
  1. 喂!你班友仔倒垃圾果阵倒左我地个垃圾桶喔!

    Hey , when u did my rubbish u 've done my rubbish bin ! '

  2. 他的左眼皮不由自主地跳动。

    His left eyelid twitched involuntarily

  3. 他手里拿着一把刷子,原先那傲慢的神气全不见了;他替波特刷身上的新衣,波特则缓缓地、时左时右地转动着身子。

    He held a brush in his hand , and , with all his airy superiority gone , he brushed potter 's new clothes as the latter slowly turned this way and that way .

  4. 时,左足跟自然地略向东移动。

    At this time , move the left heel naturally toward east .

  5. 他用左拳漂亮地击中对手几下。

    He got several good punches in with his left .

  6. 一个目标表的递归删除操作会从左到右地删除其中的每个对象地。

    Deletion of a target list recursively deletes each target , from left to right .

  7. 我的左脸颊不由自主地抽动了一下。

    There was a twitch in my left cheek , which I couldn 't control .

  8. 左尔德费力地讲述着下午和傍晚发生的事情。

    As Gould described the events of the afternoon and early evening his voice was strained .

  9. 此解决方案的每个部分在内部都是不同的,所以让我们从左至右地详细分析一下。

    Each part of the solution is internally different , so lets go through it in detail from left to right .

  10. 飞天扫帚左拐右拐地在空中穿梭,不时嗖嗖地剧烈晃动着,差点把他从上面摔下来。

    It was zigzagging through the air , and every now and then making violent swishing movements that almost unseated him .

  11. 自从松井秀喜在洋基球场左外野草地上侧滑接球受伤至今已经四个多月了。

    NEW YORK & It 's been more than four months since Hideki Matsui roamed the left-field grass at Yankee Stadium .

  12. 哈利眼看它要撞碎自己的鼻子,赶紧用短棒拦截,打得它重新左拐右拐地蹿向空中

    Harry swung at it with the bat to stop it from breaking his nose , and sent it zigzagging away into the air ,

  13. 蚂蚁队的明星球员将球带向大象队的球门,大象队的左后卫沉重地跑过来。

    The ants ' star player was dribbling the ball towards the elephants ' goal when the elephant 's left back came lumbering towards him .

  14. 他时左时右地想从他们中间走过去,但到处都是士兵,他们脸上的表情都一样,都显得心事重重,好像在想着一件看不见的,然而看起来是很需要的事情。

    He tried to get away from them , turning to left and to right ; but there were soldiers everywhere , all with the same anxious faces , preoccupied with some unseen , but evidently serious , business .

  15. 提示MS并AF的左室充盈强烈地依赖于心动周期的长度,心率代偿能力非常有限;

    It was suggested that left ventricular filling strongly depended on the cardiac cycle , and the compensative ability of heart rate is limited seriously in mitral stenosis .

  16. 李婉芝穿着褐色的冬衣,她的左袖空荡荡地塞进口袋中。

    The empty left sleeve of Li 's brown winter coat was tucked into a pocket .

  17. 岩石笔直地从水面矗立起来。走那条小路往左,然后笔直地朝前走。

    The rock rises sheer from the water . Take that little road to the left and follow your nose .

  18. 他先是右,然后是左,曲曲弯弯地沿着通道往前走,哈克跟在汤姆后面。

    He followed its winding course , first to the right , then to the left , Huck at his heels .

  19. 走那条小路往左,然后笔直地朝前走。她由着自己被人群拥着朝前走。

    Take that little road to the left and follow your nose . She let herself be swept forward by the crowd .

  20. 比赛过程中,罗宾逊一直处于优势地位,在第八回合,罗宾逊一记左勾拳有力地击向多利的头,将其打倒在地,昏迷不醒。

    Robinson was winning the fight , and in the eighth round he delivered a massive left hook to Doyle 's head , knocking him unconscious .

  21. 左肩向后轻轻地拉,紧紧地压肩胛骨向背部,即使你继续把胸部向右扭转时。

    Pull your left shoulder back slightly , pressing your shoulder blades firmly against your back even as you continue to twist the chest to the right .