
nián shào
  • young;teenager;young of age
年少 [nián shào]
  • (1) [young of age]∶年纪轻

  • 青春年少

  • (2) [teenager]∶指年轻男子

  • 翩翩年少

  • 五陵年少争缠头。--唐. 白居易《琵琶行(并序)》

年少[nián shào]
  1. 青春没有驿站,年少的我们为梦想而奔跑。

    Youth do not have a courier station , young of age we run to dream .

  2. 他情深意切地谈论着往昔和他的年少时光。

    He talked romantically of the past and his youth .

  3. 之前年少时对理想抱负怀有的一腔热情很快便被现实浇灭。

    The early ambitions of youthful enthusiasm soon become tempered with realism .

  4. 年少时,他是个狂热的爱国者。

    As a boy he was a fanatical patriot .

  5. 从她年少时候到现在,格兰德酒店似乎一直就没有变过。

    The Grand Hotel did not seem to have changed since her salad days .

  6. 做这项工作,他还有点年少。

    He is too young to do the work .

  7. 我好羡慕那个青春年少的我,无忧无虑,无牵无挂,无烦无恼。

    I envied that young my youth , carefree , unencumbered , non-trouble-free brain .

  8. 不过SusanHuang表示,年少有为的关天朗仍是个罕见的例子。

    But the young Guan remains unusual , according to Ms Huang .

  9. 10岁的格雷斯摩根(GraceMorgan)是一位年少的时尚追随者,极力追赶最新的服饰风尚。

    At 10 , Grace Morgan is a young fashionista and takes pains to dress in the latest styles .

  10. 这个职员隔着个小柜台站在一个年少的白人男孩对面。男孩子穿着V字领的套头衫,卡其布裤子和平底便鞋。

    This officer was standing across a small counter from a young white boy who was wearing a V-necked sweater , khakis , and loafers .

  11. 2009年,姚明收购了自己年少时效力的CBA俱乐部上海大鲨鱼队。

    In 2009 , Yao bought the Shanghai Sharks , the CBA club where he played as a teenager .

  12. 如果你猜不出的话,可以告诉你这首歌叫“年少相遇,永不分离(WeAreLivingWhileWe’reYoungandWillNeverEverEverTimMcGraw)”。就叫这个名字。

    In case you are wondering , it 's called " We Are Living While We 're Young and Will Never Ever Ever Tim McGraw . " It 's a working title .

  13. 特洛伊·希文的第一张专辑“BlueNeighborhood”(忧郁年少)在美国获得了金唱片奖,而且他在Youtube视频网上有400多万名粉丝。

    Troye Sivan 's first album , " Blue Neighborhood , " earned gold certification in the U. S. -- and with more than 4 million YouTube subscribers .

  14. 在《年少轻狂》(DazedandConfused)里,她饰演美国中心区域的青少年,在《甜心先生》(JerryMaguire)里,她又迷人又可亲。

    In " Dazed and Confused , " as a heartland teenager , and in " Jerry Maguire , " she was winning and approachable .

  15. 全球社交媒体影响研究调查了欧盟的八个国家中16-18岁的Facebook用户,发现随着父母和年长用户渗透到Facebook,年少的用户们纷纷转向其他社交平台。

    Researching the Facebook use of 16-18 year olds in eight EU countries , the Global Social Media Impact Study found that as parents and older users saturate Facebook , its younger users are shifting to alternative platforms .

  16. 这些穷学生中的大部分人尚且年少就辍学了。MAD相信,通过教授他们沟通技巧和电脑技术能帮助更多的孩子留在学校,让他们汲取更多知识。

    Most of these kids end up dropping out of school at a young age , and MAD believes that by giving them communication and computer skills , it can help more kids stay in school and achieve more .

  17. 生长于斯的妻子告诉我,kamoriver干流沿岸的步行道已打扫干净,因此她年少时迁离此地的白鸟,都终于飞了回来。

    The walkways along the central Kamo River have been cleaned so that , my kyoto-born wife tells me , the white birds that fled in her youth have finally returned .

  18. 官方通讯社新华社报道称,博物馆将于下周一对公众开放。馆内展示的照片追忆了他在布鲁克林度过的年少时光、在NBA的职业生涯以及在中国的新生活。

    The museum , which displays photos of Mr. Marbury tracing his younger years in Brooklyn , his N.B.A. career and his new life in China , will open to the public next Monday , the state news agency Xinhua reported .

  19. 这些各不相同的胡子是设计师弗朗西丝·汉农(FrancesHannon)设计的,在安德森的多部电影中(比如《青春年少》[Rushmore]和《水中生活》[TheLifeAquaticWithSteveZissou]),她都为比尔·默里(BillMurray)设计了面部毛发。

    The various mustaches were conceived by the designer Frances Hannon , who has built a number of facial hair styles for Bill Murray in Anderson films ( " Rushmore , " " The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou " ) .

  20. 他注册了一家名为'FashionNGlamourStudios'的摄影公司。还准备写本书,名叫《年少轻狂:我如何赚到和花掉250万美元》,计划在今年年底发售。

    He oversees a photography company called ' Fashion N Glamour Studios ' and a book called ' Young and Stupid : How I Made And Lost $ 2.5million ' is also in the pipeline , with a release date scheduled for the end of this year .

  21. 不过纸厂的老板之一乔曼·纳蒙(JormaNieminen)是收音机发烧友,年少时痴迷于收音机,后来成为了芬兰手机业的“创始人”,纸厂的潜力大概源于此处。

    Its pre-eminence derived partly from one of its hobbyist bosses , Jorma Nieminen , the " father " of the Finnish mobile phone industry , extending his boyhood interest in radios .

  22. 青春年少是织网捕梦的年代。

    Youth is an age for knitting the net of dreams .

  23. 我们虽仍年少但却如此深爱

    We are still kids , but we 're so in love

  24. 季子正年少匹马黑貂裘&中国工商银行信贷管理部总经理魏国雄侧记

    Wei Guoxiong : General Manager of ICBC Credit Management Department

  25. 除了我四个年少的孩子,我失去了一切。

    I 'd lost everything except my four teenage children .

  26. 那些年少就吸烟的女烟民也同时具有患病的高风险。

    Those who started smoking as teenagers were also at high risk .

  27. 千万不要失去年少时的理想哦。

    Do not lose your youthful idealism for the world .

  28. 这是错觉吗?它叫什么?年少的单纯?

    What is this illusion called the innocence of youth ?

  29. 一批十几岁的青少年对年少时理想的哀悼。

    A teen-age set an elegiac lament for youthful ideals .

  30. 看人看年少,看天看破晓

    " Childhood shows the man , as morning shows the day "