
  • 网络Young Queen;The Girl King
  1. 她的加冕仪式经过了精心的设计,竭力将这位年轻的女王打造成美德的典范。

    The celebrations at her coronation were carefully designed to show off the young queen as the paragon of virtue .

  2. 而现在当他们向东看,他们会看到这个年轻的女王远处闪亮的身影,这个枷锁的破碎者。

    And now when they look east , they see this young queen shining from afar , this breaker of chains .

  3. 我并非最年轻的民选女王。

    I wasn 't the youngest queen ever elected .

  4. 这是年轻的伊丽莎白女王。

    There is a young Queen Elizabeth .

  5. 自战争年代时期至今一个世纪,年轻的伊莎贝尔女王是一种希望与现代的象征。

    For a country emerging from wartime austerity , the young Elizabeth was a figure of hope and modernity .

  6. 1999年,马丁查特里斯去世之前,她曾特意看望过他(见图)&马丁曾担任她的私人秘书助理,后来又成为正式私人秘书,为年轻时的女王立下过汗马功劳。

    For instance , she paid a private visit to Martin Charteris ( above ) – who served her for many years as her Assistant Private Secretary and then Private Secretary , and did so much for her as a young monarch – shortly before his death in 1999 .

  7. 1999年,马丁查特里斯去世之前,她曾特意看望过他——马丁曾担任她的私人秘书助理,后来又成为正式私人秘书,为年轻时的女王立下过汗马功劳。

    For instance , she paid a private visit to Martin Charteris ( above ) - who served her for many years as her Assistant Private Secretary and then Private Secretary , and did so much for her as a young monarch - shortly before his death in 1999 .