
  1. 这水果蘸过巧克力酱。

    The fruit had been dipped in chocolate .

  2. 巧克力酱总是深受年轻人的喜爱。

    Chocolate sauce is always popular with youngsters .

  3. 不过一位名叫丹尼尔·舍布洛赫尔(DanielSchobloch)的德国发明家想出了个好点子,轻轻松松就解决了偷吃的问题。他设计了一款丙烯酸锁头,锁住装榛子巧克力酱的罐子,别人就没法偷吃了。

    But German inventor Daniel Schobloch has come up with a brilliantly simple solution to the pilfering problem - by designing an acrylic lock to keep jars of the chocolate and hazelnut spread safe from sticky fingers .

  4. 上世纪六十年代,这道用新鲜水果搭配香浓丝滑热巧克力酱的美食诞生于纽约一家名为ChaletSuisse的餐厅之中,如今这家餐厅已经不复存在了。自面世之后,它便成为派对上最受欢迎的甜品。

    The dish , in which fresh fruit is dipped into a hot , rich , creamy chocolate sauce , was born in a long-lost New York restaurant called Chalet Suisse in the 1960s . It has since become one of the most popular dessert options for parties .

  5. 早餐吃比利时华夫饼加巧克力酱或者巧克力薯条、格兰诺拉燕麦卷。

    Belgian waffle with chocolate syrup or chocolate chip granola for breakfast .

  6. 甜酒无花果,苦味巧克力酱,肉桂芝士层。

    Banyuls poached fig , bitter chocolate glaze , mascarpone and cinnamon gratin .

  7. 他把巧克力酱撒衣服上了

    Well , he spilled chocolate sauce on his .

  8. 从冰箱拿出先前放入的巧克力酱。

    Remove the truffle mixture from the refrigerator .

  9. 另外,无花果吃起来是甜的,蘸了巧克力酱后就更甜美可口了。

    Plus , figs are sweet to boot , especially when dipped in chocolate !

  10. 他的建议包括巧克力酱龙须菜搭配正山小种红茶,树莓配搭海苔。

    His suggestions include Chocolate-Dipped asparagus with Lapsang souchong tea , and raspberries with nori seaweed .

  11. 这样的餐点搭配是从我的小弟阿塔尔开始的,但他现在最钟爱的则是“伯明翰大发现”——榛果巧克力酱三明治。

    a tradition started by my little brother Atal , though his favourite Birmingham discovery is Nutella sandwiches .

  12. 甜点可能是加了巧克力酱的华夫饼,或加了樱桃和里子的面包碎,搭配烈酒糖浆和生奶油。

    Dessert might be waffles in chocolate sauce or a cherry-plum crumble with schnapps syrup and whipped cream .

  13. 一旦他经不住能多益巧克力酱的诱惑,减肥计划流产,就把错全怪到我身上。

    Because when his diet crashes and burns into a giant pile of nutella , I 'm the one he 's gonna blame .

  14. 传统煎饼配水果,任选草莓酱,芒果酱,菠萝酱,巧克力酱。

    Crepes Suzette with Mixed Fruit , Choice Toppig Blueberry Sauce , Chocolate Sauce , Strawberry Sauce , Pineapple Sauce , Mango Sauce .

  15. 我把特别推荐的甜点放在那个胖子面前,并把一大碗带巧克力酱的香草冰淇淋放在一边。

    I put the Special in front of the fat man and a big bowl of vanilla ice cream with chocolate syrup to the side .

  16. 因为奥利奥,你知道一个品牌有自己品牌的时候,它是成功的,正如能多益(一个意大利巧克力酱品牌)有自己的节日。

    You know a brand is successful when it has it 's own brand , as Oreo , just like Nutella , has its own day .

  17. 但是我这桌只对巧克力酱小笼包感兴趣,吃完之后才意识到里面还有香蕉。

    But my table only had eyes for the xiao long bao filled with dark liquid chocolate and a dab of banana recognized in the aftermath .

  18. 每块蛋糕都是严谨堆叠的蛋糕胚和水果巧克力酱薄层,外面裹上由一台顶级糖衣打印机生产的杏仁膏。

    Each cake is meticulously composed of thin layers of sponge and fruit ganache , finished with a blanket of marzipan , produced using a top-tier icing printer .

  19. 她想要尽情享用自己喜欢的炸鸡、土豆泥、奥利奥饼干,或是再来一份榛子巧克力酱,这令她非常沮丧。

    It frustrated her that she wanted to feast on her favourite fried chicken , mashed potatoes , Oreo biscuits or additional helpings of Hazelnut Choco spread . 5 .

  20. 这个蛋糕重2英石(12.7千克),由很多层海绵蛋糕组成,外面裹上了巧克力酱和奶油糖霜,然后涂上可食用染料。

    The cake weighs two stone and was made from a dozen tiers of sponge which were then coated in chocolate and buttercream icing and airbrushed with edible food colouring .

  21. 我们想要份特别推荐的甜点,但我们还想要一盘香草冰淇淋,上面只放一滴巧克力酱就好,如果方便的话。

    We would like the Special , but we may have a dish of vanilla ice cream as well . With just a drop of chocolate syrup , if you please .

  22. 其他精彩故事包括蘸巧克力酱的驯鹿和风味麝牛等本地美食,海边嬉戏的鲸,当地博物馆的一条很不错的海豹皮短裤。

    Other highlights included the local delicacies of reindeer in chocolate sauce and spicy musk ox , whales frolicking offshore , and a rather fine pair of seal-skin knickers in the local museum .

  23. 受唐代(公元618到907年)诗人李白一首诗的启发,她用巧克力酱画了几只大雁,用西兰花做成莲花。

    She used chocolate cream to draw wild geese and made broccoli into the shape of a lotus flower , scenes inspired by a poem from Li Bai in the Tang Dynasty ( 618-907 ) .

  24. 她往点心里注入了黄橙橙的奇多,轻轻撒上奇多粉,就连白巧克力酱里也加了奇多粉。

    She creates a day-glo orange Cheetos-infused cookie , lightly dusted with Cheetos dust . Adding insult to injury , the white chocolate ganache filling is also infused with , you guessed it , Cheetos dust .

  25. 该机适用于包装有一定流动性的粘体物品如番茄酱、辣酱果酱、方便面、调料酱、巧克力酱、沙茶酱、发乳等物品。

    The machine is suitable for the packaging of sticky products , such as tomato ketchup , pepper jam , jam for instant noodle , condiment jam , chocolate jam , Sasha jam , hair cream , etc.

  26. 说到甜品可丽饼,通常里面都会加点能多益牌的榛子巧克力酱(我的最爱)或者是草莓和奶油,但是不要忘了还可以加点咸味焦糖或者白砂糖。

    For a sweet crepe , there 's always the hazelnut-chocolate spread Nutella ( my personal favorite ) or strawberries and cream , but don 't miss out on salted caramel or the simple pleasure of powdered sugar .

  27. 据说,那个街区很僻静,房子是用灰蒙蒙的黄绿色石头建的,这种色调是年轻一代的建筑师刚开始启用的,用以对抗像冷巧克力酱一般覆盖着纽约的清一色的棕石,但房子的管道却十分完备。

    The neighbourhood was thought remote , and the house was built in a ghastly greenish - yellow stone that the younger architects were beginning to employ as a protest against the brownstone of which the uniform hue coated New York like a cold chocolate sauce ; but the plumbing was perfect .

  28. 如果你喜欢吃冰淇淋的话,你可以冰冻一下酸奶,然后在上面放上水果或巧克力糖酱,这样就可以满足你的欲望了。

    If you love ice-cream then you can freeze yogurt and top it off with some fruit or even chocolate syrup to satisfy your craving .

  29. 林德斯豪尔的总指挥史蒂芬·布劳顿说,“马克用了他全部的烹饪技巧来完成这个由巧克力鱼子酱,金箔和钻石合成在一起的蛋糕。”

    Stephen Broughton , managing director of Lindeth Howe , said : ' Marc has used all of his culinary talents to whip up a truly incredible concoction of chocolate , champagne and gold leaf , all topped off with a diamond .

  30. 最新的版本还未命名,但据说安卓N将会已一种流行的榛子巧克力早餐涂抹酱命名。

    The newest version has not yet been named but it has been suggested that Android N will be named after a popular chocolate and hazelnut breakfast spread .