
  • 网络differential internal rate of return;IRR
  1. 在技术经济评价中,本文采用了费用现值法、差额内部收益率法和费用&效益分析法等经济学方法对各方案进行了比较分析。

    The economic methods such as CPV ( cost present value ) , AIRR ( internal rate of return ) and C-B ( cost - benefit ) are adopted to judge the projects .

  2. 差额投资内部收益率

    Internal rate of return of incremental investment

  3. 差额投资内部收益率法的问题剖析与改进

    An Analysis for the Improvement of Delta IRR Method The Calculation of Rate of Return on Investment

  4. 对于矿山开采方案比选,由于各方案服务年限、生产规模不一致,差额投资内部收益率法比较适合。

    For the comparing and selecting of mining program , the method of the differential investment internal rate of return was suitable because of different service life and production capacity .

  5. 内部收益率涵义浅析该方法存在失当之处,与差额现金流量内部收益率法和NPV法相矛盾。

    There are some problems with the LP method which contradicts the delta IRR ( Inner Rate of Return ) and NPV ( Net Present Value ) methods .