
  • 网络products;Differentiated Product
  1. 差异产品厂商战略兼并行为研究

    The Study of Strategic Merger Behaviors between Firms with Differentiated Products

  2. 水平差异产品的进入阻挠策略

    Entry Deterrence Strategies of Horizontal Differentiated Products

  3. 基于差异产品的政府最优R&D补贴策略研究

    Research of Optimal R & D Subsidy Strategic with Product Differentiation

  4. 具有服务水平的差异产品供应链网络均衡模型研究

    Study on Differentiated Product Supply Chain Network Equilibrium Model with Customer Service

  5. 最后进行了质量差异产品的均衡分析。

    At last , equilibrium analysis of products of quality difference is advanced .

  6. 需求弹性成因及对差异产品异常需求分析

    Elasticity-of-Demand Causes and Unconventionality Demand of Differential Product

  7. 差异产品企业兼并研究

    Study On Differentiated Products Firms Merger Model

  8. 基于产量理性推测导数的差异产品企业研发决策

    Optimal Cost Reducing R & D Decision of Product Differentiated Firms Based on Rational Conjectural Variation

  9. 细分我国产业内贸易,进一步研究水平差异产品和垂直差异产品产业内贸易的影响因素;

    After dividing the IIT , analyzing the factors of Horizontal Intra-Industry Trade and Vertical Intra-Industry Trade .

  10. 研究了当产业处于规模不经济的情况下,差异产品企业兼并的长期效应。

    This paper makes a study of the long run effect of differentiated products enterprises horizontal merger .

  11. 低成本战略,即一般差异产品/低成本冲等价格;

    Low - cost strategy , that is " moderately differentiated product - low cost - moderate price ";

  12. 首先分析了质量差异产品效用评价的客观性及其意义;

    Firstly , the objectivity and the significance of utility evaluation in products of quality difference are analyzed .

  13. 在水平差异产品行业中,由于进入成本的存在,厂商的定位往往成为进入阻挠工具。

    In horizontal differentiated industry , locations of firms are used to form entry deterrence owing to entry cost .

  14. 二是对产业内贸易的两个基础&差异产品和规模经济的探讨并据此提出对我国汽车产业发展的建议。

    Secondly , the paper discusses the two elements for intra-industry , that are differentiated goods and scale economies .

  15. 就差异产品产业的兼并评价而言,模拟方法优于传统的结构分析方法。

    For assessing a proposed merger in differentiated products market , the simulation merger is better than the traditional structural analysis approach .

  16. 换句话来说,本文着重解决在纵向差异产品空间下进入者的质量选择问题。

    In a word , this text lays much emphasis on resolving quality choice of the entrant in a vertically differentiated market .

  17. 差异产品市场横向兼并单边效应分析技术在最近的十几年有了迅速发展。

    The last more than a decade has witnessed the dramatic developments of approaches to analyzing the unilateral effects due to a proposed horizontal merger in the differentiated products .

  18. 首先,在差异产品市场上,建立伯川德模型,在最简化的情况下推导了单边效应出现的可能性及大小。

    Firstly , it builds the Bertrand model in the differentiated product markets , and deduces the possibility and size of the unilateral effects in the most simplified case .

  19. 本文通过一个虚构的中国国内服务器产业兼并的例子,探讨了如何用这种兼并模拟方法评价差异产品产业横向兼并单边效应的问题。

    This paper , through a hypothetical merger in server industry in China , examines how to assessing the unilateral effects of a horizontal merger in differentiated products industries by using merger simulation .

  20. 在差异产品市场上,市场份额难以反映产品之间的竞争情况,无法合理进行相关市场界定,这时并购模拟提供了一个不错的选择。

    Market share can not reflect the competition significance in market with product differentiation , so it is difficult to reasonably define the relevant market , merger simulation provides a right choice at this point .

  21. 在产业内贸易中,代表相同质量产品的水平产业内贸易的份额要高于同一产业不同环节有差异产品的垂直产业内贸易。

    As to trade within the same industry , share of trade within horizontal industries which represents the products of the same quality is greater than that within vertical industries which produces different products due to different links though within the same industry .

  22. 发展校办企业,要充分利用校企依托高校的优势,采用低成本,高差异产品策略,开发核心技术,实现技术创新,确立其核心竞争力,使企业利润最大化。

    To develop college enterprises , it should fully utilize the advantages of college , use the product strategy of low cost , high differentiation ' , exploit core technologies , realize technical innovation , introduce its core competition and make its maximal profit .

  23. 因生产年代不同PbO、ZnO、CuO等含量的差异使产品具有不同的时代风格。

    Difference in the contents of PbO , ZnO and CuO etc of the glazes produced in different periods leads to special artistical styles of the glazes .

  24. 由于我国进入WTO,竞争环境发生了根本变化,随着全球化和社会信息化的愈演愈烈,SPI必须降低生产成本,开发差异化产品,掌握市场信息加入国际竞争。

    By entry WTO , competition environment has made changes essentially , globalization and information age has come . Company has to make cost down , develop individual product , grasp market information to join international competition .

  25. 在Hotelling价格竞争模型的基础上提出一个产品的地域竞争模型,以分析水平差异化产品的市场竞争战略。

    On the basis of Hotelling pricing competition model , this paper puts forward a competition model of selling area to analyze the strategy of horizontal differential market .

  26. 本文通过使用SWOT分析法对某手机会员卡企业的现实情况进行了分析和研究,制定出了某手机会员卡企业差异化产品的竞争战略、增长型的发展战略、资源保障型的职能战略。

    Analysis and research on the membership card of a cell phone business reality by using the SWOT analysis , to develop a membership card of a mobile phone enterprises competitive strategy of differentiated products , growth-oriented development strategy , resources and support-functional strategies .

  27. 基于不完全竞争、规模经济和H-O贸易理论,建立了一个分析框架,从同质产品行业和差异化产品行业两个角度,分别推导了行业贸易引力方程。

    This paper established an analytical frame from imperfect competition , scale economics and H-O trade theory , and derived a gravity equation from homogeneous products and differentiated products .

  28. 产品垂直差异、产品内分工与南北贸易

    Vertical Product Differentiation , Intra-Product Specification , and North-South Trade

  29. 第二章《差异化产品竞争模型》,根据第一章的理论分析和提出的问题,以产品和产品层次理论为基础,根据产品三层次模型提出了差异化产品竞争模型。

    Chapter 2 . Model of differentiation in product competition .

  30. 横向双寡头R&D合作与差异化产品产量竞争

    Horizontal R & D Cooperation and Quantity Competition in Duopoly Market with Differential Production