
  • 网络general theory of value
  1. 评广义价值论和联合劳动价值论

    Reviews on the Extended Theory of Value and the Combined Labor Theory of Value

  2. 价值理论的新进展&广义价值论是对传统价值论的发展和改造。

    The new evolution of value theory , i.e.the broad sense value theory is the development and change of the traditional value theory .

  3. 广义价值论将分工与交换内生于价值决定过程中,使商品价值决定超出了部门内部,还涉及到了部门之间的关系。

    It makes the commodity value decide and surpass the relation among the department insides themselves , as well as touch up the relation among the department and department .

  4. 将广义价值论的局部均衡分析发展为一般均衡分析,并简要概括了一般均衡分析的产生和发展过程。

    This paper developed the partial equilibrium analysis of generalized value theory into a general one , and briefly summarized the origin and development of the general equilibrium analysis .

  5. 在马克思劳动价值论的基础上,我们分析了技术要素与劳动价值论的关系,提出了劳动广义价值论&包括企业价值论的价值论,研究了技术价值论。

    Based on Marxism Laboring Axiology , we analyze the relation between factor technology and Laboring Axiology and put forward our Laboring Axiology ( broad sense ) that includes enterprise Axiology . Then we research technology Axiology .

  6. 劳动价值新论&广义劳动价值论

    A new generalized perspective of Labor Value Theory

  7. 这种广义劳动价值论不仅能用来研究人们的物质生产劳动和商品交换行为,而且能用来研究人们的一切劳动、一切行为和一切社会关系,这将使劳动价值论的研究达到新的广度和深度。

    This labor value in broad sense can not only study people 's material producing and commercial exchanging behavior , but also study all work behavior and social relationship . Thus the scope of labor value study has been widened and deepened .

  8. 广义价值是从系统论角度出发定义的。

    Thus values in the broad sense are of g.