
  • 网络Presidents of Kenya
  1. 她计划周六会见肯尼亚总统姆瓦伊齐贝吉(mwaikibaki),然后启程前往马拉维,之后再造访南非。

    She is due to meet President Mwai Kibaki of Kenya on Saturday before travelling to Malawi and then South Africa .

  2. 联合国难民署高级专员安东尼奥•古特雷斯(AntonioGuterres)将于周一会见肯尼亚总统姆瓦伊•齐贝吉(MwaiKibaki),尝试消除障碍。

    The head of the UNHCR , Antonio Guterres , is due to meet the Kenyan President Mwai Kibaki on Monday to try to remove the obstacles .

  3. 非盟代表团成员包括肯尼亚总统和埃塞俄比亚总理。

    The African Union delegation includes the Kenyan president and Ethiopian prime minister .

  4. 昨天,肯尼亚总统表示安全部队已经对此感到羞愧并且已经打败了枪手。

    Yesterday , Kenya 's president said security forces had ashamed and defeated the gunmen .

  5. 肯尼亚总统称内部三层坍塌,虽然他没有解释是什么原因导致。

    Kenya 's president said three floors inside had collapsed , although he didn 't explain what caused that .

  6. 他对当时肯尼亚总统乔莫·肯雅塔的政策持批评态度,并且也吸收了肯尼亚副总统奥廷加的主张。

    His views were critical of the policies of Kenyan President Jomo Kenyatta and incorporated ideas of Vice-President Oginga Odinga .

  7. 肯尼亚总统齐贝吉和前联合国秘书长安南会谈后几个小时,那两位势不两立的对手会晤的消息就传开了。

    The news of the meeting between the two bitter rivals came hours after President Kibaki held talks with former U.N.

  8. 肯尼亚总统乌胡鲁·肯雅塔表示,肯尼亚政府期待扩大与中方的关系。

    For his part , Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta says his government is looking to expand its relationship with China .

  9. 肯尼亚总统选举候选人奥廷加的竞选伙伴说,星期一选举的点票过程不完善,应该停止。

    The running mate of Kenyan presidential candidate Raila Odinga says the vote-counting process from Monday 's election lacks integrity and should be stopped .

  10. 肯尼亚总统齐贝基和反对派领导人奥廷加在国际外交官、肯尼亚政府和反对派双方代表面前签署了这项协议。

    Kenyan President Mwai Kibaki and opposition leader Raila Odinga signed the agreement before international diplomats and representatives of the Kenyan government and opposition .

  11. 周六晚些时候,肯尼亚总统乌胡鲁·肯雅塔发表全国讲话时表示,这起袭击至少造成39人死亡,另有150余人受伤。

    Addressing to the nation late Saturday , Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta said at least 39 people were killed and more than 150 were wounded in the attack .

  12. 近日,肯尼亚总统乌胡鲁·肯雅塔放火销毁了巨大象牙库,以展示他的国家拯救非洲大象的承诺。

    Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta has set fire to a huge stockpile of ivory in an effort to show his country 's commitment to saving Africa 's elephants .

  13. 乌呼鲁·肯雅塔,肯尼亚总统:我会勤勉地履行我的职责和作为肯尼亚共和国总统的职能。

    UHURU KENYATTA , KENYAN PRESIDENT : That I will diligently discharge my duties and perform my functions in the office of the President of the Republic of Kenya .

  14. 肯尼亚总统齐贝吉宣布组成新的分享权力政府,其中包括由他在12月份选举时的主要对手奥廷加出任总理。

    Kenyan president Mwai Kibaki has announced the formation of a new power-sharing government , including his main rival in December 's elections , Raila Odinga , as prime minister .

  15. 肯尼亚总统姆瓦伊齐贝吉于当日宣布周四全国放假一天,庆祝奥巴马当选美国总统。

    Kenyan President Mwai Kibaki declared a public holiday Thursday in the country of Obama 's late father , allowing celebrations to continue through the night and into a second day .

  16. 会谈的主要调停人、前联合国秘书长安南计划与肯尼亚总统齐贝吉和反对党领导人奥廷加就如何推动谈判进行协商。

    The chief mediator for the talks , former U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan , plans to consult with President Mwai Kibaki and opposition leader Raila Odinga on how to move the negotiations forward .

  17. 肯尼亚总统齐贝吉与反对党领导人奥廷加商讨组建内阁事宜,奥廷加预期将担任联合政府的总理,但是两人还没有达成一致意见。

    Kenyan Leaders Discuss Forming New Cabinet Kenyan President Mwai Kibaki has discussed the formation of the country 's abinet with Raila Odinga , the opposition leader expected to take up the post of prime minister in a coalition government , but the two have not reached agreement .

  18. 肯尼亚总统齐贝吉与他在总统选举中的主要对手奥廷加于2月底签署协议,要求建立一个由奥廷加领导的总理办公室,两个主要反对党平分政府职位。

    The agreement , signed at the end of February by President Mwai Kibaki and his main challenger in the presidential race , Raila Odinga , calls for the creation of a prime minister 's office that would go to Mr. Odinga , and for government positions to be split evenly between the two parties .

  19. 乌呼鲁·肯雅塔,这位肯尼亚首任总统之子将成为最年轻的总统。

    Uhuru Kenyatta , the son of Kenya 's first president is set to become its youngest president .

  20. 他是肯尼亚第一届总统琼墨?肯雅塔的儿子。

    The son of kenya 's first president , Jomo kenyatta .

  21. 乌呼鲁·肯雅塔是肯尼亚第一任总统的儿子,现在他是肯尼亚最年轻的总统。

    Uhuru Kenyatta is the son of Kenya 's first president , now he 's the country 's youngest leader .

  22. 这位父亲是肯尼亚人的总统,讲到了非洲的悲惨过去与自己的联系。

    The president , the son of a Kenyan father , spoke of his personal connection to Africa 's tragic past .

  23. 肯尼亚有了新总统。

    AZUZ : Kenya has a new president .

  24. 第一枚炸弹爆炸的时候,肯尼亚外交部长萨姆·盎格利正在看来自肯尼亚总统的祝贺信。

    Kenyan Foreign Affairs Minister Sam Ongeri was reading a letter of congratulations from the Kenyan president , when the first bomber struck .

  25. 我非常感谢肯尼亚人民与政府主办本届《非洲增长与机会法》论坛,特别要感谢肯尼亚总统、总理和肯尼亚政府的全体官员。

    I am very grateful to the people and Government of Kenya for hosting this AGOA Forum , and particularly to the president , the prime minister , and the entire Kenyan Government .