
  1. 19世纪70&80年代是雅库特行政流放的第一阶段,被流放到此的主要是平民知识分子。

    1970s and 1980s was the first stage of Yakut administrative transport , the main transports were civilian intellectuals .

  2. 《简·爱》是英国文学史上里程碑式的作品,它所揭示的平民知识分子的反叛精神是英国文学史上的一个创举。

    Jane . Eyre is a milestone works in British literature , which reveals the rebelled spirit of the civilian intellectual .

  3. 布衣是平民知识分子,布衣精神是平民知识分子完美人格的典型体现。

    The implication of BU-YI refers to the civilian intellectuals and spirits of BU-YI are typical performance of the perfect personality of the civilian intellectuals .

  4. 他在《红与黑》中通过主人公于连的命运揭示了法国王政复辟时期小资产阶级和平民知识分子的追求与反抗。

    In his novel " The Red & Black ", he revealed the pursuit and rebellion of the common intellectuals who belonged to the lower middle class through the fate of the hero Julien .