
  • 网络Kensington Palace;kensingtonpalace
  1. 目前在联系NBC和肯辛顿宫对此事作出回应。

    Both NBC and Kensington Palace have been approached for a comment .

  2. 肯辛顿宫通过Instagram分享了他们的订婚照。在照片中,马克尔身着一袭黑色透明长裙站在她的未婚夫旁边。

    In the photos , shared by Kensington Palace on Instagram , Markle posed alongside her betrothed in a sheer black gown .

  3. 肯辛顿宫周二发布的一份措辞晦涩的声明巧妙地回避了这个问题,表示不会邀请任何政界人士参加5月19日在温莎城堡举行的婚礼,甚至包括英国首相特丽莎·梅(TheresaMay)。

    Neatly sidestepping the issue , Kensington Palace released an opaque statement Tuesday saying that no politicians would be invited to the May 19 wedding at Windsor Castle , not even Prime Minister Theresa May of Britain .

  4. 肯辛顿宫,威廉王子在目瞪口呆的人群中跳上舞台和泰勒·斯威夫特、邦·乔维一起即兴表演邦乔维的经典曲目《Livin'onaPrayer》。

    Prince William stunned crowds at Kensington Palace tonight by jumping on stage with Taylor Swift and Jon Bon Jovi for an ' off-the-cuff ' rendition of ' Livin ' on a Prayer ' .

  5. 在一场皇家礼仪聚会间歇期,凯特王妃(KateMiddleton)亲自给夏洛特公主拍下第一组官方照片——并通过推特(Twitter)肯辛顿宫(KensingtonPalace)账号发布。

    In a break from Royal protocol , the Duchess of Cambridge has taken Princess Charlotte 's first official portraits herself - and released them on Twitter via the Kensington Palace account .

  6. 肯辛顿宫发布Ins表示,剑桥公爵和公爵夫人为此感到“很开心”,并且“期待着见到家里的新成员”。

    In an Instagram post , Kensington Palace said the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge were " delighted " at the news and " look forward to meeting the latest addition to the family . "

  7. 王室成员威廉王子、凯特王妃和哈利王子都有钟爱的运动,但是肯辛顿宫(KensingtonPalace)绝对没有比梅根更柔软的人。

    While the younger royals - William , Kate and Harry - are all extremely keen on their sport , Kensington Palace is unlikely to have seen anything like the ultra-flexible Miss Markle before .

  8. 哈里和他的美国未婚妻将入住肯辛顿宫(KensingtonPalace)的诺丁山屋(NottinghamCottage),紧邻威廉王子夫妇。梅根2013年和首任丈夫离异。

    Harry and his American fiancee , who divorced her first husband in 2013 , will move into Nottingham Cottage in the grounds of Kensington Palace next door to his brother William and sister-in-law Kate .

  9. 4月,他成立了一个工作小组,帮助打击欺侮行为。周二,肯辛顿宫(KensingtonPalace)宣布,万维网的发明者蒂姆·伯纳斯-李爵士(TimBerners-Lee)加入该小组。

    In April , he established a task force to help combat cyberbullying - on Tuesday , Kensington Palace announced that Sir Tim Berners-Lee , the creator of the World Wide Web , had joined the effort .

  10. 去年夏天凯特在肯辛顿宫理发,据报道她曾和来自伦敦RichardWard沙龙店的发型师JoeyWheeler,一起商量剪下来的头发是不是可以物尽其用。

    When Kate got her hair cut at Kensington Palace last summer , she reportedly suggested to her hair stylist , Joey Wheeler ( from London 's Richard Ward salon ) , that they make good use of the hair he chopped off .

  11. 正如凯特计划为宝宝保持活跃状态(她在肯辛顿宫为婴儿室购物,定好的初秋入院日期),这位31岁越发容光焕发的王妃,感觉到她的生机勃勃,家庭好友JuliaSamuel说。

    As Kate 's plans for baby kick into high gear ( she 's shopping for her nursery in Kensington Palace with a move-in date set for early fall ), the ever more radiant princess , 31 , feels she 's thriving , says family friend Julia Samuel .

  12. 正如凯特计划为宝宝保持活跃状态(她在肯辛顿宫为婴儿室购物,定好的初秋入院日期),这位31岁越发容光焕发的王妃,“感觉到她的生机勃勃,”家庭好友JuliaSamuel说。

    As Kate 's plans for baby kick into high gear ( she 's shopping for her nursery in Kensington Palace with a move-in date set for early fall ) , the ever more radiant princess , 31 , " feels she 's thriving , " says family friend Julia Samuel .

  13. 肯辛顿宫发言人拒绝对此事发表评论。

    A Kensington Palace spokesman declined to comment on the photograph .

  14. 威廉三世不喜欢这座城堡,而盖了肯辛顿宫。

    William III took against the castle and built Kensington Palace instead .

  15. 宝宝新家:宝宝将会在肯辛顿宫安家落户。

    Home : The baby will call Kensington Palace home .

  16. 在肯辛顿宫发布的两张照片中,并没有乔治小王子。

    George does not appear in the two photographs released by Kensington Palace .

  17. 这也迫使肯辛顿宫提前宣布了她怀孕的消息。

    It forced Kensington Palace to announce her pregnancy far earlier than planned .

  18. 肯辛顿宫表示,孩子的全名是乔治亚历山大路易。

    Kensington Palace revealed the baby 's full name will be George Alexander Louis .

  19. 昨晚,肯辛顿宫拒绝对此回应。

    Kensington Palace last night declined to comment .

  20. 照片记录下这对年轻夫妻等候前往肯辛顿宫的情景。

    Photos completed the young family wait inside to prepare to depart for Kensington Palace .

  21. 肯辛顿宫表示,他们在适当的时候会公布婴儿的名字。

    Kensington Palace said the name of the baby would be announced in due course .

  22. 预计新生儿的祖父母明天会去肯辛顿宫探望他们的孙子。

    It is anticipated that the grandparents will meet their grandson at Kensington Palace tomorrow .

  23. 一开始,剑桥公爵与公爵夫人很欢迎哈里王子搬进肯辛顿宫。

    At first , the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge welcomed Prince Harry to Kensington Palace .

  24. 肯辛顿宫拒绝回应此事。

    Kensington Palace declined to comment .

  25. 肯辛顿宫宣布,凯特王妃顺利产下一个男婴。

    The Duchess of Cambridge has given birth to a baby boy , Kensington Palace has announced .

  26. 在肯辛顿宫宣布这个消息的同时,威廉和凯特发布了一家四口的官方全家福。

    To coincide with the announcement , William and Kate issued an official photograph of the family .

  27. 即使是这对夫妇的住所,肯辛顿宫的诺丁汉小屋也将被审核。

    Even the couple 's home , Nottingham Cottage in Kensington Palace , will be looked at .

  28. 据肯辛顿宫的官员表示,夏洛特小公主在一周岁生日时收到了来自64个国家的信件和礼物。

    Kensington Palace officials say she received letters and gifts from 64 countries on her first birthday .

  29. 同时上榜的还有纽约第五大道和伦敦肯辛顿宫花园;

    Also on that list were New York 's Fifth Avenue and London 's Kensington Palace Gardens ;

  30. 维多利亚:在肯辛顿宫生活的日子里,那是我唯一会想念的。

    Victoria : Of all my life in Kensington , it 's the only part I 'll miss .