
  • 网络Advertisement Management;advertising management;Ad Management;Manage ads
  1. 使用ASP和ACCESS2000,采用B/S模式开发了一个网络广告管理系统,能简化网站的广告管理,降低成本,安全可靠。

    Using ASP and ACCESS 2000 , we adopts B / S mode to develop a network advertisement management system , which can simplify websites management , lower costs , and it is safe and reliable .

  2. 报业广告管理系统的设计与关键技术

    The Design of Software system for Press Advertisement Management

  3. 采用的是新云内核,有强大的广告管理功能,共有20几个广告位,调用的是JS代码!

    Used in the new cloud core , has a powerful ad management features , a total of20-bit a few ads , call the JS code !

  4. 需求方平台为广告商或代理商提供广告管理功能,收集受众的行为信息,并通过受众的各种倾向进行有针对性的广告投放,它也是本文RTB广告平台实现的重点。

    DSP provides advertising management capabilities for advertisers or agencies , and collects behavioral information of the audience . At the same time , it targets at advertising through various kinds of tendency , so it is the focus of the implementation of the RTB platform .

  5. 负责交互式广告管理系统-前期动态页面的开发。

    Develop front dynamic pages for management of interactive AD system .

  6. 透视我国户外广告管理的两大症结

    Pierce the Tow Stiching Points through Management of Chinese Outdoor Ads

  7. 国外许多国家在药品广告管理方面的经验值得我们借鉴。

    We can draw lessons from Occident experiences to administer pharmaceutical advertisements .

  8. 大众媒体药品广告管理现状分析及整治措施

    Status Quo and Coping Measures on Management of Mass Media Drug Advertisements

  9. 外资银行广告管理的优势

    Advantages of Advertising Management of Foreign Capital Banks

  10. 我国城市经营型户外广告管理法规研究

    A Study on Law of the Management of Urban Commercial Outdoor Advertisement in China

  11. 市场学讲座第五讲广告管理

    Marketing ( 5 ) Management of Advertisement

  12. 探求广告管理的新途径

    Pursue the new channel of advertising management

  13. 基于三层C/S模式的电视台广告管理系统设计

    The Design of Television station advertisement Management System base three layers C / S mode

  14. 中国广告管理的四个问题

    Four Problems Of Chinese Ads Supervision

  15. 为此本文研究了一套适合本广播影视集团的广告管理系统,将对提高广告的管理水平具有十分重要的意义。

    Therefore , we have prepared a set of advertising management system suited for our radio and television group .

  16. 随着医疗广告管理的逐步规范化,硬广告越来越难适应医疗市场的发展。

    Dominant-advertisement had difficulty in accommodating to the development of medical market with the standard management of medical advertisement .

  17. 具有一般广告管理系统所不具备的统计、分析、变更等功能。

    It also has the functions of statistics , analysis and modification , which ordinary ad systems can not provide .

  18. 日本的广告管理主要是由自律与他律构成的,主要有三个层次,一是行业自律控制,二是行政指导,三是法律法规调整。

    Japanese advertisement management relies on self-discipline and external discipline that includes three levels : industrial self-discipline control , administrative guiding and legal regulation .

  19. 一九八二年二月六日国务院发布的《广告管理暂行条例》同时废止。

    The Interim Regulations on Control of Advertisement promulgated by the State Council on February 6 , 1982 shall be abrogated as of the same date .

  20. 由于处方药和非处方药在药品安全性和使用方面的差异,二者的广告管理也不相同。

    Because the difference between prescription drugs and nonprescription drugs in security and how it being used , there is a difference in the management of them .

  21. 近年来,国家出于粮食安全的需要,通过税制调整和广告管理对白酒的生产和消费进行限制,催生了保健酒的成长空间。

    Recent years , our government is limiting the development of distilled spirit by adjusted tax system and advertisement management , which provide expend opportunity for tonic wine .

  22. 通过论述有效的广告管理的关键在于正确评估广告效果,本文提出了建立科学的广告效果评估体系的必要性。

    By expounding that correct evaluation of advertising effects is crucial for effective advertising management , this thesis puts forward the necessity of establishing a scientific system to evaluate advertising effects .

  23. 市场管理:主要负责市场调研、营销策划和广告管理等工作。销售管理:主要负责产品的销售、行业一线信息及客户反馈意见的收集。

    The market management : mainly responsible for market research , marketing and advertising management etc. Sales management : mainly responsible for the product sales , industry first information and customer feedback collection .

  24. 但是,还是存在精品节目缺乏,频道包装水平不高,广告管理混乱,产业化水平低等问题。

    It still faces the problem of the lack of top-class program , the low packing level of the channel , the mess management of the ads and the low level of the production .

  25. 第一条为了加强广告管理,推动广告事业的发展,有效地利用广告媒介为社会主义建设服务,制定本条例。

    Article 1 . These Regulations are formulated for the purpose of strengthening the administration of advertisement , promoting the development of advertisement undertakings and utilizing advertisement as an effective medium to serve socialist construction .

  26. 广告管理的一个重要内容就是确定最佳的广告预算和最佳的执行计划,并按照此计划实施和控制企业的广告促销活动。

    It is the main purpose on advertising management for an enterprise to determine suitable advertising budget plan , to put it in practice , and then to control the activities about sales promotion in markets according to the plan .

  27. 广播全台网广告管理子系统,完成对广告的编排管理工作,包括广告合同的录入,广告文件的预听,查询,修改,广告播出编排等,主要用于全台制播网络中的广告管理业务。

    Advertising Management Subsystem of The Radio Broadcasting Network , is scheduled to complete ad management , including advertising contract entry , advertising pre-hearing document , query , modify and broadcast design . So advertising is mainly used in broadcast network to produce advertising business .

  28. 广告标准管理局控告房地产代理商使用无耻的谎言。

    The Advertising Standards Authority accused estate agents of using blatant untruths

  29. DirectShow技术在广告监测管理系统中的应用

    Application of DirectShow Technique in Advertisements Monitor and Management System

  30. 所涵盖的服务器许可证,但增量的TSCAL需要,类似的广告权利管理服务。

    Covered by server license , but incremental TS CALs required , similar to AD Rights Management Services .