
shī zī
  • teachers;persons qualified to teach
师资 [shī zī]
  • [teachers]可以当教师的人才

  • 培养师资

师资[shī zī]
  1. 介绍了太原理工大学机械工程学院的简要历史、专业设置、学科建设、师资情况,以及教学和科研方面的业绩。

    The brief history of Mechanical Engineering College of Taiyuan University of Technology , speciality setting , subjects development , persons qualified to teach , teaching and scientific research are introduced .

  2. 当局正在增加设置专门师资。

    The provision of specialist teachers is being increased .

  3. 他在成为演员之前受过师资培训。

    He trained as a teacher before becoming an actor .

  4. 这使师资匮乏的问题更为严重。

    This makes the teacher shortage even more critical .

  5. 那所学校师资力量很充实。

    The school has a strong faculty .

  6. E-Learning与高校师资建设

    E-Learning and the construction of qualified teachers in higher education

  7. dBASEⅢ师资管理系统

    DBASE ⅲ System of the Management of the Teaching Staff

  8. 只有通过加强师资建设,调动教师参与E-Learning与传统教学的整合,才能推动E-Learning在高等学校教育教学中广泛应用。

    So only through strengthening the construction of qualified teachers , inspiring teachers to combine E-Learning and the traditional way of teaching can we motivate the wide application of E-Learning in the course of higher education .

  9. 文章从行政管理系统、教学管理系统、师资管理系统三个方面介绍了澳大利亚TAFE教育模式的基本情况,并对它们的特点进行了归纳和分析。

    The paper presents a survey of Australian TAFE from three aspects of administration system , education management system and teachers ' management system . It also concludes and analyses the characters of them .

  10. 从1993年开始,针对博士生教育难以适应高等教育对大学新教师的要求,美国学院与大学联合会和研究生院委员会共同发起了未来师资培训规划项目(PFF)。

    Since 1993 , Association of American Colleges and Universities and the Graduate School Committee co-sponsored the " Preparing Future Faculty " project ( PFF ), according to the fact that it is difficult to make the doctoral education adapt to the requirements of new teachers in University .

  11. 建设高素质师资队伍促进学科发展

    Build a High Quality teaching Staff to Accelerate the Discipline Development

  12. 师资管理计算机辅助系统的设计

    The Designing of Computer Aided Systems for Persons Human Resources Management

  13. 关于我国特殊教育师资职后教育的问题与思索

    The Issues and Thinking About Post-employment Education for Special Education Teachers

  14. 加强校长培训师资队伍建设,优化校长培训课程设置;

    Enhancing the level of training teacher and optimizing training course ;

  15. 21世纪优良师资队伍建设的国际趋势

    International Trend of Building Quality Teacher Resources in the 21st Century

  16. 创新教育与实验教学师资队伍建设

    The Innovation Education and the Construction of Experimental Teachers ' Team

  17. 从观念创新谈高校师资队伍建设

    On Teachers Team Construction in Colleges and Universities from Idea Innovation

  18. 职业道德教育师资力量薄弱。

    4 , vocational morality education teacher is weak in strength .

  19. 创业型人才培养离不开高素质的师资。

    Developing entrepreneurial talent can not do without high quality teachers .

  20. 重新认识与发现小学教师的价值,确立师资建设新理念。

    To recognize the primary school teachers value and establish new concept ;

  21. 全国预防接种异常反应监测省级师资培训效果评估

    Evaluation on Effectiveness of Training on Surveillance of Adverse Events Following Immunization

  22. 充满理想色彩的语文教育改革&对语文新课程标准的实施及师资培训的几点思考

    New Curriculum Criterion of Chinese Language Teaching and Teacher Training

  23. 对高师师资队伍建设与管理中存在的问题进行了较为全面的分析,比较突出的问题是:教师数量不足;

    This article wholly analyzes issues in college teachers construction and administration .

  24. 加强体育师资的建设与管理;

    Strengthens the sports teachers ' construction and the management ;

  25. 创新教育与创造型师资素质的探析

    A probe into innovation education and creation - patterned teachers ' quality

  26. 国内外体育师资再教育问题的分析研究&中外对教师再教育方面的重视程度、执教水平与学历要求的比较

    Analysis on the PE Teacher 's Re-education in China and Foreign Country

  27. 加强高校师资培训工作的几点建议

    The Suggestions about Strengthening Training of Teachers in the Universities

  28. 元认知理论视野下的外语师资培训

    On Training Foreign Language Teachers in the View of Theory of Metacognition

  29. 成人高等教育师资队伍存在的问题及对策探析

    Analysis of the Problems and Countermeasures about Teachers in Adult Higher Education

  30. 我国临床护理教学师资构成及教学模式的分析

    Analysis of Our Present Clinical Nursing Teaching Staff Structures and Teaching Models