
  • 网络Chocolate bread;le pain au chocolat
  1. 这六种食物是:巧克力面包、冰淇淋、果仁、糖果、羊排和香肠。

    They are chocolate bread , ice cream , nuts , candy , lamb chops and sausage .

  2. 有32种不同的巧克力与面包和蛋糕一起出售。

    There are 32 different kinds of chocolate on sale along with the bread and cakes .

  3. 植物用于食品。咖啡,茶,巧克力,面包果。

    Plants used as food-Coffee , Tea , Chocolate , Breadfruit .

  4. 面条,糖果,汉堡,雪糕,巧克力,面包和生日蛋糕?

    Noodles , candies , hamburgers , ice creams , chocolates , bread and birthday cakes ?

  5. 你是否通过巧克力、面包、红酒、言情小说、香烟或是牛奶咖啡来获得快乐、舒适、奖励、愉悦或麻木的感觉?

    Do you crave pleasure , comfort , reward , enjoyment , or numbing from treats like chocolate , bread , wine , romance novels , tobacco , or lattes ?

  6. 这份咖啡,纷乱巧克力新月形面包它是好的。

    The chocolate croissant of this coffee , chaos it was good .

  7. 热的类似沙司的溶化干酪或巧克力,是面包和水果的蘸料。

    Hot sauce-like melted cheese or chocolate in which bread or fruits are dipped .

  8. 巧克力涂满面包脆。

    With some toast and chocolate spread .

  9. 这群女士混合了辣椒、巧克力、坚果、面包以及她们能找到的所有东西。

    The ladies mixed together chilies , chocolate , nuts , bread , and whatever else they could find .

  10. 用途:可适合饼干、巧克力、月饼、面包、雪糕、蛋黄派、香皂、卡片等枕式包装。

    APPLICATION : Applicable for pillow type package of biscuit , chocolate , moon cake , bread , popsicle , yolk pie , soap , card , etc.

  11. 我妈妈在巧克力工厂上班,所以每当我放学回到家时,总能吃上一块夹黑巧克力的面包。

    My mother worked in a chocolate factory , so when I came home from school I had a piece of baguette with dark chocolate in it .