
  • 网络Advertising Positioning;Ad Positioning
  1. 广告定位理论是西方七十年代后,对广告策略最具划时代意义的理论。广告效果不好的原因与广告定位的失当有很大关系。

    Since the 1970 's , advertising positioning has been an epoch-making theory concerning advertising strategy in western countries . Effects have much to do with the advertising positioning .

  2. 随着在广告定位经验的增加和Facebook用户的增加,Facebook可以为整合Connect的商家提供独特的营销机会。

    With its growing experience in ad targeting and more users moving to Facebook messages , Facebook can create unique marketing opportunities for merchants that integrate Connect .

  3. 本文综述了OTC药品市场的特点,现状及发展趋势;研究了OTC药品广告定位的理论基础,并分析了我国OTC市场的竞争状况,得出了OTC药品广告定位的消费者导向原则;

    This thesis explicates the features , current situation , and developmental tendency of OTC market , researches the theoretical foundation of OTC market 's advertising direction , analyses the competitive situation of the market , and obtains the consumer-oriented principles of OTC market .

  4. 准确的广告定位是成功广告的重要环节。

    Advertisement orientation is a very important link in advertisement activity .

  5. 品牌名称是影响广告定位的重要因素。

    The name of brand is the important positioning-influencing factor .

  6. 同时也分析保健食品广告定位给产品销售带来的潜在危险。

    The potential risk of advertisement orientation to product selling was analyzed as well .

  7. 这个广告定位于那些握着啤酒就会感到身心放松的人。

    This one targets those who feel emotional comfort from physically holding a beer .

  8. 受众心理与广告定位策略

    Audience Psychology And Advertisement Location Strategy

  9. 其定位包括读者定位、广告定位、发行定位三个基本层面;

    Its orientation includes three basic levels including orientations of readers , ads , and distributions .

  10. 论商业广告定位的心理策略

    On Psychological Tactics of Commercial Advertisements

  11. 影响品牌广告定位的几个基本因素

    Influential Factors of Brand Advertisement Positioning

  12. 保健食品广告定位策略分析

    Advertisement Orientation Strategy for Healthy Foods

  13. 商业广告定位的心理策略包括两方面:(1)认知心理策略:包括树立第一、跟随第一和非可乐型的定位策略。

    The psychological tactics of commercial advertisement orientation includes two aspects . First , cognitive tactics : i.

  14. 深刻认识影响品牌广告定位因素的重要性,是做好品牌广告定位的有力保障。

    Deeply recognizing the importance of the influential factors is the powerful guarantee for brand advertisement positioning .

  15. 品牌形象的广告定位

    Advertisement Location of Brand Image

  16. 文章从文化的视角分析探讨广告定位,阐述其现实意义。

    This article is aimed at discussing the advertisement positioning from the viewpoint of culture to elaborate its realistic meanings .

  17. 第二章:运用广告定位理论和广告诉求理论对广告语言进行分类。

    Chapter 2 : Making use of theories and advertisement of the advertisement fixed position claims theories to carry on a classification to the advertisement language .

  18. 企业发展壮大,离不开品牌广告定位,品牌广告定位是否准确取决于市场(地点)、产品、价格、推广四大因素的影响。

    The development and expansion of business enterprises need brand advertisement positioning . The accuracy of its poisoning depends on its market location , product , price and promotion .

  19. 所有政府后,沉寂了谷歌和他人的行为广告定位技术,谷歌和雅虎已彻底扭转,并提供一种简单的方法退出广告定位。

    After the all government hush over Google and others'behavioural ad targeting techniques , Google and Yahoo have turned around completely and provided an easy way to opt out of ad targeting .

  20. 城市户外广告选址定位信息系统的构建

    Construction of Urban Outdoor Advertisement Site-selecting and Positioning Information System

  21. 对广告色彩定位的探讨

    Discussion on the fixed position of the advertisement colors

  22. 论广告的定位策略

    On the strategy of advertising positioning

  23. 本文以旅游城市户外广告形象定位设计研究作为研究主题,以承德市户外广告为例。

    The paper takes study on image design of tourism city outdoor advertisement as theme and takes Chengde city as an example .

  24. 对于汽车本身以及汽车广告的定位和诉求,在国内外有质的不同。

    There is a qualitatively different at home and abroad in the location and demands of car ads and the car itself .

  25. 沿海地方高校广告专业的定位

    The Positioning for Advertisement Specialty of Local Colleges in Coastal Area

  26. 新闻视频中广告片段精确定位方法研究

    Study on Precise Commercial Segments Location in News Video

  27. 广告创意的定位策略

    On the Positioning Strategy of the Advertisement Creation

  28. 体育广告的目标定位及市场策略

    Goal Orientation and Market Policy of Sports Advertising

  29. 论体育广告的文化定位

    Research on Culture 's Orientation of Sports Advertisement

  30. 有些广告网络提供定位广告或垂直广告,以使广告投放更精准。

    Some networks offer certain targeting or verticalized capabilities that allow more refined advertising reach .