
kěn dìnɡ jù
  • affirmative sentence
  1. 把这个肯定句改成否定句/疑问句。

    Change the affirmative sentence into a negative / interrogative sentence .

  2. 请你们把肯定句变化疑问句。

    I want you to change the affirmative sentence into an interrogative sentence .

  3. 英语意义肯定句的否定译法

    Put English Affirmative Form into the Negative Form while Translation

  4. 英语特殊肯定句与否定句反译之初探

    On the Converse Translation of English Particular Affirmative Negative Sentences

  5. 瓶子里只有一点水了。(肯定句:还有水。)

    There is a little water in the bottle .

  6. 论现代维吾尔语的肯定句和否定句之间的变换

    A Study on the Transformation between Affirmative Sentences and Negative Sentences of Modern Uighur

  7. 量词肯定句和否定句的理解

    Comprehension of affirmative and negative sentences with quantifiers

  8. 句子有三种基本形式:肯定句、疑问句和否定句。

    There are three forms of the sentence : affirmative , interrogative and negative .

  9. 本文就英汉互译中肯定句与否定句的转化作简单介绍。

    A Brief Description of the Conversion of Affirmative and Negative Sentences in English-Chinese Translation ;

  10. 某人,有人,常用于肯定句中。

    There is somebody waiting for you .

  11. 肯定句优于否定句。

    Put statements in a positive form .

  12. 英语肯定句译成汉语时应转换成否定句;

    It is necessary for a translator to translate affirmative English sentences into Chinese in a negative form .

  13. 解释在肯定句中使用非肯定词和在疑问句中使用肯定句的情况。

    Explain the conditions in which we need to use non-assertive words in positive statements and assertive words in questions .

  14. 最后我们还分析了祁阳方言肯定句中的语气副词连以及它的用法。

    Finally , we also analyze the tone adverb Lian and its usage used in positive sentence in Qiyang dialect .

  15. 英语中的反译法即将英语的肯定句译成汉语的否定句,或者将英语的否定句译成汉语的肯定句。

    The reversed translation method is : to translate affirmative sentences in English into negative sentences in Chinese or vice versa .

  16. 我能归纳出一般过去时态的肯定句、否定句以及疑问句的基本句式结构。

    I can find out the sentence structures of the positive , negative statements and questions forms of the simple past tense .

  17. 如果句子是以否定句开始的,那附加疑问部分通常是肯定句。

    In this speaking lesson , we are going to learn how to add question tags to statements and use the right intonation with them .

  18. 本文主要探讨没有相应否定形式的肯定句的类型及其不能构成否定形式的原因。

    This article mainly explores the affirmative sentences which have no corresponding negative forms , and the reasons why they cannot construct the negative forms .

  19. 在自我相关的句子里,与肯定句相比,否定句通过减弱情绪词的负性偏向效应而间接地影响到自我积极偏向效应的表现。

    In self-related sentence , compared with the affirmative sentence , negative sentence indirectly affect self positive bias effect by weakening the emotional negative bias effect .

  20. 头韵、尾韵、短词、生动的动词、肯定句、引用句的大量地运用有效地实现了英语新闻标题的吸引功能。

    Alliteration , rhyme , short words , vivid verbs , positive sentences and quoted sentences are favored which help headlines realize the attractive function effectively .

  21. 如果你真正掌握了这种行话,就应该知道,这只能用于肯定句,如:“哇,我好喜欢这个矮跟设计(这里是单数)。”

    To demonstrate your true mastery of this lingo , deploy it only in positive circumstances , eg ," Ooh , I do love a kitten heel . "

  22. 英语中许多肯定句含有否定意义,这些否定部分通常借助于含有否定意义的词,词组及习惯句式来表达。

    There have more negation meanings in the English affirmation sentences , a part of the negative meanings have often helped with words phrases , and customs pattern .

  23. 疑问不定词语是一种双极性词语,但与非极性词语不同,它们的分布语境是受到限制的,只能分布于否定句或某些肯定句等语境中。

    WH-words are bipolar items , but different from non-polar terms , their distribution is restricted , which can only be found in negative contexts and some positive contexts .

  24. 在肯定句中,它既可以表述不完全饱和的数量意义,又可以表述事件结果或有关情状之不完全实现的意义;

    In affirmative sentences , it can not only express the amount meaning of incomplete saturation , but also denote incomplete achievable meaning of the event outcome and state ;

  25. 实验1中,实验材料使用简单肯定句,每对句子的主语和宾语相同,谓语动词的方向有的是远离身体的,有的是趋近身体的。

    Each pair of sentences has the same subject and object . Some of the predicate verbs are away from body and some of them are toward the body .

  26. 本研究试图探索人们对舍有所有、每一个、有一些等量词的肯定句、否定句和双重否定句的理解。

    This study attempts to explore comprehending of affirmative , negative and double negative sentences with the quantifiers such as " all ", " every " and " some " .

  27. 文章主要讨论的是在一般肯定句中情态助词何时及如何被重读的,介绍了句子的意思和重读之间的关系,以及在否定句和疑问句中基本助词的重读问题。

    This paper is mainly about the connection between stress and meaning , and about when and how to stress the modal verbs in ordinary affirmative sentences and auxiliaries in negative and interrogative utterances .

  28. 其中,句式外具有否定意义的词语包括:句式外独说的否定词、句式外否定句中的否定词、句式外肯定句中表达否定意义的词语。

    The words having the negative meanings in the context include three groups , which are the single-words in negative sentences , the negative words in negative sentences and the words having the negative meanings in positive sentences .

  29. 显示否定句的焦点不仅在语用上有与肯定句相同的强调功能,语义上还有肯定焦点所在选言支,明确语义关系的作用。

    Showing the focus of negative sentences does not only have the same emphatic function of affirmative sentences in pragmatics , but also in semantics has the function of deciding the branch of disjunctive proposition which the focus is in and making the semantic relation clear .

  30. 否定检验法在赋予新的意义后,可以有效地解释二者的区别问题,即:处于否定范围之外的成分是句子的预设,而这个预设也同样是与其相对应的肯定句的预设。

    When assigned with a new interpretation , negation test can be used effectively to explain the difference between the two relations , I e. , the segment outside the negative scope is the presupposition of a negative sentence , which is also the presupposition of its corresponding affirmative sentence .