
  • 网络pato;Bartok;Bartow
  1. 像巴托和玛丽安娜这样的人是社会中坚。

    People like Bartow and Marianne are the salt of the earth .

  2. “我不生气”在佛罗里达巴托市的一个简短听证会后,54岁的詹姆斯贝恩告诉记者。

    " I 'm not angry ," James Bain , 54 , told reporters after a brief hearing in Bartow , Florida .

  3. 唯一的希望是卡森的领头狗巴托。巴托把他的鼻子凑到地上,试图找到走过这条小路的其他狗的气味。

    The only hope was Balto , Kaasen 's lead dog , Balto put his nose to the ground , trying to find the smell of other dogs that had traveled on the trail .

  4. 近日在接受《财富》杂志(Fortune)采访时,巴托讲述了他让一家现代舞公司持续保持先锋地位的种种挑战和收获。

    He speaks with fortune about the challenges and the payoff of keeping a modern dance company modern .

  5. 罗伯特•巴托:我生下来时完完全全就是罗圈腿。

    Robert battle : I was born , completely bow-legged .

  6. 我不敢肯定尽管我怀疑麦里斯可能和巴托定下了契约。

    I am not certain-though I suspect Merris has made a pact with baator .

  7. 巴托的列举和归类是武断和经验性的,并不基于逻辑真理。

    The listing and categorizing are arbitrary and experiential , and not based on some logical truth .

  8. 因此,2011年7月接掌阿尔文•艾利美国舞剧院艺术总监一职的罗伯特•巴托无疑倍感压力。

    So the pressure is on Robert battle , who took the helm as artistic director of the company in July 2011 .

  9. 巴托的论文标志着“美的艺术制度”(即现代意义的艺术)的确立。

    Batteux 's paper symbolizes the establishment of the " system of the fine arts ", that is , of arts in modern sense .

  10. 以巴托、泰特勒等为代表的早期翻译理论家强调原作者的绝对权威,主张以原文本为中心的包括形式、内容和风格的对等。

    Early theorists on equivalence give priority to the absolute loyalty to the original author , proposing a type of source-oriented equivalence in terms of form , content and style .

  11. 绘画、雕塑、舞蹈、音乐和诗歌,便于形象性的创造活动的自由发挥,被巴托归入了一个新范畴,其名为大写的“艺术”。

    Painting , sculpture , dance , music and poetry , convenient for the free exertion of imaginative creation , were put by Batteux in a new category with a name " Art " with a capital letter .

  12. 37岁的唐娜?斯蒂特是宾夕法尼亚州巴托市的一名看护助理,有四个孩子。她说:“这个节日是纪念死人的,会有魔力。我不感兴趣。”

    " It 's demonic ," said Donna Stitt , 37 , a nursing aide from Barto , Pa. , with four young children . " People are celebrating the dead . I 'm not into that . "

  13. 甚至给他们带上下巴托(强迫他们通过鼻子呼吸)并给他们闻最刺激最恶心的气味,一旦人从睡眠第一阶段的最浅层睡眠进入到更深沉的睡眠就不会对气味做出任何反应。

    Even when fitted with a chin strap ( to force one to breathe through their nose ) and exposed to the strongest , most noxious of fumes , there was no reaction once the person moved from the first , lightest stages of sleep into deeper sleep .

  14. 而对于如今的这一发现,苏赫巴托继续说:“这是蒙古,也可能是在整个中亚的第一座完整的突厥人古墓。这非常罕见。该发现让我们了解了突厥人的信仰和风俗。”

    Commenting on the recent discovery , B.Sukhbaatar continued : ' It is the first complete Turkic burial at least in Mongolia - and probably in all Central Asia . This is a very rare phenomenon . These finds show us the beliefs and rituals of Turkics . '