
  • 网络Young American
  1. 英国卫兵搜他的衣服时,那个年轻的美国人静静地站着。

    The young American stood quietly while the British guards searched his clothes .

  2. 这位年轻的美国人对自己在中国的生活很满意,更重要的是,他在这有一个自己的家庭。

    The young American is happy with his life in China and , more importantly , he has a family here .

  3. 如今一些年轻的美国人正走在这一进程的前列,其中包括1.61、Telfar和洛杉矶的69Worldwide的设计师们,他们展示为两性设计的同款服饰,和时代产生清晰的共鸣。

    And now a handful of younger Americans - among them the designers of 1.61 , Telfar and 69 Worldwide in Los Angeles - are advancing the cause , showing identical pieces aimed at both sexes , and striking a chord that is clearly in tune with the times .

  4. 他是一个年轻的美国人,政治觉悟不很高。

    He is a young American of slight political development .

  5. 她任用了几名年轻的美国人作她的顾问。

    She has installed a couple of young Americans as her advisers .

  6. 年轻的美国人将要作为世界和平的公仆为自由事业服务。

    Young Americans will serve the cause of freedom as servants of peace around the world .

  7. 这个年轻的美国人镇静地站着。

    The young American stood quietly .

  8. 在一战和二战中,前往海外作战的年轻的美国人最常做的是什么事?

    What was the upside for young Americans sent overseas in World Wars I and II ?

  9. 许多较年轻的美国人从来没有买过通用汽车,也不会想买。

    Many younger Americans have never bought a GM car and would not think of doing so .

  10. 努力提高工人的政治觉悟他是一个年轻的美国人,政治觉悟不很高。

    Trying to make the workers more politically conscious He is a young American of slight political development .

  11. 弗雷德里克?亨利中尉是一个年轻的美国人,在意大利战场上随同一个意大利流动医疗组工作。

    Lieutenant Frederic Henry was a young American attached to an Italian ambulance unit on the Italian front .

  12. 我感到很幸运能和父母住在一起,并不是每个年轻的美国人都有这种机会的。

    I am thankful for having the opportunity to live with my parents , which not every young American has .

  13. 哪位年轻的美国人会让我们肃然起敬?是在路上拄拐棍的体操少女克里·斯特鲁格,

    Which young American will leave us awestruck , the way a teenager named Kerri Strug did when she stuck that landing ,

  14. 伊朗国家电视台称,两个年轻的美国人因间谍罪和非法入境被判入狱8年。

    Iranian state television says two young Americans have been sentenced to eight years in prison for espionage and illegally entering the country .

  15. 华盛顿表示,其法律旨在防止年轻的美国人患上小儿科疾病,以及癌症、心脏病和其他健康问题。

    Washington says its laws aim to prevent pediatric disease in young Americans , as well as cancer , heart disease and other health problems .

  16. 有时候我看到年轻的美国人在遇到困难时就放弃了,我总是建议他们一次又一次地尝试。

    Sometimes I watch young Americans quit when things are difficult , and I always advise them to try again .... and again .... and again .

  17. 还有约克敦和萨拉托加的英雄们,这些年轻的美国人在诺曼底海滩和更大的战场上抛头颅洒热血。

    Memorials to the heroes of Yorktown and Saratoga , to young Americans who shed their blood on the shores of Normandy and the fields beyond .

  18. 如果一个年轻的美国人想要读书,他更可能会买一本平装书,阅读完以后会随手扔掉。

    If a young American reads at all , he is far more likely to purchase a paperback that may be flipped through and then thrown away .

  19. 很多年轻的美国人不和自己的家人住在一起,而是住在和自己年龄相仿的人聚集的公寓区或住宅区。

    Many young Americans do not live with their families , but in apartment blocks or residential areas where everyone is more or less of the same age .

  20. 根据美国教育协会2001年的读书调查显示,年轻的美国人认为读书很重要,并且比电脑和科学还重要。

    According to a survey on reading conducted in 2001 by the U.S. National Education Association ( NEA ) , young Americans say reading is important , more important than computers and science .

  21. 许多年轻的美国人都认同这种看法,他们说,他们根本就不关心奥巴马参议员的肤色,他们投票时考虑的是谁是最佳候选人。

    Many younger Americans agree , saying they do not view Senator Obama in terms of a color at all , but cast their votes on the basis of who is the best candidate .

  22. 大多数年轻富有的美国人认为把财产传给后代很重要。

    Most young , wealthy Americans believe it 's important to pass money on to their heirs .

  23. 是否会有大批年轻健康的美国人报名还有待观察。

    And it remains to be seen whether large numbers of younger , healthier Americans will sign up for coverage .

  24. 作为年轻的非裔美国人,你们比一些人更早接触到了这个现实世界。

    As young African Americans , you ’ ve been exposed , earlier than some , to the world as it is .

  25. 结果可能就是一个年轻的非洲裔美国人在佛罗里达州被枪击,

    The result may be a young African-American gunned down in Florida ,

  26. 对年轻的非裔美国人来说,他们的声音将作为文化记录保存下来。

    Their voices will serve as a cultural record for young African Americans .

  27. 同时,当我们为每一个年轻和健康的美国人提供保险的同时,这便能够分散保险公司所承担的风险,进而减少每一个人的成本。

    And as we insure every young and healthy American , it will spread out risk for insurance companies , further reducing costs for everyone .

  28. 报告中还说“随着美国的人口老化和受过高等教育的工作人群的退休,整个国家需要靠年轻一代的美国人来提高我们在世界上的地位。”

    The report said ," As America 's aging and highly educated work force moves into retirement , the nation will rely on young Americans to increase our standing in the world . "