
  • 网络Bayu Culture;ba-yu culture
  1. 巴渝文化名镇旅游开发

    Tourism development of famous cultural towns in Ba and Yu

  2. 这些丰富多彩的方言词语成为记录巴渝文化的载体,是重庆独有文化的符号象征。

    These colorful dialect words as recorded Bayu carrier of culture , is Chongqing 's unique culture symbols .

  3. 梳理重庆历史文化遗产确认重庆文化身份固然重要,但更应该从现在入手进行巴渝文化的建构。

    To comb chongqing 's cultural relics is surely important , but it is more significant to construct the culture of Ba and Yu from now on .

  4. 重庆是中国最大的直辖市,又是古老巴渝文化的发祥地。其丰厚的历史文化遗存,滋养和培育了古老的重庆文学;

    With its rich historical heritage , Chongqing , the cradle of Ba and Yu cultures and the largest municipality in China , cultivated the ancient Chongqing literature .

  5. 这是一个有3000年历史的城市,巴渝文化的发源地,这里的美景、美食、美女…总有一样吸引�

    With a history of over 3000 years , Chongqing , the birthplace of Ba and Yu culture is one of the least well known but most important historical cities in all of China .

  6. 先秦至南北朝重庆历史与巴渝特色文化

    The History of Chongqing from Pre-Qin Dynasty to Nan-Bei Dynasty and Ba-Yu Trait Culture

  7. 从巴渝茶文化解读重庆现代茶楼的设计内涵

    Decoding the Connotation of Modern Tea House Design in Chongqing in Terms of Sichuan Tea Culture

  8. 巴渝古镇非物质文化遗产形态及其影响因素

    The Formation of Intangible Cultural Heritage and Its Influencing Factors of Ba-yu Ancient Town

  9. 巴渝诗是外籍作家和本土作家共同创造的结晶,是巴渝文学中的瑰宝,无愧为巴渝文化璀璨的明珠,自有其鲜明的特色和不朽的成就。

    The poetry , as the quintessence created by exotic and native writers , a treasure in Ba Yu culture , contains its striking character and immoral achievements .