
ɡōnɡ chénɡ chù
  • Engineering Department;department of engineering
  1. 另一个比较成功的项目是为位于60公里外圣达菲的州工程处办公室更新JSP代码,任务独立且难度不高。

    Nearly as successful was the project to upgrade the JSP code for the Office of the State Engineer , located in Santa Fe , 60 miles away .

  2. 这个数据不包括所属独立的联合国难民救济及工程处(UNRWA)的巴基斯坦难民。

    The figures do not include Palestinian refugees who fall under the mandate of the separate N Relief and Works Agency ( UNRWA ) .

  3. 申请书应通过三峡水库工程处转交。

    Applications should be forwarded through the Yangtze Valley authority .

  4. 医学工程处信息化管理中存在的问题和建议南征北战的巴蜀铁军&铁道部第二工程局第五工程处

    The Fifth Engineering Section of the Second Engineering Bureau under the Ministry of Railways

  5. 工程处的预算,他提出每个卡之间对销,这样他可以删除它迅速。

    For agency budgets he puts each card between a pair of dowels so he can remove it quickly .

  6. 通过对工程处目前微机应用情况的分析,提出网络建设的可行性、必要性。

    Analyses the computer application in engineering department , points out the feasibility , urgency and necessity of network construction .

  7. 联合国难民救济和工程处正在帮助逃离加沙地区的民众,在学校里为他们提供食物和避难所。

    The UN relief and works agency is helping the displaced people from Gaza , providing food and shelter at schools .

  8. 加上,它赋予你一件测量工程处的工作表示反对;即如何满足他们的简短回应。

    Plus , it gives you something to measure the agency 's work against ; i.e.how well they responded to and met the brief .

  9. 巴勒斯坦,加沙:在遭受到以军打击之后,联合国近东巴勒斯坦难民救济和工程处的大楼升起了滚滚浓烟。

    Smoke rose from the headquarters of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency in Gaza City after it was hit by Israeli forces .

  10. 联合国近东巴勒斯坦难民救济和工程处(近东救济工程处)-加沙,加沙地带和安曼,约旦

    United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East ( UNRWA ) - Gaza , Gaza Strip and Amman , Jordan

  11. 巴勒斯坦,加沙:联合国难民救济和工程处的发言人称以军的打击使得两幢建筑物起火,并毁坏了物资以及使民众受伤。

    A spokesman for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency said the Israeli strike on the compound had set two buildings ablaze , destroying supplies and injuring people .

  12. 6000多个孩子参加了联合国近东救济工程处举办的夏令营放风筝竞赛,创下一项新的世界纪录。这是他们在加沙紧张局势中的一小段快乐时光。

    In a joyful break from the tensions in Gaza , more than 6,000 children took part in a kite flying contest at the UN Relief and Works Agency ' summer camp & and set a new world record .

  13. 通过广西水电南宁地质勘探基础工程处推行职工持股的思路,结合广西水利施工企业目前的具体情况,就如何推行职工持股进行探讨,并提出建议及看法。

    Through thinking of pushing employee holding stocks in GX hydropower geologic exploration foundation project section , combining GX WR construction enterprise current state , the author probed into how to push employee holding stocks , and put forth suggestions and opinion .

  14. 土力工程处继续视察寮屋区,以识别在暴雨期间特别容易受到山泥倾泻威胁的寮屋。现时约有14400人在市区寮屋居住,新界的寮屋居民则减至约204500人。

    Inspections of squatter villages continued to be made to identify dwellings which are especially vulnerable to landslips during the heavy rainfall . There are now about 14 400 squatters in the urban area and about 204 500 squatters in the New Territories .

  15. 对大型车站、道口、大型个体工程等处则建立连续运营GPS差分基准站,采用动态差分GPS数据与其它传感器数据组合定位的方案,以提高列车定位的精度。

    It is also pointed out in the thesis that when trains are running in railway line , using double receivers , fusing GPS single point position units with other locating sensors is of great value .

  16. 208m跨通天桥工程地处海峡,设计采用了空间预应力索桁架新型结构,本文介绍其结构与施工技术。

    Tongtian Bridge project , whose span is 208m , located in a channel . Engineers adopted a new structure , the spatial prestressed cable truss , in the design of this bridge . In this article , the author introduces its structure and construction technologies .

  17. 成本动因预算法在曙光工程技术处的应用研究

    Research on Application of Cost Motivation Budgeting in Shuguang Engineering Technology Department

  18. 本工程所处区域既有交通状况良好。

    Exited traffic of this project area is good .

  19. 混凝土腐蚀和工程所处的环境条件有着密切的关系。

    The corrosion of concrete and the engineering environment conditions have a close relationship .

  20. 因此,迫切需要对作为石油服务企业的锦州工程技术处的发展战略进行研究。

    So we are pressing to do the strategy research of Jinzhou Engineering Technology Department .

  21. 中条山有色金属公司铜冶炼厂改扩建工程地处中条山南侧。

    The Copper Metallurgical Plant , Zhongtiao Mountain Non-ferrous Metal Company , is located in the south of Zhongtiao mountain .

  22. 主要介绍了深圳市水务局东江水源工程管理处东江3水泵摆度过大的分析及处理过程,希望能对相应的水泵处理有所借鉴。

    This paper introduces analyzing and solution of pump 3 's obstacle at Dongjiang station of water source engineering management department .

  23. 当调水工程地处内陆深处时,由于冬季寒冷,其中小型调节水库的水体可能会结冰。

    As winter 's temperature is low , the water in minor reservoir can freeze while water transfer project is in inland .

  24. 多数岩土工程都处地弹塑性状态,因而岩土塑性在岩土工程的设计中至关重要。

    Geotechnical plasticity plays an important role in the design of geotechnical engineering because most of them are in an elastoplastic state .

  25. 由于软岩巷道工程所处的复杂工程地质条件,其支护问题一直是困扰我国煤炭生产的一个主要问题。

    For soft-rock tunnel locate in complex geological conditions , the support is a major problem which puzzles coal production of our country .

  26. 由于施工期,工程所处的环境非常复杂,监测数据的预处理显得更加必要。

    For the construction period , the surrounding of engineering is very complicated , so the preprocessing of monitoring data appears more necessary .

  27. 该查勘必须由环境规划与公众事务部公共工程秘书处等部门或由工程师组成的委员会进行。

    The Works Bureau is mindful of the need to implement the large Public Works Programme ( PWP ) in the most cost effective and efficient manner .

  28. 不合格工程8处,其中5处水氟超标,3处未完成工程建设。

    There were 8 unqualified projects , in which 5 project fluoride concentration in drinking water were beyond the limit , and 3 project construction were not completed .

  29. 小湾水电工程所处的自然环境、地质条件及工程规模等特点给工程建设带来了许多不确定性。

    The Xiaowan Hydropower Project will have lots of some uncertainties in its construction due to its natural environment , geological conditions , as well as project scale etc.

  30. 本文试图通过在行业快速发展的一个关键时期的企业战略制定,给企业提出一些建设性的建议,增强居安思危的思想意识,为改变锦州工程技术处发展的思维模式做力所能及的思想准备。

    We advance a constructive thinking for magnifying the ideology of vigilant in peace time , which is ready for changing the development mental mode of Jinzhou Engineering Technology Department .