
  1. 本文针对风景区范围界定的复杂性、多样性和特殊性,试图通过重庆市大足石刻风景名胜区总体规划中对风景名胜区的范围界定的探索来寻求解决该问题的基本方法。

    In allusion to the complexity , diversity , and particularity of the boundary definition in scenic spots , this paper tries to find the basic method to solve the boundary definition problems in the general planning of Dazu lithoglyph scenic spot .

  2. 基于景观生态战略的重庆市喀斯特峡谷型风景名胜区规划问题思考

    Thinking on the Problem of Karst Gorge Scenery Planning in Chongqing Based on the Strategy of Landscape Ecology