
  • 网络Differential advantage
  1. 航空公司的差别优势及其作用

    Airlines Discrimination Advantages and the Function

  2. 第三,服务品牌差别优势影响顾客的感知价值,进而影响服务品牌竞争力的形成。

    Thirdly , service brand differential advantages affect customers ' perceived values , thereby affecting the formation of service brand competitiveness .

  3. 因此,服务品牌差别优势是服务品牌竞争力的源泉,顾客感知价值在其中发挥中介作用。

    Therefore , service brand differential advantages are source of service brand competitiveness , where customer perceived value play a mediating role .

  4. 因此,这是一条以差别优势为理论基础、以隔离机制为实现方式的逻辑链条,也是一个动态演进的系统循环。

    Therefore , it is not only a logic chain that is linked through isolation mechanism while theoretically based on DA , but also a dynamically evolving cycle system .

  5. 相对于正规就业而言,非正规就业具有就业领域宽泛、就业门槛低等差别优势,能有效指导和帮助社会弱势群体走出就业困境;

    Compared with Formal Employment , Informal Employment has such advantage as rich employment areas and low requirements , which can help the weak to look for and gain job opportunity .

  6. 差别优势是一个产品或企业乃至一个行业立足于市场并具有持续竞争力的关键性因素。

    Superiority of disparity is the key factor with which a product , a business and even a trade can be based on the market and have the ability in competition .

  7. 外贸利益大致来源于产品的绝对优势、比较优势、差别优势、规模经济以及竞争优势等方面。

    The benefit of China 's foreign trade may be due to the products ' absolute advantage , the relative advantage , the different advantage , the scale economy and the competition advantage .

  8. 进入21世纪,经济全球化已经使企业竞争白热化,这使得许多企业开始寻求独特的文化差别优势,重新塑造核心竞争力。

    Since entering 21st century , the enterprise 's competition has been fiercer with the economy globalization , which causes that many companies set out to look for special cultural difference advantage for the purpose of reconstructing their core competitiveness .

  9. 建立集群品牌能够树立差别化优势、专业化优势和规模优势。

    The establishment of the cluster brand can set up the difference superiority , the specialized superiority and the scale superiority .

  10. 但过高的市场集中度和市场进入壁垒以及跨国公司拥有的产品差别化优势是导致不利于市场竞争的垄断行为产生的结构性前提。

    But high market concentration rate , high market barrier of entry and advantages of products ' difference of transnational corporations may lead to monopolistic behavior .

  11. 产品服务增值可以创造产品差别化优势,有助于保持忠诚的顾客关系,是现代制造企业的竞争优势所在。

    Product service value-added can bring about the advantages of product differentiation , help to keep loyal relationship with customer and is just the competitive advantage of modern manufacturing industry .

  12. 服务在社会经济生活中扮演着越来越重要的角色,已成为竞争的有利武器,是各企业争取差别化优势的源泉。

    Service plays a more and more important role in social and economic activities , and has been a powerful weapon in competition . So enterprises treat it as a resource to strive for relative superiority .

  13. 世界纸业市场竞争激烈,造纸业规模经济效应显著,造纸企业的竞争力主要体现在成本优势和差别化优势上。

    The competition in pulp and paper industry is very fierce . The advantage of large scale in this industry is remarkable . The competence of pulp and paper enterprise mainly relys on cost advantage as well as difference advantage .

  14. 创建强势服务品牌是服务企业实现差别化竞争优势的重要手段。

    Strong brand is an important tool for service firms to create differentiation advantage .

  15. 创建强势品牌是企业实现差别化竞争优势的重要手段,而建立品牌的直接目的就是培育品牌资产。

    It is an important means for company acquiring difference competitive advantage to build strong brand . The direct objective of building brand is to gain the brand equity .

  16. 主要结论如下:1.成年优势鼠和成年从属鼠除打斗行为有显著差别外,优势鼠的嗅底物、社会探究、尿标记等行为也显著地高于从属鼠。

    The main conclusions were as followings : ( 1 ) Sniffing substrate , social investigation and urine marking of dominant male were significantly higher than that of subordinate .

  17. 随着现代社会日新月异的科技发展,企业间的差别和竞争优势越来越集中体现在员工的技能、敬业精神和才能等方面。

    With the coming of new technology and shortened gap between technological superiority , more and more difference and competition of companies reflect on the skill , professional dedication and ability of employees .

  18. 推进和加速城镇化,可以使农村富余劳动力和过量的农业人口转化为城镇人口,有助于推进城乡一体化发展,消除城乡差别,强化优势互补,促进城乡共同繁荣。

    To promote and accelerate the urbanization can excess rural surplus labor and agricultural population into urban population , promote the development of urban-rural integration , eliminate the differences between urban and rural areas , strengthen the complementary advantages , and promote the common prosperity of the urban and rural .