be dimensioned in accordance with the prevailing conditions , there by enabling optimum utilization .

  29. 本系统以WINDOWSnt为操作平台,基于B/S模型,采用ASP-SqlServer作为Web数据库的开发技术,结合实际工作环境,开发了一套基于Web技术的高校设备物资管理系统。

    This system , based on B / S model , with WINDOWS NT as its platform , develops an Web-based system for the facility managing system at colleges and universities by applying into practice the ASP + SQL SERVER as the technology for Database .

  30. 如果你不知道你确切需要导入哪些包的URI,映射规则编辑器提供了一个内容辅助特性,它列出了工作环境中注册的包。

    If you don 't know the exact URI of the packages you want to import , the mapping rule editor provides a content assist feature , which lists the packages registered in the workbench .